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Old cartoons and shows you remember- Future Movie???
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former member default image - bird flying away

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Wasn't Catherine Zeta Jones once rumoured to be linked to Wonder Woman? ....... what would people think of that I wonder.

I haven't heard of any of those shows apart from Captain Scarlet Cooky37 ..when I read Adam Ant I think of the 80's singer

God I forgot about the box of delights Jamie always reminds me of Xmas....Do you remember The Snow Spider? - It was an ITV programme about a young welsh boy who discovers he is a descendant of an ancient wizard.
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July 1, 2006
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oops, miss spelled
Atom Ant : early Hanna Barbara
Speed racer: japanise animae, was redone recently
Dangar Ace: japanise animae giant robot
Space Hawks: thundercats spin off
There's a new Captain Scarlet series, COOL. is it supermarionation, cgi or animated ?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

No Jamie I don't recall The Gift either but it sounds good reminds me a bit of Chocky ...Do you remember that show about a kid being influenced by an alien..and he starts drawing weird pictures and stuff.

lol I was going to joke earlier with you about Jamie and the magic torch but I figured you might have gotten that before .......hopefully you didn't have a big shaggy dog called Wordsworth .

Here's others that have come to mind......
The Gentle Touch - A female Police D.I. who deals with crimes and a family at home.

Cats Eyes - Sort of a sequel to the Gentle Touch only more like Charlie's Angels.

Dempsey and Makepiece - Posh beautiful British female cop gets an American brash cop partner .....I loved it ...... correction I liked the show I loved Glynnis Barber

The Adventure Game - This was a bit like an earlier Crstal Maze only better it was set on an alien world were contestants came and solved a lot of varied coloured shaped puzzles.

Bagpuss - Very memorable Children's show about creatures in a strange shop for it sold nothing it was filled with things people had once lost ...each time Bagpuss and his friends would try and discover what a certain item was with stories and song .

Captain Caveman - A four foot fur ball with a big nose and club accompanied by the Teen Angels ...I used to love when he would get embarrassed when one of the angels would stroke him saying "Cavy Wavy" ..... okay too much info there

The Equaliser - Edward Woodward was a rich former agent who was trying to atone for past sins by assisting those who need is help free of charge,,,,basically he operated as a troubleshooter,protector and investigator.
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July 1, 2006
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Hey!! What am I chopped liver? personaly I wondering why these shows you mentioned never made the leap to the states. next stop, BBC america to complain. the children shows that made it over here the supermarionation shows like Tera Hawks. most of the 80's cartoon here in the US were half hour toy comercials. the only real good one have already been mentioned.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Robin .......the hooded man ....ahhhh yes I remember, it was never as good after Michael Praed left and Jason Connery took over. I used to love the muslim Nasir remember he had a beard and always had two short swords on his back.

You lucky beggar Jamie you got to see Glynis Barber get her gear off ....what was she like?? Be descriptive

Knightmare .... oh yeah that was great......your man used to be funny - Treguard..... it reminds of that new kids show at the moment ..the Raven!

Its a pity that you didn't get to see more British kids telly was very good .....not that I thought a lot I mentioned earlier was American created and imported.

Okay here's more to recall sorry Cooky some are British...

Day ot the Triffids - Yes it was the big rubber plants that blind and kill humans.

Different Strokes - What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? lol Little Arnold who couldn't love him ....hey we still do.

Emu and the Pink windmill thing - Hey I just want to see Grotbags back.

H.R. Puffinstuff - Witchypoo and an annoying talking flute ...oh and the young actor Jack Wild (the artful Dodger) as Jimmy

The Hardy Boys Mysterious - Frank and Joe would go around solving murders and crimes.

The Nancy Drew Mysterious - When it wasn't the Hardy Boys solving the crime she would ......sometimes the three would team up.

Hart To Hart - Multi-millionaire husband and wife team Jonathan and Jennifer with their butler"She's gorgeous" Max solve crimes. ..
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: not so old and not a cartoon, but...

It's not so old, but how about bringing back (at least in
a TV movie form) the short-lived Jeremy Piven series "Cupid."


(and sometimes co-starred current SG Atlantis actor Flanigan)
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I haven't watched this either iswallowedabug .......gulp!!
What was it about?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

"Cupid" was billed as a "dramedy" about a man (played by Jeremy
Piven) who claimed to be Cupid. He was being punished by Zeuss
so was sent to Earth to live as a human (stripped of his powers) until he
could unite 100 couples without using any godlike.

