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Capt. Jack Returning To Who

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Capt. Jack Returning To Who
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12:00 AM, 28-NOVEMBER-06

John Barrowman, who plays Capt. Jack Harkness on the Doctor Who spinoff series Torchwood, confirmed to SyFy Portal that his character will return for multi-episode arc during the upcoming third season of Doctor Who. "I will be in [season] three of Doctor Who," Barrowman said in an interview. "I will be in the last three episodes of four episodes, and the scripts are being written as we speak, because I just got a text from [Doctor Who executive producer Russell T. Davies] telling me that he's finishing the script [in which] Jack returns."

Barrowman first appeared as Capt. Jack in the Doctor Who episode "The Empty Child," and remained on the show through the end of the first season. He later reprised the role for the spinoff series Torchwood, which premiered in October and is currently airing in the U.K. on BBC Three.

Barrowman didn't reveal the details of his reappearance on Doctor Who, but did rule out the possibility of any future crossovers on his new show. "You will never have Who crossing over into Torchwood," he told the Web site. "Doctor Who is for children, is a base for family viewing and children. Torchwood is not. The only person that will cross at this point will be Jack going back and forth, because Jack has a different persona in Doctor Who [than] he does in Torchwood, if that makes any sense. He's darker because of his circumstances, and he'll change again when [he] comes in, or he might be darker when he comes back in Doctor Who."

The first season of Torchwood wraps up in January. Doctor Who returns for a Christmas special, "The Runaway Bride," which airs in the U.K. on Dec. 25, before beginning its third season next year.

Okay, I can go with the idea that Jack would show a different side in Doctor Who than Torchwood. But, this almost sounds like Jack will have a different personality!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
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It sounds to me like Jack is one way (more happy go lucky, witty) when around the Doctor and another way when at Torchwood (emo, angsty, serious).

Of course that's just what I got from the interview.

Look, I didn't hear any screaming or squishing sounds.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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I think, probably, when he is with the Doctor he is more laid back, because he is not in charge. Of course, it remains to be seen what they will do with him on Doctor Who, too. I am kind of hoping it is an episode that explains how he got back from the future and became part of Torchwood.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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