Sci Fi Groups
Seeking my Imzadi
624 membersA group for people who understand and appreciate the meaning of the term Imzadi.
5 membersA group for people who understand and appreciate the meaning of the term Grok.
In Pon farr
465 membersA group for Star Trek fans who know and appreciate the Vulcan term.
Artificial Intelligence
13 membersA group for those interested in the development of AI and its potential implications.
2001 A Space Odyssey
662 membersA group for those who appreciate Stanley Kubricks classic sci-fi movie and its impact on the genre.
1108 membersA group for fans of the Alien franchise, including movies, video games, and novels.
151 membersA group for fans of the science fiction TV series.
825 membersA group for fans of Japanese animation, manga, and other related media.
472 membersA group for fans of Isaac Asimovs works, including the Robot, Foundation, and Galactic Empire series.
Babylon 5
835 membersA group for fans of the Babylon 5 TV series and its related media.
Battlestar Galactica
1239 membersA group for fans of the original and reimagined series, novels, comics, and video games.
70 membersA group for fans of Ben Bovas science fiction works
476 membersA group for fans of the Firefly TV series and movie.
234 membersA group for fans of Arthur C. Clarkes works, including 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Close Encounters
545 membersA group for fans of Steven Spielbergs classic sci-fi movie.
Comic Books
893 membersA group for fans of comic books, graphic novels, and related media.
375 membersA group for those interested in dressing up as characters from sci-fi, fantasy, and other genres.
362 membersA group for fans of the cyberpunk genre, including movies, books, and video games.
Douglas Adams
533 membersA group for fans of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series and other works by Douglas Adams.
Dr. Who
1257 membersA group for fans of the long-running British science fiction TV series.
454 membersA group for fans of Steven Spielbergs classic movie about a cute stranded alien.
1217 membersA group for fans of the Star Trek TV series and its related media.
732 membersA group for fans of the science fiction TV series and its related media.
1178 membersA group for fans of the TV series and movie, including novels and comics.
Forbidden Planet
398 membersA group for fans of the classic science fiction movie.
George Lucas
847 membersA group for fans of George Lucas works, including Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
Graphic Novels
549 membersA group for fans of comic books, graphic novels, and related media.
288 membersA group for fans of Robert A. Heinleins science fiction works.
Hitch Hikers Guide
6 membersA group for fans of Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
267 membersA group for fans of the classic sci-fi movie.
JRR Tolkien
872 membersA group for fans of JRR Tolkiens works, including The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Klingon Culture
384 membersA group for those interested in the culture and language of the Klingons from Star Trek.
950 membersA group for fans of JRR Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings series.
Michael Crichton
291 membersA group for fans of Michael Crichtons works, including Jurassic Park and The Andromeda Strain.
638 membersA group for those interested in the history and current activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Piers Anthony
169 membersA group for fans of Piers Anthonys science fiction and fantasy works.
Plan 9 from Outer Space
183 membersA group for fans of the classic sci-fi movie.
Planet of the Apes
504 membersA group for fans of the classic movie series and its related media.
Red Dwarf
509 membersA group for fans of the British science fiction TV series.
Roleplaying Games
769 membersA group for those interested in playing tabletop and digital roleplaying games.
353 membersA group for those interested in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
70 membersA group for fans of the fan fiction genre, including Star Trek and other franchises.
Speak Klingon
159 membersA group for those interested in learning the language of the Klingons from Star Trek.
Star Trek
2223 membersA group for fans of the Star Trek franchise, including movies, TV series, and novels.
Star Trek Deep Space 9
1289 membersA group for fans of Deep Space 9, space exploration, science fiction, and astronomy.
Star Trek Discovery
6 membersA group for the Star Trek Discovery series.
Star Trek Lower Decks Animated
4 membersA group for fans of the Star Trek Lower Decks animated series.
Star Trek Original The Animated Series
2 membersA group for fans of TAS, the Star Trek Original animated series.
Star Trek Picard
8 membersA group for the Star Trek Picard series.
Star Trek Strange New Worlds
5 membersA group for the Star Trek Strange New Worlds series.
Star Trek The Next Generation
1397 membersA group for fans of the Star Trek TV series and its related media.
Star Trek Voyager
589 membersA group for fans of the Star Trek TV series and its related media.
Star Wars
1699 membersA group for fans of the Star Wars franchise, including movies, TV series, and novels.
Stargate SG1
1032 membersA group for fans of the Stargate TV series and its related media.
Steven Spielberg
562 membersA group for fans of Steven Spielbergs works, including Close Encounters and E.T.
SyFy Channel
1304 membersA group for fans of the SyFy Channels programming, including science fiction and fantasy shows.
The Matrix
595 membersA group for fans of the classic science fiction movie and its related media.
The Orville
4 membersA group for fans of The Orville series
The Thing
343 membersA group for fans of the classic sci-fi movie and its related media.
429 membersA group for fans of the Star Trek franchise who identify as Trekkers.
1036 membersA group for fans of the Star Trek franchise who identify as Trekkies.
War of the Worlds
470 membersA group for fans of the classic sci-fi movie, novel, and its related media.
539 membersA group for fans of the classic sci-fi TV series and its related media.
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