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October 6th!!!!!
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: October 6th!!!!!
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(I got to be the first poster! WOW!)

FINALLY! Battlestar Galactica's third season premieres on Sci Fi after almost seven months!!! Hurrah! And, from all reports, it may be the best season yet. At least, so I have been told by Aaron Douglas, Taimoh Penniket and Kate Vernon. All three told me that this season will blow us out of the water. And Ronald Moore has gone so far to say that some of the cast will not survive this season.

As BSG has continually blown me away in the first two seasons and mini series, I am excited about the third season. Anyone else with me on this one?

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
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Has any seen the Webisodes yet?

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
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cooky37 wrote: Has any seen the Webisodes yet?

Will someone shut that man up

Not yet. I usually do my emails and forum posting during down time at work and can't see video here. But, I will try and remember to do so when I get home. Thanks for reminding me!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 14, 2006
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fringey wrote: cooky37 wrote: Has any seen the Webisodes yet?

Will someone shut that man up

Not yet. I usually do my emails and forum posting during down time at work and can't see video here. But, I will try and remember to do so when I get home. Thanks for reminding me!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.

How can you not miss them, the webpage videos comes up first before you get to the home page. I'm really excited about this season, they say characters are going to die but I don't think it's going to be the main characters.

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: October 6th!!!!!

fringey wrote: And, from all reports, it may be the best season yet.

Yeah, but that wouldn't be hard...

(just teasing)

I'd actually love it if people posted episode summaries. As I've
posted elsewhere, I just can't tolerate watching the show anymore. But
I do agree there are some interesting ideas -- I would enjoy
hearing about the show even though I don't enjoy actually watching it.

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April 4, 2006
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rayman wrote: fringey wrote: cooky37 wrote: Has any seen the Webisodes yet?

Will someone shut that man up

Not yet. I usually do my emails and forum posting during down time at work and can't see video here. But, I will try and remember to do so when I get home. Thanks for reminding me!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.

How can you not miss them, the webpage videos comes up first before you get to the home page. I'm really excited about this season, they say characters are going to die but I don't think it's going to be the main characters.

Our computers at work don't even show flash animation, much less video.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 4, 2006
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jamie77 wrote: The vultures do seem to be circling Ellen Tigh. Indeed I wouldn't be surprised too if Saul Tigh was to be killed off too given his prominence in the webisodes so far. Anders, well it would be a surpise if they didn't kill him off. So as rayman says not the main characters but ones whose deaths could have a significant effect on the main characters.

I think of Tigh as one of the main characters, but I still wouldn't be surpised to see Moore kill off even someone as high up as Adama. He is not a man afraid to take risks. I will say that none of the BSG actors I spoke to last week gave ANY hint as to who may or may not die, but Kate Vernon seemed to really want to, so I doubt it is gonna be Ellen. She loves playing Ellen and I doubt she would have been so happy had she known she was gonna be written out of the show. She describes Ellen as a wonderful character, very complex, who is really in love with her husband and doing everything she can to make sure he succeeds, even if she takes wrong turns doing it. To which I replied that Ellen was very much Lady McBeth. Her repsonse? "Lady McBeth crossed with Little Bo Peep!"

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Shakespere?
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Lady MacBeth?
Comparing anything about that batter fried, sugar coated dren on a stick you think think of as Battlestar Galactica to the works of the immortal Bard---oh Shakespere didn't just roll over, he did a spin cycle in his grave.

Watching the sci-fi channel's version of anything but Stargate is like masturbation; we don't really need to know when it happens, nor the details, or what may have been thought at the time---but fear not.
Having registered my opinion, this is my one and only post on the subject and so, I leave you to take your cuisine from the dumpster we call the sci-fi channel.

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Shakespere?
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ninjabear wrote: Lady MacBeth?
Comparing anything about that batter fried, sugar coated dren on a stick you think think of as Battlestar Galactica to the works of the immortal Bard---oh Shakespere didn't just roll over, he did a spin cycle in his grave.

Watching the sci-fi channel's version of anything but Stargate is like masturbation; we don't really need to know when it happens, nor the details, or what may have been thought at the time---but fear not.
Having registered my opinion, this is my one and only post on the subject and so, I leave you to take your cuisine from the dumpster we call the sci-fi channel.

I am editing my original post due to it being far too combative. If you dislike the show so much, why bother coming on the forum for it's fans and trashing it? Then not having the courage to defend your trashing of it. Your whole response smacks of complete disrespect to the shows fans and a lack of courage in not sitcking around.

I am sure that is not what you meant when you posted, but that is the way it comes off. As for the implied insult to my intelligence in comparing Ellen Tigh to Lady Macbeth, I WAS an English major, and I HAVE read the complete works of Shakespeare more than once. I did a research paper on the differences between Lady Macbeth and Queen Gertrude that was considered so good by my instuctor in college that, not only did I get an A on the paper, but she copied it out, gave it to everyone in the class and did a whole class on it. So, I feel safe in saying that the comparison is apt for anyone who wants to look at it objectively. I also think that Shakespeare would have been proud to see that he has inspired such characters so long after his death.

