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"football" season?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: Recommended viewing

ninjabear wrote: Some of my favorite "American Football" (NFL-style, if you will) movies; rent them if you're interested, Bub.

The Longest Yard (the original, not the one with Adam Sandler)
The Replacements (yeah, starring Keanu Reeves; very funny)
Any Given Sunday
Brian's Song (starring James Caan)

Not "Something for Joey" with Marc Singer?

Sappy, but you did mention "Brian's Song"....
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: something in my eye, damn it!
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Yeah well I had to include Brian's Song because it's another Kobayashi Maru test. No one gets to the end without getting misty-eyed, but is he secure enough in his masculinity to admit the movie got to him?
A man can admit it, a boy cannot.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: off-side rule

iswallowedabug wrote: ninjabear wrote: Now, you're about to tell us about the "off-side" rule?


This may be America, but come on! Were you absent that day
of school?

Offsides is the same in football/soccer as it is in a teen date
movie. When you're trying to score, there has to be
at least one other person between you and the girl, or
someone will blow the whistle and shut you down.

Yeah I couldn't have put it better myself iswallowedabug have your answer Bear
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Funny I never get misty eyed when watching movies .........your just a wuss Bear only kidding Chow

Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion. ~Steel Magnolias
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Ninjabear misting up at the end of a movie...Lucifer666 quoting
Steel Magnolias..and all in a sports thread....

Did I wake up in Bizarro world this morning?

You do know that brain damage can occur if you head the ball
too much while playing football/soccer, right?
(Just teasing)

Please, don't ever change, either of you.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: I'm a header ...its Official!!

lol I did think the Steel Magnolias quote was apt in a strange bizarre way

Don't go changing, to try and please me
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are

"Please, don't ever change, either of you."

Awww ...don't change either you mad gal ........... sob sob .....its dirt in my eye I tell you!!! Stop laughing you two.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: back to the game
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I'm a what?
Bub we can discuss what sort of coffin you'd like later; right now I'd like to learn more about this game you call football.
NFL style, offsides is the call when a player rushes the line ahead of the play, before the ball is snapped. Which team is penalized, depends on whether the offending player was encroaching, or was tricked into moving early by an opposing player.
Not such a silly question now, is it?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: back to the game

ninjabear wrote:
NFL style, offsides is the call when a player rushes the line ahead of the play, before the ball is snapped. Which team is penalized, depends on whether the offending player was encroaching, or was tricked into moving early by an opposing player.
Not such a silly question now, is it?

Yes, it's still a silly questions. In America, men's soccer may not
be held in high regard, but, hello, Mia Hamm? Women's soccer
ruled here for several years.

In NFL football, the offsides rule probably is probably derived from the
same basic principles as in football/soccer.

Essentially, when a player is on the opposing team's side of the field
(that is, not the side his/her team is defending), there must be
at least two defender's between the player and the goal if the player
is ahead of the ball on the field (and thus, does not apply if
it is the ball-handler pushing past the last two defenders).

It prevents the offensive players from receiving a pass, for example,
from a teammate further back on the field and then scoring if there
was only the goalie, or no players so far back. Offsides isn't
called when it doesn't affect the outcome of play/when the "offsides"
player is not involved in the action. Because of the rule, it can
affect both offensive and defenseive strategy. One's own
defensive players can push far up field to help keep the field of
play further from the goal because the ball cannot be passed past
them; however, it is risky because a good ball handler could get
past and then have a clear path to the goal.

I may not have explained this well. Bub, a little help?
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: NFL Sunday Night
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Love NFL, but what's wrong with it is not on the field. It's in the booth and on the sidelines---TOO MUCH JABBERING, NOT ENOUGH FOOTBALL!
It's becoming completely unenjoyable; instead of centering on the play action, they cut to the sidelines for an interview, or we're looking at some worn out old men chattering like the cast of ABC's The View!
At one point the referee came out to make a call but did we watch, or even listen to the official? NO! They cut to some blonde bimbo on the sidelines, interviewing Simon Phoenix from the movie Demolition Man (I didn't know he played for the Bengals). If you're going to stray from play action, show the cheerleaders but make it quick, it's 3rd and goal!
If Madden and the other girls want to chatter, there's tea and cookies in the next room but while you're up, fetch me a beer---I'm trying to watch the game here!
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: something in my eye, damn it!
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ninjabear wrote: Yeah well I had to include Brian's Song because it's another Kobayashi Maru test. No one gets to the end without getting misty-eyed, but is he secure enough in his masculinity to admit the movie got to him?
A man can admit it, a boy cannot.

Something For Joey does the same thing as Brian's Song for me. Maybe worse.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: back to the game

I personally think you explained the Off-side rule very well iswallowedabug ....I'm impressed!!

ninjabear wrote: I'm a what?
Bub we can discuss what sort of coffin you'd like later; right now I'd like to learn more about this game you call football.

A wuss Bear ......but its mean't with effection don't get upset and cry ....okay hee hee
Oh and the coffin thing really was quite funny mate lol

What more do you wish to know about Football?? Well I can tell you one thing its fast paced and the cameras stay on the pitch throughout each half (45 mins each) because there is usually very little break in play.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: back to the game

lucifer666 wrote: I personally think you explained the Off-side rule very well iswallowedabug ....I'm impressed!!

Thanks. Some of us in the States have been playing the game
since we were three even if others don't know a Red Card
from a Red Shirt.

I won't describe my ball-handling skills, because we all know
how you'll choose to interpret that sort of comment....

lucifer666 wrote: What more do you wish to know about Football?? Well I can tell you one thing its fast paced and the cameras stay on the pitch throughout each half (45 mins each) because there is usually very little break in play.

Don't forget to mention how in shape the players look compared
to baseball or NFL football. A lot more eye-candy in this game
than in certain others.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: back to the game

iswallowedabug wrote:
Thanks. Some of us in the States have been playing the game
since we were three even if others don't know a Red Card
from a Red Shirt.
I won't describe my ball-handling skills, because we all know
how you'll choose to interpret that sort of comment....

How dare you suggest that I would say stuff like "I bet you really got stuck into that tackle".....or "I'd say many scored on occasion"........ or I'd say with all you ladies strutting their stuff there was alot of dribbling" As if I would?

iswallowedabug wrote:
Don't forget to mention how in shape the players look compared
to baseball or NFL football. A lot more eye-candy in this game
than in certain others.

Yeah they do ......does that mean since you have been playing it since aged three that you must be in great shape too........eye candy
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Bub & Bugger boring me
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I'm bored, and still no closer to understanding why anyone wants to take the ice and sticks out of hockey. The one and only time I ever had any interest in the game was when Brandy Chastain ripped off her shirt.

Steelers are winless in the pre-season---oh they had a chance, but with a single mistake they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory; gotta love a game like that.
Since the best rebuttal either of you can muster is to call me names and insult me, I see no value in this conversation.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Yeah, but a hibernating bear isn't exactly a thrill ride

ninjabear wrote: I'm bored, and still no closer to understanding why anyone wants to take the ice and sticks out of hockey.

Will someone please explain to me why men are so obsessed with
big sticks...?

Oh, wait.

I get it.


ninjabear wrote: Since the best rebuttal either of you can muster is to call me names and insult me, I see no value in this conversation.

We were supposed to be re-butting something? I thought we were
just explaining the offsides rule.

We weren't insulting you, Sunshine, we were just poking the bear
again, since you seem to be hibernating a bit lately. And the
name calling, well, that's just fust.

If you tell me what we were supposed to be rebutting, we'll
muster up something to entertain you.

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