I'm slightly overwhelmed that this site exists, and if I'm completely honest, my geek neurotransmitters are going haywire with the prospect of meeting a smart, wonderful, marginally obsessive woman.
If you are passionate/geeky about something in your life, then that is true beauty and from that way of being, radiance and presence will blossom forth and that's what every guy is *really* looking for...that and dressing up as a Wookie or a Cardassian.
I love Alan Moore, Flight of the Conchords, Zelda, Baldurs Gate, Trek, Murakami, B5, Klimt, Picasso, Grant Morrison, Spaced, Seinfeld, Futurama, Quake, David Lynch, Zappa, Gaiman, Red Dwarf, The Prisoner, Darkplace, my guitar. My ideal TV show would be a Kafka-esque version of Sesame Street starring Borat. The worst thing I can imagine is being forced to watch My Best Friend's Wedding and not being able to scream to drown out the dialogue. Ugh.
I'm from London. My major was Computer Science. I ran my own business in the tech sector for 10 years, then retrained as a Montessori teacher. I'm well travelled. I've lived in Japan and Oz and grew up in California. I speak terrible French and even worse Japanese. In fact, I said to my French friend Pascal, do you know Word for Windows? He said "Oui, la fenetre."
Oh dear.
Moving on...in parallel to my day job, I work as a therapist, using a somatic intervention process and linguistic cues to access extraordinary states of consciousness. It's a lot easier to demonstrate than explain, the closest modalities are cranial osteopathy and a very unique non-traditional form of hypnotic communication to mess with ones sensory channels and internal processing of data. My prime area of research is creating a neurobiological expression of this work.
I would love to meet some smart, kind, awe