A group for fans of Arthur C. Clarkes works, including 2001 A Space Odyssey.
I enjoy all genres of art, film and literature from sci-fi/fantasy to horro...
Star Trek | Star Wars | SyFy Channel | Farscape | Dr. Who | Battlestar Galactica | LOTR | Stargate SG1 | Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Star Trek The Next Generation | Enterprise | Asimov | Heinlein | Trekkie | Alien | Speak Klingon | JRR Tolkien | Douglas Adams | George Lucas | Steven Spielberg | War of the Worlds | Invasion of the Body Snatchers | The Thing | Plan 9 from Outer Space | Forbidden Planet | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Close Encounters | E.T. | Planet of the Apes | Firefly | Babylon 5 | Anime | Comic Books | Graphic Novels | Clarke | Piers Anthony | Roleplaying Games | Red Dwarf
Houston, TX, USA
Houston, TX, USA
Hi, I'm Linda in Space City. If I'd known about this site, I would have bee...
Star Trek | SyFy Channel | SETI | Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Star Trek Voyager | Star Trek The Next Generation | Enterprise | Asimov | Heinlein | Trekkie | Trekker | NASA | Douglas Adams | Michael Crichton | George Lucas | Steven Spielberg | War of the Worlds | Forbidden Planet | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Close Encounters | E.T. | Firefly | Clarke | Roleplaying Games | Browncoat | Seeking my Imzadi
dnal rmor retired military presently working for the govt. Had been married...
Star Trek | Star Wars | SyFy Channel | Farscape | Dr. Who | The Matrix | Battlestar Galactica | X-Files | Stargate SG1 | Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Star Trek Voyager | Heinlein | Trekker | NASA | War of the Worlds | The Thing | Forbidden Planet | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Firefly | Babylon 5 | Comic Books | Graphic Novels | Clarke | Red Dwarf | Browncoat
Greenfield Park, CANADA
Greenfield Park, CANADA
I am devoted Star Trek fan and new Battelstar Galatica, Sci-fi in general W...
Star Trek | Star Wars | SyFy Channel | SETI | Farscape | Dr. Who | Battlestar Galactica | LOTR | Stargate SG1 | Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Star Trek The Next Generation | Enterprise | Asimov | Bova | Heinlein | Trekkie | Alien | NASA | JRR Tolkien | George Lucas | Steven Spielberg | War of the Worlds | Invasion of the Body Snatchers | The Thing | Plan 9 from Outer Space | Forbidden Planet | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Close Encounters | Planet of the Apes | Firefly | Babylon 5 | Anime | Comic Books | Graphic Novels | Clarke | Roleplaying Games
Smart women turn me on. Smarter women take me home with them. I'm an admini...
Star Trek | Farscape | Dr. Who | Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Star Trek Voyager | Star Trek The Next Generation | Enterprise | Cyberpunk | Alien | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Firefly | Babylon 5 | Comic Books | Clarke | Seeking my Imzadi | In Pon farr
Wichita Falls, TX, USA
Wichita Falls, TX, USA
I like all the shows but my heart will always be with TOS. It was ST that l...
Dr. Who | Battlestar Galactica | Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Douglas Adams | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Close Encounters | E.T. | Clarke
Creative, funny, honest, loyal, intelligent, caring, considerate, passionat...
Star Trek | Star Wars | SyFy Channel | SETI | Farscape | Dr. Who | The Matrix | Battlestar Galactica | LOTR | Slash | X-Files | Stargate SG1 | Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Star Trek Voyager | Star Trek The Next Generation | Enterprise | Asimov | Bova | Heinlein | Cyberpunk | Trekkie | Trekker | Alien | NASA | Speak Klingon | JRR Tolkien | Douglas Adams | Michael Crichton | George Lucas | Steven Spielberg | War of the Worlds | Invasion of the Body Snatchers | The Thing | Plan 9 from Outer Space | Forbidden Planet | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Close Encounters | E.T. | Planet of the Apes | Firefly | Babylon 5 | Anime | Comic Books | Graphic Novels | Clarke | Piers Anthony | Roleplaying Games | Red Dwarf | Browncoat | Cosplay | Seeking my Imzadi | In Pon farr | Klingon Culture
I have been and always shall be your friend My name is Kenny, a sci-fi enth...
Battlestar Galactica | Alien | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Close Encounters | Babylon 5 | Clarke | Seeking my Imzadi | In Pon farr
San Antonio, TX, USA
San Antonio, TX, USA
Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Enterprise | Alien | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Close Encounters | Clarke | Seeking my Imzadi | In Pon farr
Exiled Knight Searching for his Exotic Princess I'm looking for a woman who...
Dr. Who | Star Trek Deep Space 9 | Asimov | 2001 A Space Odyssey | Babylon 5 | Clarke | Browncoat
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