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In rememberance

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: In rememberance
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Who introduced you to Science Fiction? was it an old childhood friend? A family member? an old flame?....
For me, it was my Father who was raised on 40's and 50's serials. He was an early fan boy, not verry atheletic. he loved Star Trek and would sit me on his knee as we watched the reruns together. as other great 70's Sci-fi came along we would see that together as well. While I was one of three children this time with him and Sci-fi made me feel special. As Scifi matured and had a foot in true science theory and started Using "bibles" to keep the stories straight my father turned to me as a refference guide. Now That I think back i wonder, did he truly have trouble understanding the complex stories or, was he testing me. Exersising my mind to remember complex plots and to contemplate where mankind could go, good and bad.
He passed away 11 years ago. Today I watched updated versions of Star Trek, Doctor Who and Flash Gordon Three of his Favorites. My mother Watched with me and couldn't understand any of it.
I guess thats what brought me to this site in the first place, looking for a connection with someone though Sci-fi.
does any one else wish to share?

Will someone shut that man up
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

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That great invention the "television set" introduced me to science-fiction, first it was reruns of Star Trek, and then I saw the first airings of Space: 1999, The Planet of the Apes TV series, Star Trek the animated series, and yes I have to mention the Logan's Run TV series. In between all that movies came into play, like Forbidden Planet, War of the Worlds, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Rollerball, Westworld, Logan's Run, Planet of the Apes, it has made me a sci-fi for life.

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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Have spacesuit, will travel
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My Dad was a steelworker.
Not the smartest kid the class, but he knew steel.
He was a big fan of two authors. I never cared for westerns much, so the Zane Grey left me cold but it was Dad who handed me my first Heinlein novel, with a helpful tip.
He said if it didn't seem very interesting at first, flip into the story about 50 pages or so and see where the story's going.

When I finished Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, I asked him if he had any more.
He'd gave me Rocketship Galileo, but said I could read Starship Troopers when he finished it.
Watching Star Trek when I was 4, reading Heinlein when I was 8; when I look back it seems like destiny.


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