I just handed in my thesis, and hope to get my MA in theology soon
My interest in Star Trek goes way back to my early years when I first saw TNG - and fell instantly "in love" with Trek. I am NOT the kind of person who would get married on the bridge of the Enterprise and whatnot, but the idea and vision of Trek is one that I like.
The most important thing to say about me is that I am a deeply commited Christian. My faith is the most important thing in my life - and that is the only dealbreaker I have:
The person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with MUST also be a Christian. Any long-term relationship needs to be based on a common, solid foundation...well two (of course you have to love eachother!!!), but you get my point..
"Isn't Trek anti-Christian?", "Who does he think he is?", "What colour is his toothbrush, and is it electric?" are some of the questions you may have. Just ask, I won't bite
