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first visit to a comics store in many years

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: first visit to a comics store in many years
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Fringey, I'm realy looking forward to your input on this.
so, my last visits were to two stores i frequented in my youth over 15 years ago. one was a neiborhood store front maybe 100 years old, but just comic in the past few. I could walk there on nice days. the owner was a fanboy and didn't object to you spending hours talking to him or other patrons --- long as you bought somthing which i did.
the other was also privatly owned but the owner must have the model for the comicbook guy from the Simpsons.
both are gone now, so i was forced to go to a "new" franchised "berry" intersting "comix" store. but just one small corner devoted to comics.
the titles were interesting though. are these franchised all that are left? Where are the neiborhood shops?

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: first visit to a comics store in many years
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cooky37 wrote: Fringey, I'm realy looking forward to your input on this.
so, my last visits were to two stores i frequented in my youth over 15 years ago. one was a neiborhood store front maybe 100 years old, but just comic in the past few. I could walk there on nice days. the owner was a fanboy and didn't object to you spending hours talking to him or other patrons *ss long as you bought somthing which i did.
the other was also privatly owned but the owner must have the model for the comicbook guy from the Simpsons.
both are gone now, so i was forced to go to a "new" franchised "berry" intersting "comix" store. but just one small corner devoted to comics.
the titles were interesting though. are these franchised all that are left? Where are the neiborhood shops?

Will someone shut that man up

The mom and pop shops are still around. But you have to hunt for them sometimes. We have two here. We have one nice little store, with an awesome owner here in Greenville. The other store is more of a gaming store, with only a third of the place dedicated to comics, but still a nice place. But, I think you can figure out which one I will go to when I need something. The guy with the small shop has been great about donating stuff to the local Browncoats for different charity stuff we have done.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.

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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Eides Entertainment
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Eides Entertainment has their entire basement devoted to comics---the good stuff.
Another reason to love Pittsburgh, but you can look for them online at


Last edited by ninjabear on Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Now that's art
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19 years ago I was at a con; one of the guests was the Don Simpson, doing sketches for Conventioneers at $10 a pop.

I got two---a pair of Starfleet officers---each on standard 9"x12" sketch pad.

No, you won't see them on ebay before I die; though I can't help but wonder what such a work of art might go for.

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