Dr. Who Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 1257 members

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Dr who and clara
Hello all, since I am not current with my dr who would anybody care to explain who clara is?

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Daughter Who?
Now you may notice from my postings that i have a tendancy to run with rumors but even I have a tough time swallowing this one. but I wanted to see who thought it might be possible and who thinks it is a flight of Fancy. They are going to introduce the Doctors Daughter. This Test tube baby, grown from a sample of Doctor #5 DNA will Be played by Georgia Moffat, the real life daghter of Peter Davison (DR#5). Now BBC has comfirmed that Moffat is one of many guest stars in series four but said nothing of the Charactor she will play. There are also rumors that Moffat may be a companion in the '09 specials or even series 5 due out in 2010. Will see

Will someone shut that man up
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Season 4 and Sarah Jane Adventures coming to Sci Fi in April
Gee, thats pretty much it. here is a link to show this wasn't just a Fevered dream[url](removed)]

Will someone shut that man up
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Favorite stories old and new
Just checking to see what people like here. My top 10 favorite stories are:

10) Vengeance on Varos - Colin Baker
9) The Five Doctors - Peter Davison
8) Pyramid of Mars - Tom Baker
7) Blink - David Tennant
6) Father's Day - Christopher Eccleston
5) The Tomb of the Cybermen - Patrick Troughton
4) The Impossible Planet/ Satan Pit - David Tennant
3) The Terror of the Autons - Jon Pertwee
2) The Caves of Androzani - Peter Davison
1) Genesis of the Daleks - Tom Baker

There are so many more that I love and have forgotten to put down. Let me know your favorites!

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Sarah Jane Adventures
Just caught the pilot and first Eppisodes of this "Kids show" and i like it
Sarah Jane's new teenage neighbor, Maria, stumbles upon Her "Hobby"
Using her contacts as a reporter, Sarah Janes is basicly doing a private Torchwood with less Killing. So, now Maria, Her friend Clyde and Sarah Jane's Adopted Son , Luke, Help out. Oh, Did I mention Luke is a highly intelagent, alien grrown, human created to test mind control soda on.
Any body ewlse see it?
any one want to hear more?

Will someone shut that man up
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The Master is back!
OMG I just saw the Dr. Who on Sci-fi and the Master is back. I thought the Master was out of regenerations.

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Russel T Davis is a genius
We have all seen TV series turned into cottage industry showing 3 or more
versions of the same show airing at the same time (Law and Order, CSI...)
but they are basicly all aimed for the same audience.
But RTD has managed to take a 40 year old concept and created 3 shows all aimed at DIFFERENT audience age groups.

I've been a fan of the Doctor since it came to the U S back in the 70's and love the new series too. I can see where Where the new series aimes accross the board of ages while Torchwood has a bit more mature target.
I just Caught the Premiere of Sarah Jane Adventure on the net and while
it was still entertaining it was obviously geared to kids and young adults.

so, 3 show, same concept, 3 seperate audiances all done well.
I'm just worried that SJA may not get picked up here in the U S, and the the first regular eppisode which will premiere monday borrows too much from previus DW shows.
Maybe Nikelodian will pick it up

Will someone shut that man up
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Which Doctor are you ?
this is fun![url](removed)]
While I admit I wanted to to be Tom Baker I expected to be Patrick Troughton.
Turns out though, I'm a real Mcoy :P

Will someone shut that man up
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was the time war a sham
I didn't Question the "reality"* of the time war till i saw this video. check it out yourself and chime in

Will someone shut that man up
* reality within the Who universe

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the future of Doctor Who
the latest from DoctorWhoNews.com
[quote:5b21e18e9f]Following media speculation, the BBC have confirmed future plans for Doctor Who in a press release today.

After the fourth series airs in 2008, David Tennant will continue in the role of the Doctor for a Christmas special at the end of 2008. After that, instead of a full series beginning filming, the production team, with Tennant still in the role, will be working on three Doctor Who specials, written by Russell T Davies, to be shown on BBC1 throughout the year of 2009. A fifth full series is scheduled for 2010, though as BBC News point out, casting is unconfirmed for that far ahead.

Media speculation was sparked by reports that Tennant had been cast in the title role of Hamlet, in a production for the Royal Shakespeare Company from July to November 2008. This would have conflicted with filming a fifth series for airing in the spring of 2009. The RSC 2008 Flyer and BBC News are confirming Tennant's role in the play.

Rumors over the past several months have suggested that the show would be going on a sort of 'temporary hiatus' after the fourth series, though the BBC has emphasized the series' return for a full fifth year. It is not known whether Davies will continue in the helm of the series when it does return on a weekly basis, however.

The press release included the following quotes:
Jane Tranter, Controller, BBC Fiction, says: "Doctor Who is one of the BBC's best loved and most successful dramas. Its journey over the past three series has been one of the most ambitious and exciting that we have had, and I'm delighted to be able to confirm not only three exciting specials for 2009, but a fifth series in 2010."

Menna Richards, Controller, BBC Wales, says: "The success of Doctor Who is a fantastic tribute to the dedication and expertise of the production team at BBC Wales who have worked on the project from the outset. This announcement is marvellous news for all involved, and more importantly for the programme's amazing fan base and audience. BBC Wales is looking forward to producing the fifth series."

Well, I hope those speacial make it to the US

Will someone shut that man up
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Dr who and clara
Hello all, since I am not current with my dr who would anybody care to expl...
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Daughter Who?
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Season 4 and Sarah Jane Adventures coming to Sci Fi in April
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Favorite stories old and new
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Sarah Jane Adventures
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The Master is back!
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Russel T Davis is a genius
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Which Doctor are you ?
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