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Best Science-Fiction TV Series Poll
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Total Votes : 8

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April 26, 2007
Posts: 10

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: IDIC
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ninjabear wrote: the gawd-awful "reimagining" of my beloved Battlestar Galactica has my bile coming up, but these forums are a wonderful appilication of IDIC.

Good point! I just find that people either really like the new BSG or they hate gray area. As I mentioned earlier, I was in college when the original aired and so I just did not have the time or inclination to watch the show. I essentially missed most TV in the 70's and 80's.
What do you not like about the new version? I tend to be a bit of a lurker on the BSG boards and it seems most people have a big problem with Starbuck and/or the Baltar. I must admit, I am not a big Cally fan.
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March 23, 2006
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BSG its an amazing show and it can suck anybody in! Thats a true sign of quality televsion even my friends who HATE scifi have found themselves counting the days until the next season now.
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Posted:     Post subject: Best Sci-fi


I voted for Star Trek, specifically TNG. I love TOS as well but TNG had better character development and was a realization of Gene Roddenberrys' dream. Star Trek will always be the best because no other series had helped shape my belief system the way it does.

2. Babylon 5: flat out innovative and incredibly exciting and interesting.
3. Battlestar Galactica: New series much better than old and simply put
best show out there now and artistically as good as any of them.

P.S. If Xena were actually a sci-fi series it would be in there too and I do consider it a genre series. Great story telling and innovation.

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The Twilight Zone (original)..I voted other basically referring to that. It was maybe the most important/influential SCIFI series ever. C'mon..Rod Serling was brilliant!

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September 20, 2006
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Ok, the reason why I picked other is because this poll is too hard to make one choice after all B5, Stargate (both), BSG (Both), Doctor Who (both), and others along with a long list of anime and comic book serises there is just too much to make one choice at least in this poll.

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April 4, 2006
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I was suprised, at first, to not see Doctor Who in the poll, as easily it is the biggest world wide sci fi show after Star Trek, and the longest running sci fi show ever. I guess it might have been the low budget effects that kept it out of the poll. But, even counting in that, it is a classic that should have been included, as well as Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits (TOS). Of course, I know the number of options is limited, but still. I mean, I LOVE Firefly, but the show only had 13 episdoes and one movie. Even though it has a huge fanbase, now, does that mean it will stand the test of time and have fans talking about it passionately forty years down the road the way fans talk about Trek, Who, TZ, and Outer Limits? I think that is what is the hallmark of a great series. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I am not saying it won't, but I have seen other shows hit with a huge number of fans and then slowly fade away. I really hope Firefly isn't one of them.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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`I can't believe that farscape has been so overlooked. It is probably the most brilliant sci fi program of all. It's funny and sexy and the chemistry between the actors is so real that it makes for one of the best viewings ever. Each character is unique in their own right and even the ones you hate, you love. It has some of the funniest one liners in history but that doesn't stop it from being able to bring you to tears. I will admit that the peacekeeper wars was to be honest a bit pants, but i accept that seeing as it was so rudely cancelled that they had to tie up loose ends all in a film. I am just glad that claudia black and ben browder are back on the tv again.
oooh i do love stargate atlantis and star trek though... also has anyone seen taken? the one directed by spielburg? LOVE IT.

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March 14, 2006
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mccliff07 wrote: I am just glad that claudia black and ben browder are back on the tv again.
oooh i do love stargate atlantis and star trek though... also has anyone seen taken? the one directed by spielburg? LOVE IT.

You do realize that Stargate SGI and Stargate Atlantis have been canceled? You can find "Stargate: Ark of Truth" and "Continuum" DVD movies that wrap up a few loose ends from the series, and Atlantis will do a few straight to DVD movies next year.

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