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The New Joker

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: The New Joker

Heath Ledger star of Brokeback Mountain has been named as the new Joker in The Batman Begins sequel I know alot aren't particularly happy about this but I think he might be good ...he has that Joker type of grin and I hope he can bring back a bit more terror back to the character don't get me wrong I enjoyed Jack Nicholson's performance in the Batman movie but I would like to see Joker more like he was in the comics I remember reading when I was younger........ The Joker is really mean't to be sadistically psychotic with a sick sense of humour and genuinely creepy and scary ...... I hope thats the way Ledger plays him

Anyway what do you all think? Do you think it is a good casting? Or would you have gone elsewhere??
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: The New Joker
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lucifer666 wrote: Heath Ledger star of Brokeback Mountain has been named as the new Joker in The Batman Begins sequel I know alot aren't particularly happy about this but I think he might be good ...he has that Joker type of grin and I hope he can bring back a bit more terror back to the character don't get me wrong I enjoyed Jack Nicholson's performance in the Batman movie but I would like to see Joker more like he was in the comics I remember reading when I was younger........ The Joker is really mean't to be sadistically psychotic with a sick sense of humour and genuinely creepy and scary ...... I hope thats the way Ledger plays him

Anyway what do you all think? Do you think it is a good casting? Or would you have gone elsewhere??

After my outrage at the announcements at Michael Keaton playing Batman and Tm Cruise playing Lestat in Interview With Vampire, and being completely wrong both times, I don't dare even postulate.

However, Ledger is a talented actor, and I think he can pull it off. Seeing what Nolan did in Batman Begins, I am very exceited about the sequel. One rumored bit of casting that DOES bother me is that Ryan Phillipe of "Cruel Intentions" fame is possibly going to be playing Harvey Dent in "Dark Knight". I am trying not judge that one, but having a difficult time. As I said, that is JUST a RUMOR.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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Frankly I don't care who plays the Joker as long as it's well done. I also hope that the power that be have learned from the last few Batman films before Batman Begins and don't over load it with too many villians or even think of putting ROBIN in it. Batman is fine without that little twerp hanging around.
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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: Heath Ledger Dead at 28
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The Actor Who will portray the New Joker has been found dead in his NYC apartment

Will someone shut that man up
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Heath Ledger Dead at 28
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cooky37 wrote: The Actor Who will portray the New Joker has been found dead in his NYC apartment

Will someone shut that man up

Really sad news. RIP Ledger.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Heath Ledger aka The Joker

I saw a couple of online previews of him in the new Batman movie.

Not really anykind of Joker. More like a crazy guy with smeared Tammy Faye makeup on.

Although HOW crazy, we will have to wait and see.

Personally, I like the more stylish Jokers. Jack Nicholson pretty much got the part to 75% of what I feel the Joker is. The new Joker on "The Batman" cartoon is more along the lines of what would be more perfect.

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