Joined: October 25, 2008
Posts: 9
Posted: Post subject: USS Chirikov SMS SIMM |
The USS Chirikov is an independent simm (free-form role playing game) set in the year 2385 (five years after the events of ST: Nemesis).
This Sovereign Class starship is part of the 16th Fleet under Admiral Necheyev, tasked with a varied mission profile.
Positions open at this time:
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Chief Communications Officer
Operations Manager
Ship's Counselor
All Assistant Chief positions
Other subordinate officer, noncom, and civilian positions
Don't see your position listed? Apply for a lower position. Turnover does happen, as does promotion. Assistant Department Heads get just as much action as their bosses!
Applicants must be 17 or older, and not belong to more than two other simms.
Apply here: (removed)
Direct any questions to the Commanding officer there.
Captain Devys Argent
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Chirikov