ed2065 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: ConNooga 2009 |
Hi all to the fourm. I jsut attened another great sci-fi con. ConNooga which was held in Chattanooga TN. on Feb 21-22. 2009. It was one of the best cons I have attedn so far, I put it up on the level of my ConCaralionas experence.
The guest inclued Loyd Kaufam, independent film producer, Chase Masterson, Letia from stark trek DS9. as well as many ohther who were not well known. Linda Blair was suposed to be there but was not able to attend. It was great to meet Chase Masteson. she very friendly and jsut as lovey to meet in person. I got my picute made with her and got a pin-up type photo and a CD of some of her songs. she sgings jazz favotrites.
the con incluld vaious muscal acts, a coustem contest, a light saber contest, and a live circus side show, the kind you would see on ripley's belive it or not. There also a belydanceing preformance as well. I have put a vid of that on youtube allready.
One of my favorte guest there were the con vexiens. they are a group of fangirls with there own website that dess up as chathers of there own creation. they had some lovey looking ladys there. got my pic made with them too.