Cosplay Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 375 members

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I need AZ Uber trekers help
ok at one of the AZ D-backs latest games some dude Dressed up as Cewy from Star wars and he had a Flordia Marlens jersy on over the Cewy costume This screams ONE UP ME i have an Idea But if i myself where to put it in action my Family would Disown me in a heartbeat but here is the Plan a cuple of trekers go to a D-backs game Dressed (full makeup and all) as Klingons and over the Klingon Costume they have D-backs Jurseys on like i said i would do it my self But i would Lose Everything i hold dear right now so I need outside help

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I love creating costumes (I usually get someone else to sew them, but love coming up with the ideas) and wearing them at cons. I have a Klingon Jester, Ob Hayve (Austin powers, Jedi Knight), several Trek costumes, and a few others. I like to come up with a twist on something more common. We have an idea for a costume for this year that might be a little diffucult. H.R. Hufflepufnstuff. Yep, when the good mayor was at Hogwarts. LOL Who else likes to do interesting and unusual costumes?

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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A group for those interested in dressing up as characters from sci-fi, fantasy, and other genres.
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(BETA - In Development)
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