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So this is What I think Will Happen

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: So this is What I think Will Happen
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With two weeks left till the release of The Deathly Hallows and Every one has put forward their Thoughts on what will Happen. I've got a few ideas myself and i want to right them down before the books to proove i was right, or admit i'm wrong. With the other potter heads i spoke to either agree with me or think i'm crazy, What do you think?

What are Harry's Plan At the end of the half blood prince Harry pretty much had his summer planned out.
First, he would Honor DumbleDore's wishes and return one last time to 4 Privet Drive. At the stroke of midnite on July 30th the magic that protected Harry most of his life will end. I predict a battle in Little Sinjin, and Aunt Patunia will admit her love and envy of her Sister. Harry Might even Modify the Dursley's Memories
Next, Back to the Burrows For the Wedding of Bill and Fleur. A great happy Cellabration tinted with the fear and mourning should be interesting.
Plus, Being Around the Family of his Ex girlFriend will be Aukward for Harry. The feelings will be even more weird because Harry is practicly family. If Fluer's lil sister Gabreal makes eyes at Harry won't help.
Next, Harry plans to visit the place of his Parent's home at Godric's Hollow.
Godric as in Godric GriffenDore? Has anyone ever rode by a road side memorial? or remember the improptue memorial for Princess Diana? can you imagiane how a WiZard will do something like that? What about The Neibors, and family Friends Harry will meet? We will find out a lot more about Harry's Parents life after Hogwarts.
Finaly, Off to search for the Horcrux but not Back to Hogwarts. Harry realy Doesn't see that much of a future for himself after destroying He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. But Harry's time at Hogwarts is the base for the whole series so he will Return but why Will he return is the question. Maybe, he will find Evidence that there is a Horcrux in the Castle? Maybe as a favor to Mrs. Weasly to keep Ron Safe, or as a favor to McGonagle to show support to Hogwarts? Maybe so Hermoine will have Accsess to the Extensive library at Hogwarts to help find and defeat Voldamort and his Horcrux? They may even make Harry Head boy and make arrangements for Harry and the gang to leave the Castle to find the Horcrux.
I'm sorry but i've got to go but that should cover the first 3 or for Chapters. chime in with your thought and i'll be back with more.

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July 1, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Back at HogWarts
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Before i get into hogwarts let state from my comment on Godric's Hallow that Harry is the last decendant of Godric Griffindor just like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is the last of the Slizerin.

So, As we left Hogwarts it was short one headmaster, one Gamekeeper's hut, and one DA Teacher/head of house, not to mention the confidence of the familes of the students. Miss Rowling has already said there will be no new characters I doubt at these dificult times they will get someone willing to fill Dumbldore's pointy shoes so Mcgonagle will stay on as head mistress. While she will probably continue to teach transfiguration, cause no one else will want to work there, but it wouldn't be proper for her to remain as head of Griffendor house. I think She will Tap Hagred for that Job since he'll need a place to stay. Slughorn will Resume his post as head of Slitheren but i don't trhink there will be any Slitherins left. As for the DA teaher I have 3 guesses, all Aurors. Tonks, to be closer to Lupin, Dawlish( the guy who kept grtting zapped by Dumbledore) cause he isn't any good any where else, Or Kingsley Shaklebolt . Who ever it turns out to be Harry will probably help teach.
next, what about the Horcrux.

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July 1, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Horcrux
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Yes, that is the plural for Horcrux-Horcrux. It's a made up word!!!!
For those who don't know a horcrux is a portion of a wizards soul ripped from their body, because they commited a murder, then magicly stored in an object or other living being. Voldermort did this at least 6 times which means his soul is in seven parts-or is it?
Two were already destroyed, Tom's old Dairy stabbed by a Bassalisk fang.
Voldermorts Grandfather's Ring Was Crcked by Dumbledore.
Two are known but are not Accessable The missing locket which belonged to Slitherin, and Voldermort himself. Voldermort must be the last to be destroyed or else he will just slink back to the forrest in Albania.
The Locket is a little harder. It was believed that the locket was in a cave that tom Riddle "played in as a Child but turned out to have already been stolen by Someone With The Initials R A B . Most fans believe this was Sirus Blacks Brother Regulas. Regulas Black was killed By Voldermort. Personaly I think Regulas left the Locket in his family's home !2 Grimwauld PL, the new HQ of the Order of the Pheinox. While Cleaning The Weasly's threw out- ALocket. Personaly I think the Twins Dumpter Dived for it and gave it to their mom for Christmas, So one Horcrux is at the Burrows.

