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So tell us about your favorite psycho ex.....
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former member default image - bird flying away

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The most psychotic as in scary ex I had told me I was too fat and too ugly to be seen in public with me. He wouldn't let me wear makeup and drastically changed my diet. The thing is, he was not a small guy by any means. It got to the point where he hit me and tried to me so I was gone pretty fast. Not so fun.

The most psychotic as in weird was this guy who was into infantilism and wanted me to dress him up like a baby..I was kind of freaked out. I mean, you're turned on by whatever turns you on, but it just wasn't for me.
And looking back, it was pretty funny.


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former member default image - bird flying away


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The worst psycho ex I had was actually my first. I was 23 and she was 18. We had moved into gather and then I learn that she has some vices. She loved to have her guy friends over and get drunk and high. We argued over it for about a month and then she seemed to clean up. Two weeks after that I came home early from work because I had a surprise for her. I had bought a ring, a cheep one maybe but a engagement ring all the same. I walked into the apartment and heard the sounds that you don't want to hear. I walked into the bedroom and found her screwing the guy next door. You know what happens next, a big fight and I lost. BTW never kick a man in the balls because it might not work. Me and her break up and I find out later that she had been screwing him for a wile.

The next one was the one before last. she wasn't really psycho but three years into the relationship she suddenly changed and went from a LPN making $18 an hour to wanting to stay home and have babies and sit on the couch with bags and bags of food with in arms reach. I wasn't making much at the time and certainly couldn't make enough to pay all the bills and a truck she (not I(I don't have the credit)) bought ($500 a month) and still be able to buy food.

I always wonder what happened to the real woman.

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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caseystiletto wrote: The most psychotic as in scary ex I had told me I was too fat and too ugly to be seen in public with me. He wouldn't let me wear makeup and drastically changed my diet. The thing is, he was not a small guy by any means. It got to the point where he hit me and tried to me so I was gone pretty fast. Not so fun.

The most psychotic as in weird was this guy who was into infantilism and wanted me to dress him up like a baby..I was kind of freaked out. I mean, you're turned on by whatever turns you on, but it just wasn't for me.
And looking back, it was pretty funny.


I could go on and on about guys like this, having known too many female friends who went through something like this. But, it comes down to very few words, really. Frakking idiotic subhuman morons who don't deserve to be let out in public much less date. And the "frakking idiotic moron" part should be tattoed to their forehead to warn other woman away from them.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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andrewlightstar wrote: The worst psycho ex I had was actually my first. I was 23 and she was 18. We had moved into gather and then I learn that she has some vices. She loved to have her guy friends over and get drunk and high. We argued over it for about a month and then she seemed to clean up. Two weeks after that I came home early from work because I had a surprise for her. I had bought a ring, a cheep one maybe but a engagement ring all the same. I walked into the apartment and heard the sounds that you don't want to hear. I walked into the bedroom and found her screwing the guy next door. You know what happens next, a big fight and I lost. BTW never kick a man in the balls because it might not work. Me and her break up and I find out later that she had been screwing him for a wile.

The next one was the one before last. she wasn't really psycho but three years into the relationship she suddenly changed and went from a LPN making $18 an hour to wanting to stay home and have babies and sit on the couch with bags and bags of food with in arms reach. I wasn't making much at the time and certainly couldn't make enough to pay all the bills and a truck she (not I(I don't have the credit)) bought ($500 a month) and still be able to buy food.

I always wonder what happened to the real woman.

Unfortunately, it sounds like, to me, that saw the real woman there. Too often people show us the facade they think we want to see. It isn't until we get to really know them that we see the real person. It often gets ugly. Obviously, the story that I told to start this thread il----rates that quite well, and I consider myself pretty perceptive.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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former member default image - bird flying away

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I'm always scared that I'm going to wind up like that...being a theatre person gets into your psychology..often I wind up being just what people want to see about me and not who I really am.
That sounds really horrible and manipulative..but it's something I do unconsciously..I don't know.
I try to be me..and I want someone to love me for all the aspects of me, the wonderful and the terrible, not just what they want to see.

Oh well. I'm young yet.

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former member default image - bird flying away


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It's sad to say with my past experience's with woman I'm almost afraid to keep on dating. I'm not afraid of death, heck I had an NDE at one point in my life. I'm afraid of living a living-hell with someone I fell in love with but treats me like s--- and I have no way out. And yes sometimes men have no way out. I can understand why some people have a chip on there shoulder. And other times I think one of the Nordic Gods name starting with an "L" has it out for me and he's playing sadistic jokes on me.

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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caseystiletto wrote: I'm always scared that I'm going to wind up like that...being a theatre person gets into your psychology..often I wind up being just what people want to see about me and not who I really am.
That sounds really horrible and manipulative..but it's something I do unconsciously..I don't know.
I try to be me..and I want someone to love me for all the aspects of me, the wonderful and the terrible, not just what they want to see.

Oh well. I'm young yet.

I actually understand that. It is lucky that you recognize it so you can avoid it. It took me years to realize how manipulative I was and learn to overcome it. I still find myself falling into it every once in a while. I told the last ex I had about it and made her warn me when I would start doing it.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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andrewlightstar wrote: It's sad to say with my past experience's with woman I'm almost afraid to keep on dating. I'm not afraid of death, heck I had an NDE at one point in my life. I'm afraid of living a living-hell with someone I fell in love with but treats me like sh*t and I have no way out. And yes sometimes men have no way out. I can understand why some people have a chip on there shoulder. And other times I think one of the Nordic Gods name starting with an "L" has it out for me and he's playing sadistic jokes on me.

Just don't let your cynicsim blind you to the possibilities that may be out there for you. It would be nothign but the ultimate sadness if you missed out on a good person because you couldn;t see them.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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