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"football" season?
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: "football" season?
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It's almost football season!
Okay, let's set a few ground rules here; in deference to our international audience "football" will refer to that game the world loves, which we Yanks call soccer.
What I know and love as football will be henceforth be referred to as NFL to avoid confusion.

That said, Superbowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers pre-season training (we call it "Camp Cower", to honor the head coach) begins this weekend!

I'd love to compare the two very different games with the same name (how that happened, I don't know).
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I see your point Ninjabear ...... American Football really should be called 'Catch and Run Ball' or something lol after all the object of World Football is to generally use the feet in order to control the ball in NFL it isn't. I suppose it depends on what you grew up with America they get excited by guys in shoulder pads and really tight trousers playing a safer type of what we call Rugby. But everyone to their own I grew up watching The English Premiership and I am a big Manchester United fan and the new Season starts in about 2 weeks....... Though things are not easy at the moment for Man U. One of our great players Ruud Van Nistlerooy has just left to go to Real Madrid there is a lot of uncertainty over infighting in the team that occured during the World Cup and we never really replaced one of our all time Great Players Roy Keane who has retired now. On top of all that the last few seasons we have gotten very stiff competition in a club called Chelsea which got bought by a Russian billionaire football fanatic who hands the Manager limitless money to buy any player he wants ....... they now practically have two World Class sides on the one team!! Things are tough but ever the optimist United will win once again!!

I bet I bored a hell of alot of you here now

Oh and incidently Man. United is also known as The Red Devils!!
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

You guys just had to go and spoil it, didn't you? It was so lovely
that there were no posts here. Kinda like a fresh snowfall no one
has walked in.

Oh well.

About NFL football:

"I just think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on its virility
should feel compelled to strap on forty pounds of protective gear just in
order to play rugby." -- Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Hey it was Ninjabear that posted first ...... the damage was done iswallowedabug but I did try and only walk on the footprints Bear had already made

You know I reckon it takes longer to put the protective gear on then it does for them to play the game
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Same stuff, different game
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No, I'm not bored, but I'm not surprised either---and Bugger? You put the thought of posting here in my head, so there.
Different games, same dren---money doesn't always buy you the best team. In fact a squad of overpaid prima-donnas can be stomped by a hardworking, blue collar team; my Steelers proved it.
While the Cincinatti Bengals were primping and playing at being rap-music stars, the Steelers were training hard to defeat them, which they did.
(The running gag around here is Pittsburgh is a beer-drinking town with a (NFL) problem; sound familiar at all, Lucifer666?)
Let the Russian throw his rubles around and see what it gets him when a determined, well trained team takes the field against his group of mercenaries---go Manchester U!

Truth be told, the only televised sports I really enjoy are hockey, NFL and women's tennis---but Giles, that nancy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer should try playing quarterback with a 250lb linebacker bearing down on him. Once he takes a few hits they could hear up in the cheap seats, we'll see if he wants the body armor then.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: Same stuff, different game

ninjabear wrote: In fact a squad of overpaid prima-donnas can be stomped by a hardworking, blue collar team; my Steelers proved it.
While the Cincinatti Bengals were primping and playing at being rap-music stars, the Steelers were training hard to defeat them, which they did.

Did I imagine a Playoff game a few years ago when your precious,
overconfident Steelers were expected to wipe the floor with the underdog
Pats right there in your home town of Pittsburgh, Pennsyltucky, and
the Pats made them choke on those terrible towels you all wave

Be careful pointing fingers -- your boys have had their moments
of overconfidence (albeit mostly deserved ones).

ninjabear wrote: but Giles, that nancy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer should try playing quarterback with a 250lb linebacker bearing down on him. Once he takes a few hits they could hear up in the cheap seats, we'll see if he wants the body armor then.

Don't mess with The Ripper. He'd probably wait and let the
250 lb linebacker get a few buddies to help him out before taking him
on -- you know, just to give 'em a fighting chance.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Raises my hand and pops my head out from behing the crowd
Erm ....excuse me I thought we were talking about Manchester United here
I know absolutely nothing about American Football so I feel a bit out of it when you start talking about steelers and Pats
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: keeping it simple
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Bugger refers to a playoff game in which New England beat Pittsburgh, but I don't see her point. Teams win, teams lose---if the outcome was certain, it would be no fun.
Giles is a sissy boy---hell even a broken down old bear like me could break his pass blocking and body slam his bony --- to the turf but I'd trade my left---ooh, sorry, ladies present! I would sell my soul to Bub to face your precious pretty boy, one on one, den'sha; my ninja-to against the blade of his choice (probably something lightweight and girly)---but what prize to I take when I win?
Now then Bub, can you explain the rules to me? Start with the whole color card thing, 'cuz I really want to learn.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: keeping it simple

ninjabear wrote: Bugger refers to a playoff game in which New England beat Pittsburgh, but I don't see her point. Teams win, teams lose---if the outcome was certain, it would be no fun.

You made a point about the Bengals being prima donnas and primping
and playing at being rap stars while the Steelers trained hard to defeat

That directly led to my making a point that the Steelers are guilty of
equally prima donna-ish behavior such as that year when they
faced the Pats. They were so arrogant and overconfident while the Pats
trained hard and defeated THEM.

I actually used to be a Steelers fan until they started acting like that
a lot.

I also wanted to use the derogatory term Pennsyltucky (which
you didn't even comment on) because it's one of my favorites.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: keeping it simple

ninjabear wrote: Bugger refers to a playoff game in which New England beat Pittsburgh,
Now then Bub, can you explain the rules to me? Start with the whole color card thing, 'cuz I really want to learn.

Funny 'Bugger' ....or should I say 'to bugger' means a totally different thing where I come from

I feel ike I'm talking to Wolverine here with the Bub thing Okay the cards in football are simple there's only two yellow and red The yellow is for a very bad foul acts like a warning during a game. The red card is an immediate send off! and its for an extremely bad foul that was either deliberate or extremely nasty. Now if a player gets 2 yellow cards it automatically becomes a red card and the player is sent off. Because there are different tournaments cards operate separately with each one for example if a player has a yellow card in the league it doesn't count when the player plays in the World Cup and vice versa. When a player plays at the world cup and gets a yellow card in one game and then recieves another card in the next game he's banned for the game after that!

Thats basically it time The off-side rule
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Foul situation
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Now that's interesting because the only real way to get ejected from an NFL game is major unsportsmanlike conduct.
You can accrue any number or technical or personal fouls, but fighting or intimidating an official's the only way I've ever seen a player bounced from an NFL game.
It's a full contact sport, but violence is strictly prohibited.

Last edited by ninjabear on Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Yawn

I bored you silly about the cards in football didn't I
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: off-side rule
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Still not bored---if I was there I'd buy us a pint.
Now, you're about to tell us about the "off-side" rule?
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Recommended viewing
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Some of my favorite "American Football" (NFL-style, if you will) movies; rent them if you're interested, Bub.

The Longest Yard (the original, not the one with Adam Sandler)
The Replacements (yeah, starring Keanu Reeves; very funny)
Any Given Sunday
Brian's Song (starring James Caan)
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: off-side rule

ninjabear wrote: Now, you're about to tell us about the "off-side" rule?


This may be America, but come on! Were you absent that day
of school?

Offsides is the same in football/soccer as it is in a teen date
movie. When you're trying to score, there has to be
at least one other person between you and the girl, or
someone will blow the whistle and shut you down.
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