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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Firefly/Serenity

I LOVED this series, LOVED it. It had it's first run when I was in Broadcasting School at Ft. Meade. Didn't get to see it because it was on when everyone else wanted to watch The Simpsons in the Day Room. So, tho it was at the back of my mind, I pretty much forgot about it. I wasn't a fan of the Buffyverse, either, at the time, so I wasn't all about da Whedon.

When I got to Germany last year, I found the collected series on DVD at the PX. I was curious. I took a chance. Holy crap...this show is AMAZING.

Got all the lower enlisted into this show, and we eagerly awaited the arrival of Serenity to Germany. And we were blown away. We missed some of the TLC to the characters we got during the series, but still, it was good to see old friends again.

I so can't wait for this show to continue, in whatever form it will.

Who's with me?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

The show was great and I was mad that FOX cancelled it in the first season. Did you see the movie? I loved it, but there were a few things that I didn't like (like the ending). Do you think that there's still enough life in the series to do another movie or something to that effect?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I absolutely do! I miss Wash and book terribly, but there is so much story left in this 'verse. Hell, with what they did, they kicked over a huge anthill in the Alliance political landscape. In the mind of the Parliament, they have become much more than the occasional blurb on the Alliance Navy's police blotter. They are now players.

So much story left to tell. Just two factors determine when. One, what medium the story will appear in, and when Joss can get around to telling it.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Rumors have been going around the underground sites that the comics are going to be continued.

When FOX sold the rights to Firefly to whichever production company (I forget which it was), they signed a contract saying no new shows could be made in the next ten years. So... unless Joss wants to wait until we've all forgotten everything we once knew, he's left with either movies, underground tv shows, or comics.

Plus, him, Matthews and Conrad are like... drinking buddies or something. I'm sure they'd jump at the chance to get back together again.
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

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Serenity didn't do well at the boxoffice, so I highly doubt Universal is going to make a sequel. They probably made a little more money in DVD sales. I see it coming back in comic-book form. Although I think that's far from Joss mind at the moment since he's working on the Wonder Woman script.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I hear the DVD sales have done VERY well. Keep in mind, it's Firefly DVD sales that got Serenity made, y'all.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I miss Wash and Book as well and liked that fact that Inara and Mal finally admitted that they have feelings towards each other. It was a big step for Mal because he hold's everyone at arm's length. True Joss may be focused on 'Wonder Women' right now, but Firelfy's something that he can come back to if he wants to and I'm sure that Nathan, Gina, and everyone else (well those who are still alive) would love to come back for another movie/show/whatever. As for what medium...they could do direct to DVD season or movie because it does do really well on that format.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Hell, they could even put it on YouTube
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Unfortunately for us, I think Josh (the artist) in general wants to move on to other projects. I absolutely loved both Serenity and Firefly, and indeed would have loved to see this series continued for at least a few years. A lot of potential there, with both the writing and the cast. I think a lot of that potential was shortchanged by the series being cut short and Joss having to move things along in the movie.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Enough about the Medium...


Just out of curiousity, what are you guy's oppinions towards why Joss killed off Shepard and Wash? (I'll save mine for later )
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I don't know why they killed off Book but I guess that if Firefly had continued onto a second season, Wash would have been killed anyways. I think that Joss killed both of them to show us that the Alliance would do anything to get River and what she knew about the Reavers and how they were created and also to show us how far they would go to keep all their skeletons in the closet.

Firefly/Serenity has become such a big hit that other shows are paying tribute to it (like Stargate:SG1's 200th episode). I think that that is great and shows how big the following is. that's why sci-fi doesn't work on network tv. They want a instant hit right away and don't want to wait for a following to gather. That's how sci-fi works; it gets a big following over time, like Firefly.
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

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Joss has a habit of killing characters on his TV shows, (Buffy and Angel) so it was no big surprise when he did the same thing in Serenity. I think he does it mostly for shock value, I know I was when Buffy's mother died in "The Body".
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I don't think it's about shock value, so much as he's against the kind of writing where the main characters are effectively immortal, as no one would kill them off. He wants to demonstrate that death is real in his universes, that it is not something you just laugh off, and not just like a door you can go in and out of.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Think? Ouch

Hmmmm, kind of hard to say, could be several reasons I suppose. Why do I think...

Well, we could have seen the "end" of the series and any future movies would have to come before or,

Book was killed because quite frankly he was more of a cameo guy, and isn't a good a killing machine as River anyway.

Wash was killed to make room for a love/loyalty triangle intrests for later movies AND River needs a roll other than psycho killing machine, and if you had to pick between the two, River is staying.

Of course sometimes actors just want to leave so that makes your decisions for you, but i'll go with the above for now

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Who would Zoe fall in love with? With Mal it is a 'brother-sister' kind of relationship and since they fought in the war together if she was going to fall in love with Mal, she would have done it before she met Wash (besides, Mal likes Inara) and she really can't have one with Simon because he and Kaylee like each other.
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