Of course, as a friend of mine would say, that is just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.

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September 22, 2006
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fringey, can I just ask and this is an honest question, I love Battlestar Galactica, but why the comparison to Shakespere?

Considering Shakespere's work cannot be attributed with historical accuracy that the man did the work himself, so the claim that he was the 'author' is debatable at best. Even if he was, he is not the fountain from which all storytelling springs from (theres some pretty good Greek stuff which I'm sure has been recycled over the ages). I don't feel that the storylines in BSG are 'Shakespere' influenced, as the man himself lived at a time in which English power was on the rise and its [English] confidence was growing within the global community which is contray to the fatalisum (sry 'bout spelling) that BSG projects.

I'm impressed with BSG because it shows American writers are capable of turning morals and situations on their heads and boils it down to the acts of the individual and allows them to act as individuals figuring things out for themselves. Theres none of the traditional US gun-ho whereby the good guys always win.

I'm not attacking you but the writing of the show simply boils down to some really creative people who don't owe their talents or inspirations to some English bloke who died a few hundred years ago. Americans are able to produce some thought prodding stuff (not often, I admit) and are able to deliver it in a style which can reach a mass audience, something quite envied by your European counterparts.

ninjabear was wrong to describe Shakespere as 'immortal' or as a 'bard'. Firstly Shakespere is not taught as a main subject in English here within mainstream education, its more of a Toffs thing so hes anything in his mother country apart from 'immortal'. Secondly 'bard' refers to more of a travelling musician, which makes Shakespere sound like somebody who would give any performance for anyone who would slip him a few copper for a drink. A 'Bard' is the same as 'Busker' and doesn't denote a 'professional' within his trade if you know what I mean.

This leaves me with one last question to you. Do you guys really have Shakespere as required learning for English? Its something we don't have over here in the UK.

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April 4, 2006
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Ezd, I didn't say that the series was inspired by Shakespeare, but that some aspects of the series may be. As I pointed out, the parallels between Ellen Tigh and Lady McBeth are very strong. Now as to whether the character was written conciously as a new version of Lady McBeth, I can't say. Just that there are a great deal of similarities. Have you folks gotten season two yet in the UK? If not, read McBeth again and then watch season two when it airs. You will see what I mean.

But, when it comes down to it, everything is influenced by something else. No matter who wrote them, the works attributed to Shakespeare have always influenced writers after him and will continue to do so. I find it odd that Shakespeare isn't required reading in the U.K. No matter who wrote the works, they are works of power and vision, and should be required reading in any study of English literature.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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September 22, 2006
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Well I don't agree. We have Season 2 (its on DVD) and theres nothing on there which compares to any Shakespere's work, maybe you need to point it out to me..

And nope. Shakespere is not required reading here, mainly because the language doesn't owe him anything. It may make difficult reading but the 'harmonisation' of the English dialect never came into being until after 200 years after his death. In other words, it was the Victorians who realised that the lanuage was so diverse and regional different that they attempted to afflict a more geo-graphic accent on the entire Brititish Isles.

The Lord of the Rings was written by a British linguistic expert who included not only the regional dialects, but also the lanuage dialects he had at his disposal. Tolkien wrote Elvish literally from Welsh in its ancient form. He included Saxon within the 'common' dialect and chucked the 'dirty' dialect from London into the Orcist dialect.

While I'm not knockin Shakespere as any PR for my country is a plus, but in terms of what my country as produced, hes not the end and be all of the language. Hes certainly not the great storyteller that hes made out to be, as anything hes produced can be attributed to earlier works and he has the added burden of not being to prove that anything hes done is truly his own works.

I could prob say to you a number of phrases which you've never heard before and wouldn't understand. I could even explain to you the historic origin like a phrase 'A Customer is always right' which has become an American mantra, now a global mantra, but I cannot explain why you cling onto our lanuage and use us [English] as the base level for what is, in its origin, a corrupted lanuage without any true conformity of rules or understanding.

Shakespere has no more relevance for the English in today's world for the English and I'm surprised that the Americans use is as a base level for their own lanuage and understanding considering I can go to your country and not be understood by a majority of your citizens.

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September 22, 2006
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Quote: Um, so who is that Shakespeare chap on the National Curriculum and who is covered in GCSE and A-level Literature Syllabuses.

Last I heard A-Level was higher education, 'less its changed since I was in school. Never had Shakespere in GCSE English at the end of the 80's.

Your point?

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July 1, 2006
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some one is going to be a colaberator with the toasters. i guess the webbies will show us why

Will someone shut that man up
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September 20, 2006
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As for the webesiodes they are good and from what I've see Moore is defintly taking the serires in a new direction. But I won't be able to see season Three until it reaches DVD for the reason that Sci-Fi is not on my cable system.

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