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So tell us about your favorite psycho ex.....
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: So tell us about your favorite psycho ex.....
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Someone once told me that we attract those who are most like ourselves. If that is true, then I must be psychotic, because I sure do attract them! Now, don't let me get this started by letting anyone think I am perfect. Far from it. I am moody with a dark sense of humor and am often quite sure I am right. I am sure any of my ex's would tell you far worse and probably be right. I have been as much at fault as any of them when it came to the relationship ended. But, still, some of the women I have dated....whew!

My favorite psycho ex, the one I call "the girl from Satan's back porch", will go nameless. We will call her Jane. Jane and I met at a sci fi con and I was instantly attracted to her. We did not get together at the con, but about six month's later we ran into each other again at the staff meeting for the next con. Things clicked, we ended up madly in love overnight (yeah right) and decided that she would move in with me from Tennessee. Boy, did things go wrong from that point on.

Let me give you some quick background on Jane. She had alcoholic parents and had previously been married to, she said, an abusive husband who she had stabbed with a kitchen knife to avoid being beaten to death. Not killed, but wounded. Red flags should have been up right then, but I was "in love".

The next red flag I should have gotten was on the night she was supposed to have left Tennessee to move in with me. I expected her around 11 or 12 o'clock that night as she was leaving about 6 PM to make the trip and it was about five hours. I left some leeway in my estimate due to traffic, rest room breaks, etc. She did not show up until 10 AM the next morning after I had been up all night worrying about her, with no call. She explained some friends gave her a going away party and she had been too drunk to drive. Okay, I accepted that but let her know that she should have called me.

Then things got worse, quickly. First, she decided I need to change the way I dressed, find a different place to live, etc. I compromised, changed my dress a little bit and found us a bigger place. Then she started showing her true nature. We were getting ready for a housewarming party. I cleaned and mopped the bathroom, but forgot to put back the rug in front of the toilet. This started her screaming at me, literally screaming, to the point where I just turned and walked away into the bedroom, slamming the door as I went. Which prompted her to tell me I was violent because I slammed the door! This coming from a woman who disagreed with me about who was in a movie and threw a book at me!!!

Things like this continued. First off, I noticed whenever we went out, she got drunk and never wanted to go home. Alcoholic parents had raised an alcoholic daughter! The final straw for me was when she went out after work one night and got drunk in the middle of an ice storm. I couldn't take it. I broke up with her the next day. She whined and cried but I was firm. Then she pulled out the "I moved here to be with you and have no place to go. Let me stay till I find an apartment." Being the sucker I am, "Sure" was my answer. She started dating someone else shortly after, but it was fine by me. Unfortunately, she wasn't paying rent. She was also constantly trying to come between me and my family by telling me that they didn't respect me, etc.

A couple of months later, I started dating someone I really DID love after she had left her husband due to his cocaine use and some other issues. Jane was still living in my house, but I felt it was none of her concern. We were in seperate bedrooms, both dating someone new, etc. Of course, in her twisted mind, she could not have me, so no one else could. My mother, who taught in a nearby private Christian school, got a visit from Jane, during one of her classes.

Jane pulled my mom out of her class into the hallway and proceeded to tell her that I had broken up the marriage of this other woman so I could have that woman! Of course, my mom told her she knew me better than that and called me during her lunch. I was incensed and called my brother, who also shared the hosue with us, and told him we were throwing her out. Fine by him, he said and wondered why it had taken so long. When Jane came home, I confronted her about what she had told my mom and told her that she was gone. Immediately. That night. She argued and tried to pull my brother into it by asking what he thought. His reply was, "I think it is time you got f*** out!" He also told her that, if she treated her ex husband the way she treated me, knowing he was abusive, then she probably did bring on some of the abuse, because he did not know how I had avoided hitting her on a couple of occassions, the way she treated me.

She refused, so we started piling her stuff on the front porch. The police ended up being called and I was told I couldn't throw her out without 30 days notice. I figured if I stayed there, things would only get worse that night. So, I left to stay at my girlfriend's house. I came home the next morning and, while she was in the next room, called the phone company and had the long distance shut off. She LIVED on long distance. I left town for another convention that weekend and called home to be told by my brother she had decided it was best, after all, for her to move out.

You would think this would have ended it, but I found out a few months later she was still trying to turn my friends against me by telling them all that I had embezzled 10K dollars from the little business I had worked in when we met!!! Factually, I had left because there wasn't enough money in the business to support both me and the owner and I found a better job. When I told the owner, a very close friend about this, she just laughed and said, "Did we ever make 10 thousand dollars while you were here?"

That has been about thirteen years ago now and, other than one time we ran into each other at a con less than a year later, I have never seen her again. I have no idea where she is or even if she still lives in this area. Hope not! So, anyone else got a good psycho ex story to tell?

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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April 8, 2006
Posts: 99

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Hahahaha... sorry dude but I just had to laugh.

No I dont have a psycho ex story... thank goodness!

I like to think Im a good judge of character and thankfully anyone wacko I havent ended up knowing for very long.
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I'm like Steph here no psycho girlfriends but Fringey you definitely got to meet Ninjabear bud lol

And Steph you do like these stories too don't you babe ....We don't get women like that in Ireland they do as their told and stay in the kitchen hahhahahaha I'm only messing truthfully I'd be lynched by the female community if they heard me saying that
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April 8, 2006
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lucifer666 wrote: I'm like Steph here no psycho girlfriends but Fringey you definitely got to meet Ninjabear bud lol

And Steph you do like these stories too don't you babe ....We don't get women like that in Ireland they do as their told and stay in the kitchen hahhahahaha I'm only messing truthfully I'd be lynched by the female community if they heard me saying that

Hah u better be kidding. Everything should be equal... plus i hate cooking... and cleaning... and I dont take well at all to ANYONE telling me what to do LOL
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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invisiblesteph wrote: Hahahaha... sorry dude but I just had to laugh.

