Sci Fi Singles Dating
"Dating Out Of This World"
Sci Fi Singles Dating is a dating site for Sci Fi Singles who are looking for someone special who also loves science fiction.

Fandom Dating: Trekker
Join Trekker Fandom Dating and Find a Perfect Date!
It's time to go where no one has gone before with Trekker Fandom-Dating! Meet people who share your love of fandom and are proud of it - and date!

Sci Fi Dating Connexion
Meet Sci Fi Singles! Sign Up and Find Love Tonight!
If you love everything there is to science fiction; whether it is movies, books, or comic conventions, and you have seen all the Star Wars movies, watched all the Star Trek series, and played many sci fi video games, Sci Fi Dating Connexion should be a great site for you!

Trekkie Chat
Trekkies Of The World, Unite! Join & Chat With Amazing Fans Of Star Trek!
If you have a passion for the Star Trek series and everything that has to do with it, then become a part of this amazing trekkie community at Trekkie Chat.

Trekkie Dating
Find like-minded friends, romance, & convention dates with other Trekkies TODAY!
Share your love of Star Trek, as well as your other passions, with other singles near you!

Date A Trekkie
Date A Trekkie | Meet Trekkie Fanboys and Fangirls
If you loved the show, the film adaptation, or just the universe of Star Trek, then get on your cam and meet someone who shares the same passion as you.

Sci Fi Dating
"Sci Fi Fans, it's time to date!"
Looking for a date with a real sci fi fan? Well then, make it so!

"Discover Rebel Singles Today!"
"Rebel Singles is here to connect you with like-minded people that love sci-fi and want you to know that they are ready to rise up against injustice and oppression!"
*Sites listed on this page are a combination of ads, affiliate related Sites and general non-partnership related sites that match the theme of Trek Passions.