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Leap of Faith
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

When I was a kid I used to pull the eyes off teddy bears ....and if I was feeling particularly cruel I would my sister's bear torture it and send my sis bits of it through the post like its ears and stuff ..........but don't worry Ninjabear I have grown out of that kind of thing now well kind of .....oh and Winnie really does Pooh when you connect electrodes to certain parts of his anatom

Besides Steph you long for some h---- devil action.....I know!, someone who can evoke those evil ----ful thoughts and impulses that you keep controlled and buried within you. A passionate, provocative, hot beast who yearns ......hungers... for your ------- sensitive touch, who urges to taste your wonderfulness and ravish every part of your body until the exstacy becomes too much for you.

Let the feast begin!!!
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Oh and Ninjabear you seem to be convinced that because I haven't had women in my life who had ex boyfriends who have beaten them up done time and commited suicide while fleeing the police in the stolen car of the family he had just murdered .....phew! ........ that I haven't got a life. I do have a life my friend .............okay I won't appear on the tv show COPS or my story wont resemble A days of our Lives Plot but I'm happy!!!
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April 8, 2006
Posts: 99

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lucifer666 wrote: When I was a kid I used to pull the eyes off teddy bears ....and if I was feeling particularly cruel I would my sister's bear torture it and send my sis bits of it through the post like its ears and stuff ..........but don't worry Ninjabear I have grown out of that kind of thing now well kind of .....oh and Winnie really does Pooh when you connect electrodes to certain parts of his anatom

Besides Steph you long for some h---- devil action.....I know!, someone who can evoke those evil ----ful thoughts and impulses that you keep controlled and buried within you. A passionate, provocative, hot beast who yearns ......hungers... for your ------- sensitive touch, who urges to taste your wonderfulness and ravish every part of your body until the exstacy becomes too much for you.

Let the feast begin!!!

LOL you are awesome! I wish I had even thought to have done that to my brothers toys Tho I did rip one of his cherished bears apart by smashing it against a tree and he still hasnt forgiven me for smashing his best toy gun to bits.

And I think we all need a little h---- devil action!
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

invisiblesteph wrote:
LOL you are awesome!

Go on..... say that again beautiful ....ahhhhhh why do I like women saying that to me? My sisters deserved it though they were always stealing my action men to act as new boyfriends for their Sindy dolls uurrrggghh I will still never forget those times I would walk in to find my very butch desert army action man donning a bright pink Sindy blouse......yes I threw him out shortly afterwards and the therapy sessions are still going well Though I did get enjoyment out of placing my men and their Sindys in weird s----l positions and having my sisters walk in to find them dogging in the kitchen of their doll house. Yes we all share the same therapist
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April 8, 2006
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Yeah thank god i was never really into barbie dolls and such. I liked lego and my brothers juassic park toy set... lol
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

So you liked Dinosaurs then and building .....I used to have a thing called bolt and build .....I don't know if you would remember it as your only a young lass but it was a bit like lego ....well similar ...... you had to build using a gun to bolt the pieces together was good!! I was crap at the building part but still enjoyable!!
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

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Luciffer666 &invisiblesteph?
Nice to see you two have made a luv-connection but since that's the case you're, uh, in the wrong room.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Why Ninjabear? Is not a new luv connection a leap of faith too?
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Heartbreak Hotel
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Might I suggest you two either chat by email, in a chat room or start your own forum topic? Call it "Young Slackers in Love" or what, that is up to you; you two can carry on unfettered by the moping, lovesick bunch that came to this topic of mine.
Sorry, there's no honeymoon suite at the Heartbreak Hotel---but do go on; Steph is way too much of a skinny little girl for me but it's nice to see the Internet bring the two of you together.
I'll just be over here, singing the Rod Stewart hit Some guys have all the luck.
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April 8, 2006
Posts: 99

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Ok first of all what on earth makes you think im a 'skinny little girl'?! Im neither skinny nor 'little'... Im actually about 5'9/5'10 and pretty curvy.

Secondly since my posts seem to offend you so much ninja I will cease to post in your threads. I would delete my previous posts but there is no option to delete one's own posts.

I will however stick to the topics from now on as I know how annoying chat posts can be to everyone else, I just got a bit carried away.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

For someone who takes great pride in their control Ninjabear you don't seem to be in charge of your own emotions here!!

If you have a problem with me Ninjabear you say it to me!! leave Steph out of it...... she done absloutely nothing to you okay!!

You know sometimes you meet people of the opposite S-- and you simply just don't hit it off ...yes as unbelieveable as this may sound this has even happened to me . But its how we deal with these things that defines us as a person and acting like a spoilt child who didn't get his own way is really not a good look Ninjabear. Hate me if you want but do yourself a favour and delete that nastiness you just wrote as I think you may have trouble explaining it away to a prospective lady when she's expecting to see a caring, loving, and protective to women type of guy that you sell yourself to be elsewhere!!!

And surely we should be allowed to go off topic when we want particularly when you meet new friends here after all if everyone emails each other we won't have many people actually posting here which is really what we all want it not?
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Leap of Faith

Ninjabear, I can relate to your story. I was married three years and come to find out I was just used so my ex wife could get her citizenship. I know its a old story but I never thought it could happen to me. We had a great S-- life and got along great but the last year of our marriage she made me miserable until I had to leave her. I will never forget that experience the rest of my life and it makes me very cautious in meeting any new woman. Its taken me ten years to even decide to think about dating again. I hope you can get over your experience in the future but I can definitely relate to what you are going through. Another thing she did the first year we were married was to have a abortion. I almost left her then. Anyway ninjabear I feel like we have one thing in common, we both were hurt real bad.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: NOW we're back on topic!
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Okay, now we're back on topic!
Damn, that's a bad one, ctclerk1. I've said before this is not a competition but if it were, you'd be in the medal round. I've been hurt and used and stuck with the bills, but that's one of the worst I've seen yet. Don't let it get to you, that it got to you; something like that would have most people tying a noose and looking for a wobbly stool...but you survived.
Personally I pride myself on being a stubborn, hardheaded, grimly determined misanthrope; slogging along, complaining every step of the way, but carrying on with the foolish notion that "they can't all be like that."
You just have to look back, and try to make better decisions--at least that's what I tell myself.
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April 8, 2006
Posts: 99

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hey ctclerk that really sucks man. But just remember that not all women are like that ok! I am a firm believer that there is someone perfect for everyone. You might not find them overnight but you will find them.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Stay cool but not cold
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Yeah I've been raked over the coals, but damn.
Don't let it get to you, ctclerk, like it's gotten to me.
15 months later and it still hurts. I wander around my quiet, empty little home and remember all the good times, that will never happen again; I can't seem to stop torturing myself, and it's gnawing at my soul.
I've become a stubborn, hardheaded, grimly determined misanthrope---well I don't hate all humans, just the stupid ones.
Unfortunately, by my reckoning that's about 97% of the Earth people.

And Steph? Sorry about the "skinny" remark; most girls take that as a compliment but you have to remember, this teddy bear likes some meat on his ribs. Good to have you as an Internet buh-dee.
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