No I dont have a psycho ex story... thank goodness!

I like to think Im a good judge of character and thankfully anyone wacko I havent ended up knowing for very long.

I can laugh at it now, too. But, at the time...sheesh! Someday maybe I will tell you the story of my senior prom. If you thought this one was funny....

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A Life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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lucifer666 wrote: I'm like Steph here no psycho girlfriends but Fringey you definitely got to meet Ninjabear bud lol

While he inspired me to share MY story, I really don't think he is my type!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A Life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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invisiblesteph wrote:

Hah u better be kidding. Everything should be equal... plus i hate cooking... and cleaning... and I dont take well at all to ANYONE telling me what to do LOL

Are you sure your not an Irish Woman ......yeah I'm only kidding ....I grew up the only boy with three sisters I said earlier I would be lynched

And Fringey never know bud
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August 1, 2006
Posts: 40

PostPosted:     Post subject: hmmm
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I would have to say I think my ex boyfriend was a freakin weirdo. He thought he was normal, but honestly, his constant remarks were just unbelievable. He would make racist comments, sexist comments, comments about your intelligence, you name it. The first thing he did when he got home from work is go off on me for things that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Oh and he constantly made fun of my "nerdiness". That was one relationship I said good riddance to back in January. It wasn't until he became beligerant and violent and I almost had the police over that he finally left here. The man was messed up. He would get crazy when he would drink and he would drink himself stupid.
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April 8, 2006
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Wow vixi Im glad it ended before he hurt u!
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August 1, 2006
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Well actually he kinda did. He knocked me to the ground because I told him to move out or I would have the police remove him.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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vixi wrote: I would have to say I think my ex boyfriend was a freakin weirdo. He thought he was normal, but honestly, his constant remarks were just unbelievable. He would make racist comments, sexist comments, comments about your intelligence, you name it. The first thing he did when he got home from work is go off on me for things that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Oh and he constantly made fun of my "nerdiness". That was one relationship I said good riddance to back in January. It wasn't until he became beligerant and violent and I almost had the police over that he finally left here. The man was messed up. He would get crazy when he would drink and he would drink himself stupid.

No matter how you look at it, that was an abusive relationship, mentally and emotionally. I am glad that you got out of it without being seriously hurt physically and I hope you aren't too scarred emotionally. The woman I talked about at the beginning of this whole thread was very emotionally and mentally abusive. I was very lucky to have really good firends and family members nearby to help me out afterwards. I hope you had the same kind of support.

Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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August 1, 2006
Posts: 40

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: hmmm
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fringey wrote: vixi wrote: I would have to say I think my ex boyfriend was a freakin weirdo. He thought he was normal, but honestly, his constant remarks were just unbelievable. He would make racist comments, sexist comments, comments about your intelligence, you name it. The first thing he did when he got home from work is go off on me for things that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Oh and he constantly made fun of my "nerdiness". That was one relationship I said good riddance to back in January. It wasn't until he became beligerant and violent and I almost had the police over that he finally left here. The man was messed up. He would get crazy when he would drink and he would drink himself stupid.

No matter how you look at it, that was an abusive relationship, mentally and emotionally. I am glad that you got out of it without being seriously hurt physically and I hope you aren't too scarred emotionally. The woman I talked about at the beginning of this whole thread was very emotionally and mentally abusive. I was very lucky to have really good firends and family members nearby to help me out afterwards. I hope you had the same kind of support.

Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."

You're right amd yes I have had support from a few friends in the area. I just couldn't believe the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde thing some guys pull on us. It's gonna get bad enough that I will take a chaperone lol
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: hmmm
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vixi wrote: fringey wrote: vixi wrote: I would have to say I think my ex boyfriend was a freakin weirdo. He thought he was normal, but honestly, his constant remarks were just unbelievable. He would make racist comments, sexist comments, comments about your intelligence, you name it. The first thing he did when he got home from work is go off on me for things that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Oh and he constantly made fun of my "nerdiness". That was one relationship I said good riddance to back in January. It wasn't until he became beligerant and violent and I almost had the police over that he finally left here. The man was messed up. He would get crazy when he would drink and he would drink himself stupid.

No matter how you look at it, that was an abusive relationship, mentally and emotionally. I am glad that you got out of it without being seriously hurt physically and I hope you aren't too scarred emotionally. The woman I talked about at the beginning of this whole thread was very emotionally and mentally abusive. I was very lucky to have really good firends and family members nearby to help me out afterwards. I hope you had the same kind of support.

Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."

You're right amd yes I have had support from a few friends in the area. I just couldn't believe the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde thing some guys pull on us. It's gonna get bad enough that I will take a chaperone lol

I hear ya. I have obviously been through a couple of those Jeckyll & Hyde type things myself. That is why I have always liked the idea of not getting too seriously involved with someone until I really know them. Of course, it doesn't usuallywork. You don't generally see the worst side of a person until you have actually lived with them.

The dangers of "dating" is that everyone tries so hard to show their best side. The Hyde doesn't show until they think they have you hooked and can't get out.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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I'm lucky. No psycho Exes. That's because I'm VERY selective about who I get into a relationship with. I'd much rather be alone than in a crappy relationship. Be a balanced, secure, strong individual, or your --- gets kicked to the curb.

It never leaves the curb, to be precise...
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"We are all born in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
-- Oscar Wilde
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