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Season 3 Finale--- FRACK ME!!!!!!

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: Season 3 Finale--- FRACK ME!!!!!!
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Oh Wow! where to begin.... They still have one more Cylon to show.
Do you think its Bob Dylan?
How are Baltar and Rosalyn Able to link with Cylons? and Why did Rosalyn react when the ships went dead
A Baltar Cult.... Oh please!
A came up with profile to help figure out who they could be: no known blood relatives in a position of or near power, but no way could it be Col. Tye boy was i wrong.

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Season 3 Finale--- FRACK ME!!!!!!
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cooky37 wrote: Oh Wow! where to begin.... They still have one more Cylon to show.
Do you think its Bob Dylan?
How are Baltar and Rosalyn Able to link with Cylons? and Why did Rosalyn react when the ships went dead
A Baltar Cult.... Oh please!
A came up with profile to help figure out who they could be: no known blood relatives in a position of or near power, but no way could it be Col. Tye boy was i wrong.

Will someone shut that man up

And they made one of my favorite charactesrs, Tyrol, a Cylon too! I don't know how Callie is gonna handle that. They have really left it up to us to decide whether the last Cylon is Roslin or Starbuck. I am hoping for the former, cuase I postualted Roslin as a Cylon, with lots of logical reason, way back in Season one. LOL

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 14, 2006
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I must be the only one that wasn't really happy with season 3, accept for whole trial of Balter, but I do have to admit that the season finale was good. I just hope Starbuck is not a Cylon, just wouldn't feel right. Not sure Roslyn is one, unless she's program to say she's got cancer. A cool shot of the Earth at the end was nice.

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July 1, 2006
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I don't know, If Rosalyn was a Cylon why didn't she hear the music?
Maybe she is a human Cylon Hybrid. Remember she was getting vissions before the Transfusion from Hera and i don't think it was just the drugs.
maybe the 5th Cylon isn't human, maybe the 5th cylon is .... .... ... ..... .... ...... wait for it

GALACTICA HERSELF if we are gonna speculate lets go to the nth degree

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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cooky37 wrote: I don't know, If Rosalyn was a Cylon why didn't she hear the music?
Maybe she is a human Cylon Hybrid. Remember she was getting vissions before the Transfusion from Hera and i don't think it was just the drugs.
maybe the 5th Cylon isn't human, maybe the 5th cylon is .... .... ... ..... .... ...... wait for it

GALACTICA HERSELF if we are gonna speculate lets go to the nth degree

Will someone shut that man up

If Galactica herself was a Cylon, then we wouldn't have a series. The Cylons would just have shut her down.

As to Roslin, yes she has had visions before, but this time she is sharing them with two Cylons. Very suspicious.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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fringey wrote: cooky37 wrote: I don't know, If Rosalyn was a Cylon why didn't she hear the music?
Maybe she is a human Cylon Hybrid. Remember she was getting vissions before the Transfusion from Hera and i don't think it was just the drugs.
maybe the 5th Cylon isn't human, maybe the 5th cylon is .... .... ... ..... .... ...... wait for it

GALACTICA HERSELF if we are gonna speculate lets go to the nth degree

Will someone shut that man up

If Galactica herself was a Cylon, then we wouldn't have a series. The Cylons would just have shut her down.

As to Roslin, yes she has had visions before, but this time she is sharing them with two Cylons. Very suspicious.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.

And a few minutes after I posted this, I realized that Roslin sharing those visions could be because of the DNA she received from back to the drawing board on that one!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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Ok yes the whole Galactica is a Cylon thing was mainly to bust your after burners..... BUT the feeling im getting from the four of five group is they want to serve mankind.
Now, ifGalactica was a cylon she would be designated a hybrid like the basestars. 6 saying that there were 12 she was refferring to Humanoid clyons.
now, who says that the final cylon is on the fleet? or ever with the fleet? he/she could be a progenator of one of the main characters.
or maybe it's Cally

Will someone shut that man up
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: if you want something done right
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Bumblesteer Golaxxatve?
I write better than that crud when I'm drunk so sorry, it's still garbage but in the spirit of put up or shut up, this is where I kick off my better idea.

If you want something done right, do it yourself---if the cheap bastards who run the Sci-Fi Channel are reading this, then I issue a challenge:

I've got better, and I can do it better; I want to do a series on the Sci-Fi Channel.
The only real risk is I'll make the rest of the garbage they offer look even worse.

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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don't hold back bear, say what you realy feel
personaly I think that youv'e got a good Idea. Sort of a Sci Fi "the Lot". Anything would be better than that movie they showed last night (06/09) i Think they called it "Snow Spider"

Well Good news Bear, only 22 episodes left. Michael Logan reports in the june 11th TV Guide that at the end of its 4th season, next year, it will be the end of Galactica. Don't blame Sci Fi Channel ( or thank them if you agree with Ninja Bear) it was the Producers Idea. Ronald D. Moore and David Eick feel they can wrap up the series nicely by then. They aren't done With the Galactica Universe though, There is still the Pegasus Movie "Razor" and they are still pushing for the Caprica Prequal.

Will someone shut that man up
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: junk food for the brain
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22 episodes left?
Eh, they're just cookin' up a bigger batch of junk food---they can charge more for a big fat DVD package---but I like the idea of a show featuring viewer-produced, amateur sci-fi.
Then again you might see more creative writing, better acting and higher production values than you do now---for real. Surfing the Internet (thank you, Al Gore!) I've already seen fan produced shorts and full episodes than leave most of the Sci-Fi Channel's lineup in the dust.

A sci-fi version of Fox's The Lot? I would be far more sanguine about offering my books to the winner of such a competition, than the b--bs who make Bumpersticker Gofrellda-cat.

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