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Your Favorite Drama or Guilty Pleasure Shows
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

PostPosted:     Post subject: Your Favorite Drama or Guilty Pleasure Shows
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I'm just curious what other people watch that is not sci-fi/fantasy. I don't miss one episode of 24 and Prison Break, it's like those theater serials of the '30s where they leave you with a cliffhangar and have to wait till next week. As for guilty pleasure, I admitted it I watch One Tree Hill, teen drama is always entertaining.
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April 7, 2006
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Veronica Mars is one of my favourite shows (although granted, I've not secured any episodes of Season Two at all), and I make no apologies for it. It's cracking television.

I feel a trifle sheepish about how very much I loved Smallville, though, because I do know that it's crap in many ways. But I had no power to resist the combined hotness of Rosenbaum and Welling, and the whole ----ed up rewriting of America's ultimate superhero mythos just delivered roundhouse kicks to too many of my buttons. The plots had more holes than a broken seive but I didn't care. (I've only seen the first two seasons, so I really have no idea what it's like now - I'm presuming more of the same?)

Season 1 of 24 had me on the edge of my seat - it was definitely appointment viewing in my house. Haven't been able to catch the subsequent seasons, unfortunately. Damn it.

I'm rather fond of House, but again, haven't seen all that many episodes.
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March 14, 2006
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fayjprufrock wrote:

I feel a trifle sheepish about how very much I loved Smallville, though, because I do know that it's crap in many ways. But I had no power to resist the combined hotness of Rosenbaum and Welling, and the whole ----ed up rewriting of America's ultimate superhero mythos just delivered roundhouse kicks to too many of my buttons. The plots had more holes than a broken seive but I didn't care. (I've only seen the first two seasons, so I really have no idea what it's like now - I'm presuming more of the same?

Smallville hasn't changed much when it comes to the writing and plots, but I keep hoping it will get better. You still have the occasional episodes that sucks, and then some that are rather good.

Last season Veronica Mars was really good, but the second season hasn't been up to my expectations. I guess it's really hard for the writers and producers to try to top the first season. Only four episodes left to win me over.
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Posted:     Post subject:

Guilty Pleasure: Charmed

Non-Sci-Fi: CSI, CSI Miami, 24, Crossing Jordan, all 3 Law & Orders, ER, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls (I say without shame that I LOVE Gilmore Girls), West Wing, Monk.
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April 7, 2006
Posts: 26

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OMG yes - Charmed is totally a guilty pleasure. Yes, it's barely Buffy-lite, yes, it's a Spelling production, but, but...Alyssa Milano. Occasionally in skin-tight pleather. So. Damned. Hot.

And Julian McMahon. Being evil.


::is broken::
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Posted:     Post subject:

I love Smallville myself. Most of the liberties the show takes aren't a big deal. The small details change from age to age and from medium to medium. The essentials of the characters and reasons for being have been successfully captured on the show, which is what any comic book adaption needs.

Lessee, non scifi shows I dig? Sports Night. West Wing. Hill Street Blues. WKRP in Cincinatti. Newsradio. The Daily Show. Wings. Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Cartoon Planet. Sealab 2021. Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Occasionally, wrestling.

Stuff on PBS.
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Posted:     Post subject:

I was really into 'Threshold' when it was on, and am still mad at CBS for axing it. My guilty pleasure for sci-fi would have to be 'Xena'. Now before you flame me, I only watch the episodes that have Karl Urban (Eomer from LOTR) in it, so I hardly watch it. Another sci-fi show I used to watch was 'Charmed' but I feel that since Brian Krause left, there hasn't been that much of a dynamic on the show.

Some of the non sci-fi shows that I like are West Wing (I'm sad that it going off air), NCIS, Lost (debate if it's sci-fi or not), CSI (original), Night Stalker, Law&Order, Gilmore Girls, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly Oddparents, Everyone Loves Raymond, and Jimmy Neutron.
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

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It's a shame what happened to Threshold, the "suits" felt it didn't match with its other Friday night shows (Ghost Whisperer, Numbers) and moved it to a new time slot, Tuesday's 10 p.m. Although I think the reason was to cancel either Threshold or Close to Home when they switched nights to see who does better in the ratings, of course Threshold lost.
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Posted:     Post subject:

I enjoy 'Threshold' more than 'Close to Home' and think that it got the short end of the stick because they were getting more and more people to watch as the episodes continued, but I guess that wasn't good enough for the execs. at CBS. Also it was just starting to get more interesting and they were going to have Catherine Bell (JAG) join the cast and get more into the glass forest, which would have been cool to see. It kind of reminds me of what they would have done with 'Firefly' had the show lived.
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April 8, 2006
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As strange as it may seem.. my guilty pleasure would have to be Antiques Roadshow.. mainly the british one lol. Also gilmore girls and all the crime shows like CSI.
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Posted:     Post subject:

No real idea why, but of late mine has been Miami Ink. And the reason I'm listing anything is seeing you say Antiques Roadshow, I didn't think that would hit at all, but I really do watch it alot. Lastly... Relic Hunter.

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April 7, 2006
Posts: 26

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Quote: My guilty pleasure for sci-fi would have to be 'Xena'. Now before you flame me,

No flames for that - it's an excellent example. I'm quite fond of that show, although the flaming anachronisms and mixed up mythology stuff in both Xena and Hercules did my head in. But I think it was fairly unpretentious, shiny take-the-piss-out-of-itself television, with hot girls kicking --- in small outfits. Not a bad thing.

Quote: Relic Hunter
OMG, even worse than Xena! But oddly compelling - plus, hotness.
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Posted:     Post subject: How about Forever Knight?

Essential viewing for dark fantasy/horror/vampire fans, especially Buffy fans. It's Angel with less snark, more brood/mood.

Love that show.

Also love Highlander The Series.
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Posted:     Post subject:

I never miss the Sopranos or Curb your Enthusiasm. Great TV.
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April 26, 2007
Posts: 10

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Non sci fi? House, Bones, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, Huff. I used to watch Law and Order but when Jerry Orbach died, I lost interest.
Sorta sci fi but not? Dead Zone, Lost and Supernatural. The latter is a REAL guilty pleasure as it seems to target teen girls but whatever, I think it is silly and fun and I can still enjoy the eye candy
Man, re-reading this post has made me realize I need to watch less TV.
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