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Doctor Who Animated Series

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January 28, 2007
Posts: 56

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So, what does everyone think of the Beeb doing a 13-part animated series? According to the official site, it will co-star Anthony Stewart Head as the baddie and be set within the timeframe of series three.

I say more Doctor Who can't possibly be a bad thing, and if I was willing to suffer through some of the low quality animated webcasts on the Beeb website I'll definitely watch a fully animated show!

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July 1, 2006
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Do you think we can get cartoon network to run it? or will us yanks have to wait for series 3 to come out in dvd

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
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offworldgirl wrote: So, what does everyone think of the Beeb doing a 13-part animated series? According to the official site, it will co-star Anthony Stewart Head as the baddie and be set within the timeframe of series three.

I say more Doctor Who can't possibly be a bad thing, and if I was willing to suffer through some of the low quality animated webcasts on the Beeb website I'll definitely watch a fully animated show!

I am all for it if it is as good as The Scream of The Shailka.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 4, 2006
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cooky37 wrote: Do you think we can get cartoon network to run it? or will us yanks have to wait for series 3 to come out in dvd

Will someone shut that man up

As it will be aired during the kids show Totally Doctor Who, we will have to wait for series 3 on dvd as I in no way advocate illegally downloading stuff like that from the internet.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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January 28, 2007
Posts: 56

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cooky37 wrote: Do you think we can get cartoon network to run it? or will us yanks have to wait for series 3 to come out in dvd

Cartoon Network would never air it. They won't even air tons of fantastic Anime because it's cheaper for them to produce all those idiotic shows that have utterly ruined "Adult Swim."

I think the only hope of ever seeing them air in the States would be if they're part of Sci-Fi Channel's deal with the Beeb for airing Series 3. If they aren't, there should be fan pressure on Sci-Fi to make that deal!

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April 4, 2006
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offworldgirl wrote: cooky37 wrote: Do you think we can get cartoon network to run it? or will us yanks have to wait for series 3 to come out in dvd

Cartoon Network would never air it. They won't even air tons of fantastic Anime because it's cheaper for them to produce all those idiotic shows that have utterly ruined "Adult Swim."

I think the only hope of ever seeing them air in the States would be if they're part of Sci-Fi Channel's deal with the Beeb for airing Series 3. If they aren't, there should be fan pressure on Sci-Fi to make that deal!

This series is going to be similar to the Clone Wars stuff, so you never know. I like some of the stuff on Adult Swim (The Venture Brothers is brilliant and I NEVER get enough Family Guy), but the endless repeats of Inuyasha and stuff like 9 Ounce Mouse and Squidbillys? Not for me.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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January 28, 2007
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Yeah, I was a bit disappointed when I found out the format would be similar to how the "Clone Wars" stuff was done - "mini-episodes" of only a couple minutes long. I saw on the Beeb site that they've started airing these within their "Totally Doctor Who" kids show. Reportedly, once they've all been shown episodically the plan is to show them all back-to-back as one story. I'm guessing you're right that it will be an "extra" on the S3 DVD release. At least it should be!

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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offworldgirl wrote: Fringey,

Yeah, I was a bit disappointed when I found out the format would be similar to how the "Clone Wars" stuff was done - "mini-episodes" of only a couple minutes long. I saw on the Beeb site that they've started airing these within their "Totally Doctor Who" kids show. Reportedly, once they've all been shown episodically the plan is to show them all back-to-back as one story. I'm guessing you're right that it will be an "extra" on the S3 DVD release. At least it should be!

I've seen the first four eps, and the animation is fantastic. The short format makes it a little jumpy, but it definitely captures the feel of the regular show. Remembering that it is aimed at kids makes it a little less jarring. Definitely well worht watchign though, and I am looking forward to seeing it all edited together and watching it that way. The jump between eps 2 & 3 made me feel I had missed an ep!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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