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Chapter 16 "Unexpected"

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January 28, 2007
Posts: 56

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I thought it was a good episode. It felt like things were really starting to come together, but I have to wonder if Matt isn't on the wrong path - he stole the diamonds, now he's fallen in league with "Radioactive Man" Ted and his new friend, Hana (though I do envy her "always on" wireless brain-to-Internet connection).

Last week I was wondering what the point of the Ando and the purse story was about, but it made more sense to me now as a motivation for Hiro to tell Ando to go home for his own safety. Poor Hiro, though, not only is he on his own now he doesn't know his powers are back because he had his eyes closed! The cameo by Stan Lee was an amusing moment at the end of that sequence.

I hope that isn't the last we "see" of Claude, but the show clearly has characters who are only "passing through" (or passing away). Though I think I would prefer it if they didn't keep introducing new characters (other than the ones Sylar is killing - but how long before Mohinder figures out "Zane" is Sylar? What could Mohinder DO about it?) I suppose these other character introductions (like Hana) would make a bit more sense if I was following the Graphic Novels.

I thought the cliffhangers at the end were excellent, they really make me wish I didn't have to wait a full week for the next episode!

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March 14, 2006
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I still say the whole Ando & Hiro gun fight/splitting up segment was still filter and could have been done in one episode, although it was nice to see Stan Lee. Wasn't really surprised about Simone although I do have a feeling we will see her again. I do hope we see a big fight between Peter and Sylar, that will be a great battle in itself if done right on television.

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January 28, 2007
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Since both Peter and Sylar can absorb powers I assumed the endgame will be a showdown between them. Who else could stand up against Sylar? Then again, Bennet had some kind of inhibitor that seemed to be working on Sylar for a while and Mohinder mentioned inhibiting powers too, so there's always the chance there would be a way to just turn Sylar's powers off - though a fight between Sylar and Peter would be a much more satisfying and dramatic conclusion (in true comic book fashion).

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July 1, 2006
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This Ep was like a purge non powered Characters. Clair's mom brain Scrambled, Ando going home, peter's girlfriend shot. in a world of hero's who is there to save?
I agree, I hope Claude doesn't disapear completely.
can Peter use more the one power at a time?
At least Peter doesn't have to kill someone to get their power.
I think WiFi girl is a russian spy come to steal the Decadant American Super powers for the Glory of mother Russia. and her real name is Natasha and her boyfriend is Boris

Will someone shut that man up
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did anyone realize that they had Nathan make a joke about 'Lost'?

Look, I didn't hear any screaming or squishing sounds.

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July 1, 2006
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OOPS! missed the joke

Will someone shut that man up
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