He gets arrested and is released into the care of a psychiatrist (female) who specializes in relationships and runs a singles group. Trevor (the
name he uses) attends the singles groups and goes about trying to play

It sounds hokey, but is was quite well done. The banter between
Trevor and the psychiatrist is hysterically funny, and the s----l
tension between them was quite fun too.

It's never revealed if Trevor is really Cupid, or just a nut, and the
show didn't last that long.

The show was also really touching, such as when PIven would feel
alone and lost in the world while missing Mount Olympus (just curling
up and whimpering about wanting to go home). They also
had some really inventive plot lines (spoilers!).

It wasn't always about Trevor succeeding in getting people together
romantically. He claimed to have a knack at knowing who belonged
with whom, howevr, in one episode, the couple he set up (who did
hit it off), turned out were meant to ne together in a different way.
The woman needed a heart translplant, and the man Trevor had set
her up with ends up dying and being the donor. Okay, I didn't
make that sound as clever and touching as it actually was.

Anyway, a really great show that got canceled before it had a chance
to be. And one of the few really well done, inventive new shows
that year, too.
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July 1, 2006
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I am so pissed at BBC America. the show you mention sound good keep it up so i know what to ask for.

There's a toy line for Tera Hawks? does that mean i can get my own zeroid? (off topic I think i saw some people who can get away with playing the aliens without make up)

If we are going to include Sid and Marty Kroft shows here another list

Way out Space Nuts
Electra Woman & Dyna Girl
Ghost buster (the one with Larry Storch and the Gorrilla)
Wonder buggy
Monster Squad
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

It sounds like a really nice show iswallowedabug sounds like one of those series that you could just sit back and chill out while watching it.....I must keep my eyes open for it thanks!!

Here's other shows I recall......
Highway to Heaven - The guy from Little House is an Angel with bearded friend..... from...erm.... Little House too lol.

Kung-fu - David Carradine is grasshopper traveling the old West ...apparently they are plans in making a movie of this already

Hammer House of Horror - A series of various 1 hour long horror stories ...the opening sequence had some creepy music with a guy at a window of a big house.

Tales of the Unexpected - Sinister stories written mostly by Roald Dahl (yeah the kids book writer) the opening sequence I loved which had memorable music to some dancing shadow woman in flames and stuff

Armchair Thriller - Got this dvd recently each story had about six half hour parts ....the most famous one was about a seriel killer called the Black Nun. The opening sequence had a shadow of a guy sitting on a white chair in the darkness and suddenly his hands move when the music comes to an end ...when I was a kid off school sick I used to sneak out of bed and watch it. It scared the living daylights out of me
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I don't think Cupid was from Britain Cooky and I know none of your list bud.....sorry!!!
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April 8, 2006
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OMG Round the twist was the bomb!!! I used to love that show as a kid. And i dont know if anyone ever saw the aussie show "Ocean Girl" but that was awesome too.
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July 1, 2006
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There was an updated version of kung Fu. Caridine is the (Great) grandson of the origional Cain who travels california to find his long lost son. he found him early is season 1. he's a cop who hates martial arts. throw in eastern mystisim, east/west conflict and it was ok.

OK i know this one was brittish Tomorrow People

I may lose some testoserone to admit this, but i liked Jem
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Yeah I remember Ocean Girl ...we got that on an Irish channel though I didn't watch it much ...and we used to get Round the Twist too I enjoyed that ...good show!

Do you remember the Sulivans used to be on around lunch time on British telly it was an Australian soap set during WW2 and after.
Or Carson's Law which had the mother from the Sulivan's ....even then all the Australian actors traveled from one show to another.
Oh and who can forget Skippy.
Kid: What is it Skip?
Skippy: (A clicking tutting sound was heard)
Kid: What kind of accident, skip?
Skippy: He click tuts once more
Kid: He has broke his leg down the well

lol Okay you get the gist

Really Cooky? I never heard of that Kung fu revamp before sounds good I must try and get to see it.
Tomorrow People I've always meant to get round to watching this but I haven't yet. Was it good?
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April 8, 2006
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Haha Good old Skippy.. geez that was funny..mainly at how stupid it was. Like lassie but with a Kangaroo. You know Skip or Skippy is now a term used to describe a white aussie... sorta like a derogatory comment.
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