So thats 4 down and Three to go. Before he Died Dumbledore therorized that two of the Horcrux were a Cup, once belonging to Hufflepuff and stolen By Tom Riddle, and Voldermort's pet snake Nagini. While Nagini stays by Voldermort i personaly doubt that Voldermort would use a living creature as a horcrux I think He may have Used some thing else.
What is the last Horcrux?
how do we know he made all 7?
How do we know he only made 7?
Where are the last Horcrux?
Is Harry a Horcrux?
I'll answer Later

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: Horcrux Answers
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What is the last Horcrux? My Quess, Hogwarts Castle

has Voldermort made all 7 Horcrux? He wouldn't have gone the Offensive if he hadn't

Has he made only seven? 7 is a magical number. The Only way Voldermort would make more than 7 is to replace the ones that were destroyed or by Accident. The only Horcrux he may know about was the book. We don't know how a horcrux is made yet, so we don't know how one could make one by Accident

Where are the last Horcrux? "Gringots! There's no place safer, Except maybe Hogwarts" so, one of those 2 places

Is Harry a Horcrux? only by Accident. And if he is Pherhaps he has tainted the part of Voldermort soul with Good and Love

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July 1, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: the 3 big Questions
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Everybody is asking these 3 questions and will be answered

(1) Is Dumbledore Dead? Yes, Even though all the clues point to him being alive I just can't see Dumbledore lying like that. Every Hero needs a Dead or lost Mentor.

(2) IS Snape Friend or Foe? Friend, Dumbledore reads peoples hearts its hard to lie to your heart

(3) Will Harry Die? ----- Toughie------- Y E S. and right now i want to take it back. JKR wants him dead to prevent any more Sequal, that realy worked Shelock Holmes
Dan Radcliff want to have a great Death scene.
personaly, if it means stopping Voldermort i don't see harry holding anything back. Ijust don't want him to die but he will

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July 1, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: How Will it End?
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If Harry wakes up to find the whole thing was a dream or some how in his head.... I'll track down JKR and get all my money back. Yes there is an epilogue that Miss Rowling Wrote that says what happens to the surviving Characters but before that there will be a great Battle at Hogwarts with all the forces choosing sides
OOTP, DA, MOM Aurrors Hause elves, Merpeople, Durmstrang, Beuxbaton, And Even Centaurs on one side against Deatheaters, Giants, Dementors, WereWolves and other dark Creatures on the other. If the US or Brittish army show up I want my money Back!! Thats what the Mugglenet boys expect to see

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July 1, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: who will die?
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Well Voldermort of course, and i already said i think Harry dies too, but who else? Part of me wants a good old Hamlet ending where everyone dies
But I doubt that will Happen. more likely Hagrid and or Draco Malfoy. Malfoy will be a ghost and move in with Myrtle

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July 1, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: clues
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If you haven't been living under a rock you know that the media has been flashing the cover of Deathly Hallows every day and trying to get interviews from Everybody about what may happen in the last book. here are a few that caught my eye
artwork There are at least 4 covers to Deathly Hallows actualy. There is the main American Cover Which shows Harry, alone In some sort of stadium, reaching for the sky(or title) with a dark cloaked figure reaching for Harry.
The Deluxe American cover With Harry Ron and Hermione riding the ridged back of a dragon (norbert?) over a small villiage(godricks Hallow?)
the Brittish Cover where Harry Ron and Hermione falling into a treasure chamber with what looks like a house elf riding Harry's back Holding a wand (Dobby?)
And Finaly the Adult Brittish cover with just Slitherin's locket

the moviewhen the screenwriter of Order of The Pheniox asked Miss Rowling what he Deffinatly had to keep in the movie she Answered Kreecher

Miss Rowling She has been verry tight lipped but shehas let a few things slipp
She never said Harry will Die, but she said "How do you know Harry will Live?" She also said that 2 main Character's will die, one person who was to die got a reprieve. She also pointed out that we're dealing with real evil and they don't for the side characters they aim for who is important.
She Also said that someone who never showed much magical tallent will do a great bit of Magic (filch?)

translation Aparently Deathly Hallows doesn't translate into Scandanavian. so the Title Was Translated to "harry potter and the relics of death"

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: what i want to see
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The best part of Miss Rowlings writing are the little touches that show every day life of a wizard, or character development. here are a few little things i would like to see
Neville kicking death eater but
ron & hermoine first kiss
wizard wedding
the next generation of Weasleys
Hogwarts Graduation
Ginny telling off Harry

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July 1, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: odds and ends
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as i wright this last entry before the book comes out the timer at a potter site reads 3 days 4 hours and 17 minutes. Ther are a few things i have learned or picked up

the locket: origionaly i Said " Personaly I think the Twins Dumpter Dived for it and gave it to their mom for Christmas, So one Horcrux is at the Burrows. " but they didn't show the cleaning of HQ in the movie and it wouldn't due to say they nixxed it so I have to say the locket is in Kreechers nest

Scar is not the last word but one of the last words

please feel free to add any thoughts you have and i'll see you in a little over a week


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