I'm not perfect. I'm reasonably confident within myself, but on the outside, I'm quite reserved. I'm pretty good with money and would hate to be in debt. I'm probably a bit geeky, being into many things sci fi/fantasy orientated, but I'm comfortable with it. I enjoy reading the occasional book, but don't spend my life in a library. I probably watch too many films and too much tv. But I'm helping keep actors in work! I keep myself in reasonable shape, but I'm not a gym nut. I'd love to be as cunning as Tyrion Lannister, but cunning is not in my nature, so I try to act honorably in whatever I do instead. Oh,and if there was a zombie apocolypse, I wouldn't be hiding indoors waiting for help!
Onto something that may actually happen..... I'd like to travel. To see what the world has to offer. Even if it's just a weekend in Naples (Paris is a bit cliched, and I've been there already!) But the thing is, it's not so much fun alone. Anyone want to help me out?

I'm happy with my life. I own my flat, car, teeth. Have a job, and have a good circle of friends. But feel I'm missing that special person to share it all with, the last piece of the jigsaw. I'd like to find someone who understands my sense of humour. Someone who knows when I've quoted a line from a film or a play, and gets the reference. I don't buy into "opposites attract". I believe the more things you have in common, the greater, and deeper the understanding.
Anyway, that's a bit about me. If you want to chat, maybe even tell me where you'd be during a zombie apocolypse, say hello.