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April 4, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Utopia
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I am gonna try like heck to avoid spoilers here, because this IS the first part of a 3-part story, but this was another fantastic episode. It definitely leaves you dying to see the second part!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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January 28, 2007
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(Hopefully anyone who hasn't seen Series 3 yet won't read this)
As soon as the Face of Bo told the Doctor that he wasn't the "last of the Timelords" I was making a mental list of who else might still be out there:

The Master: Because he's escaped death far too many times to write him off AND I just couldn't see him being drafted into the Time War (though I supposed he could have fought against Gallifrey in it)

The Rani: She only appeared in two episodes, and they hinted at the idea that she and the Doctor had once had some kind of relationship (presumably either before she went all evil, or before he found out she was already evil). That would have made for an interesting problem for the Doctor where the only other member of his species is a woman he doesn't like. Of course there was also the rumor (denied by the BBC, which only made me believe it more) that the Rani would return in the 2007 series.

Romana: I figured she was an unlikely possibility, depending on which sources you take as "canon." In the actual TV series she stays in E-space, but that could mean she was beyond the reach of the Time War too. However in the "expanded universe" she eventually returns to Gallifrey and becomes Lady President - furthermore that RTD has hinted Romana was Lady President during the Time War, and therefore would likely have been killed when the Gallifrey was destroyed. Another problem with a return of Romana is that - given her chemistry with the Doctor, and the fact that she's a female member of his species that he clearly DID like, she'd logically displace Martha as the Doctor's companion. So I just didn't see them playing the Romana card, but I also couldn't rule her out completely.

Drax: We only see him in one Fourth Doctor episode. The Doctor's old Academy buddy who flunked out and became a mechanic (though possibly not a very good one, as his TARDIS was apparently non-functional). When the Doctor encountered him in "The Armageddon Factor," Drax had clearly been living a life among humans and therefore may have been so detached from the affairs of Gallifrey that he was as oblivious to the Time War as humanity was. Though I admit he's a rather obscure character to bring back.

Of course I've seen "Utopia" so I know which one is the "other" Timelord the Face of Bo was talking about - but I'll follow your lead, Fringey, and not spoil it for those who haven't.

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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I still hope there are others out there the Doctor doesn't know about.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
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First, thanks for sheltering us who are waiting for the Sci Fi channels airing.
Although some of us have Gleamed who it may be.
personaly (and i mentioned this before in another thread) i would love to see Doctor 10 With a grandmotherly Susan. And just for fun have her the matriarch of a huge brood. Maybe for series 4?

Will someone shut that man up
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January 28, 2007
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Oh yes! I think it would be wonderful to have Carol Anne Ford reprise her role of Susan in Series 4. She's done so for the Big Finish audio stuff, so I'm sure they could get her. I looked on IMDB and she's about 67 years old now so, yeah, the grandmother angle would really work.

Plus, if they once-and-for-all established that she is "just" a Gallifreyan and not a Timelord (or Timelady as the case may be), then the "Face of Bo" would still have been correct in what he told the Doctor.

I suppose it depends on what you mean by "Timelord." It appears to be a term that is applied by some species to ANY Gallifreyan, but the Classic Series pretty much says only SOME Gallifreyans are Timelords (presumably those who went to the Prydonian Academy). We all know Timelords can regenerate, but that doesn't mean all Gallifreyans could - especially if the "Eye of Harmony" under the Panopticon (or the many mirrors of it in TARDISes) are what imbues one with that ability. Speaking of which, I've heard conjecture that the Doctor "rescued" the actual "Eye" from Gallifrey before it's destruction. If true, I have to wonder if Rose can now regenerate as well? Now that would be an interesting way to bring her character back into the series - how would the Doctor react to HER changing? Pure speculation on my part, of course, and fodder for fan-fic at best, but it's fun to think of the possibilities!

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March 23, 2006
Posts: 89

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The idea of susan coming back is excellent, but be careful what you wish for;

DR WHO, TORCHWOOD and now ( drum roll please)
The Companions, everything you ever wanted to know about all the ones who were left behind.
Ok, i'm a little cynical but the bbc have gone nuts before over one progand might do it again. Aside from that i guessed who the chracter was as soon as ol big head told tales.

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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Aparently, twincarb hasn't herd of 2 other shows planned. another Sarah Jane Smith series and a Kiddy K-9 show both mentione in other thread here

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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cooky37 wrote: Aparently, twincarb hasn't herd of 2 other shows planned. another Sarah Jane Smith series and a Kiddy K-9 show both mentione in other thread here

Will someone shut that man up

To be fair, neither the Beeb or RTD have nothing to do with the K-9 series.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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