Joined: December 28, 2006
Posts: 5
Posted: Post subject: Firefly: Relit Project... December 30th! |
Firefly: Relit, to put it simply, is a project where we suggest to the Sci/Fi Channel that they use Firefly as a Summer Replacement Series in 2007. Many people have already sent e-mails to them on this topic, but we want to make an impression on the top Brass, so....
On December 30th, I would like to encourage everyone to send Letters to the President of the Channel. We want to be taken seriously, so I would like to suggest that we Not send Overly decorated or "Fanboy" type letters. Let's keep it simple and to the point. Show them we're sincere and serious, and it'll improve the chances that they'll take us seriously.
The Mailing Address is:
Bonnie Hammer, President
NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY
On January 2nd, which is when the letters will probably arrive, I'd like folks to send e-mails to (removed) as well. As in all our campaigns to get noticed and get something done, it's all about Numbers. So let's drown 'em in letters and e-mails on Jan 2nd!
Here is the e-mail that I've been sending. It should serve as a fairly good template for Letters and e-mails both.
Subject: Programming Suggestion for Summer, 2007
To the Sci/Fi Programming Staff:
Firefly is one of your more popular shows; Check the
Numbers from the last few "Marathons" you've had of
it, and I'm sure you'll agree that it's still quite
popular. It's also in the Interests of NBC/Universal
that it BE a popular Show. The Film Serenity is doing
well in DVD sales, and Firefly's popularity certainly
ties into that.
So... Here's what I have in Mind:
Firefly as a Summer Replacement Series
There are 14 Episodes, if you count the Pilot as One
Episode. Show the Series in the dvd Format, the way
Joss Whedon originally intended them to be. Sci/Fi
could have each Episode Introduced by one of the
Show's Cast, perhaps a different one each time, and
Joss for the Pilot Episode. The "Host" can intro an
Episode, and provide a tidbit of commentary or trivia
at the end of each Installment. Show one per week,
on the same designated night, just like a regular
The Production costs will be extremely low, compared
to the cost of a "From scratch" New Series. It'll take all
Summer and Folks can Tune in, Same Time, Same Channel
each week. It'll be a blast for those of us already familiar
with Firefly, and would Introduce an entirely New Audience
to it as well.
This could generate enough renewed interest in Firefly
to bring about interest in a Serenity Sequel, or perhaps a
Serenity-based Mini-Series. Also, if Sci/Fi is in line for the
non-paying Cable Premiere of Serenity, this would be the
I hope you all give this some serious consideration.
It could certainly work, to the benefit of all concerned.
Timothy Dale Brown
5985 South Handy Road
Bloomington, IN 47401
Ph 81* 82* 7*15
Thank you to everyone who decides to do this. It's a simple, practical way to keep Firefly alive and Flying. Hopefully, we can get Sci/Fi to at least consider it!
If you come across this post too late for the Letter campaign, please don't let that stop you from e-mailing. We've been doing that for over a month now! :)