I’ve been a reader and subscriber of the two big pulp monthlies since the early 80s.
I’m watching 2001 right now.
I like TNG but it doesn’t have the amazing camp appeal of TOS.
I really loved fringe.
The Three Body Problem video series kinda disappointed me and I wanted to love it so bad.
Leofosh, 58
1 month agoOakland, CA, USA
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Dad, friend, cook, neurodivergent, motorcycle guy
About Me
180 lbs
Hobbies & Interests
Cooking & recipes, Larp, Movies, Music, Reading, Science
Body Type
Classics, Westerns, Sci-fi, Psychological thrillers, Indie, Horror, Comedy, Animation, Action, Black & white films
Eye Color
Hair Color
Dark brown
Have Kids
Education Level
Bachelor's Degree
Executive / Management
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Do you smoke?
No - will not date a smoker
Do you drink?
Only blood
I currently live
With kids
Socially, I am
Shy at first, but warm up quickly
Political Views
Food Related
Nerd, Liberal, Introvert, Geek, Artistic
Beard, Designer, Rocket scientist
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I'm looking for
Dating, Fun, Miss right, Miss right now, Relationship, Romance, Soulmate, The yin to my yang
My Sign
Sagittarius : nov. 22-dec. 21
Alternative Rock, Bluegrass, Jazz, Classical, Funk, Hardcore, Hip Hop, Dance, Indie, Trance, Ska, Punk, Progressive Rock, Motown, House
Hair Style
Buzz cut
Fitness & Sports
Health Related
Western medicine
My Preferred Pronouns
Social Justice
Black Lives Matter Advocate, Climate Change Believer, Feminist Movement Advocate, LGBTQ Issues Advocate, Me Too Movement Advocate, Pro-Choice Advocate, Union Advocate, Vaccination Advocate
Love Language
Quality Time, Physical Touch
Highly Sensitive Type
Sensory Defensive
High Sensation Seeker
Experience Seeking
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543 membersA group for fans of the classic sci-fi TV series and its related media.
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