Star Wars Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 1697 members

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Remaking the Original Trilogy?
I've heard rumors that George has wanted to do this for awhile. And I know you can't believe most of what you hear but it doesn't sound that far fetched considering he keeps going back to those movies and making improvements. He seems to never be satisfied that they are completely done. And though most die hard fans would be against that, I think it's a great idea. The new ones don't really jive with the old ones on many plot points. And the technology seems to get worse as time goes on lol. After seeing revenge of the sith wouldn't you like to see a more dramatic reunion between vader and obi wan? I know I would. And bigger, better light saber duels is always a plus.

Besides it's not as if we wouldn't have our original favorites anymore. They would always be there on VHS for us to love and cherish and go back to. And how could more star wars movies be a bad thing? It can't. I'm not choosy with my star wars. I'll look forward to anything new that is coming our way. (like clone wars...whoo!) Idk, what does everyone else think?

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I Get To Meet Irvin Kershner!!!!
I am so pumped! They announced today that Irvin Kershner will be at Adventurcon in Knoxville in two weeks!!! Surprisingly, this is his only US appearance this year. Evidently, he is not going to be at Celebration next week. Since I couldn't go to the latter, I am thrilled he will be at ADventurecon. I can't wait to talk to him about directing The Empire Strikes Back.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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"History of Star Wars" Documentary
I just saw an advert on the History Channel for a documentary called "Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed" due to air [b:8fad23ae6f]Memorial Day at 9:00 p.m. (Eastern). I couldn't find anything on the History Channel web site about it yet, didn't see anything about it on (removed), the Wookiepedia, nor (removed).

The short trailer for it inter-cut Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader's light saber battle with a martial arts sword fight, so I can probably assume that this documentary will be about the historical inspirations for various aspects of Star Wars.
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Darth Who?
Well the Publishers of the Star Wars novels is about to have Jacen turn to the Dark side. they are asking for help picking his Dark Lord of the Sith name. Any Ideas?

Will someone shut that man up
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Celebration IV
Anyone plan on going to Celebration IV next year. I'm planing on going. Going to pick up my tickets in January.

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Lucas: 3-D Clone Wars Due
Star Wars creator George Lucas told the Associated Press that he's making a 3-D computer-animated version of his hit animated Clone Wars TV series, which could air as early as next year, although he hasn't sold the show to a network yet.

The series would be set during the time when the Republic is fighting a civil war against separatists led by Count Dooku.

"It basically has all the main characters," such as Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Lucas told the AP. But the stars who played them in the movies won't voice them for the TV show. "There's nobody famous," Lucas said.

The show is planned as a continuation of the Emmy-winning 2-D animated Clone Wars, which aired in 25 episodes on Cartoon Network from 2003 to 2005.


This could be cool. I liked the animated Clone Wars a great deal.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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For SW Fanatical Costumers
If you are into cosplay (i.e. making costumes based on TV and movie characters) and want to do Star Wars costumes, Sci Fi Weekly at has anice article/link to a website you MUST look at:


a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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New Star Wars Comic Book
So who is reading the new Star Wars: Legacy comci from Dark Horse Comics? I picked up a freebie preview of this at Dragon Con and it sounds interesting. Any thoughts on this one folks?

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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Star Wars New 3D Technology
I don't know if anyone else has heard this I learned about it a year ago apparently there is a great new 3D technology introduced that has a load of directors such as Lucas, Peter Jackson, Cameron all really excited its mean't to be the best 3D they have ever experienced ....miles better than the old stuff we were used to. Jackson liked it so much he got the equipment needed fitted into his own house And now Lucas is planning on releasing all the Star Wars films in 3D apparently we'll see the first one sometime in 2007

Can you imagine a movie like the matrix being done with this new technology ....bullet time and that all around effect would be even better.
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Star Wars, the TV series
I've been hearing rumors for months, then some girl on (Cable TV channel) G4 said it outright; a Star Wars TV series is soon to come. I don't know what it's gonna be like, but I'd like to share an idea:

[i:4ac5c17f60]Sometime after what we now know as Episode VI...

The Emperor is gone, the Empire has shattered into a thousand petty dictatorships.
Chancellor Leia Organa has delegated the task of preserving order to the re-formed Jedi Council. Trained by Master Jedi Luke Skywalker, a new elite corps has been charged with restoring peace and justice; they are

The Knights of the New Republic

So, what do you guys think?
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Remaking the Original Trilogy?
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I Get To Meet Irvin Kershner!!!!
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"History of Star Wars" Documentary
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Celebration IV
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