First off, a Star Trek dating website? Hells yes! This concept is too funny and too great.
So a little bit about me...
I'm a 25 year old Canadian and a lifelong Trekkie. I love sci-fi, graphic novels, music, horror movies and tea. Meerkats are also pretty amazing. I have traveled lots in my life and formerly lived in Sweden. I speak Swedish and Spanish as well. I'm quite tall at 5'11, and I have an appreciation for people who are taller than me hahaha.
I grew up on TNG and love it so. Data is my favourite character, Brent Spiner is amazing and hilarious. I'd also like to get a beer one day with Jonathan Frakes (Riker) because he seems like such a fun guy! I love Star Trek Next Gen and X-Files most of all, though I'm currently watching Firefly on Netflix and it's pretty good!
Anyway, that's me in a nutshell