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Sci-Fi is for losers.

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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What is stupid is coming on a site and attacking what it is based on.
But lets get to you question Why i like/love sci fi. Thru scifi the storyteller can submitt a morality play without making an actual group or person as the villian. Scifi shows what we can become, the good the bad and the ugly.
then there are the ladies in tight clothes and short skirts

Will someone shut that man up

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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it would have bee fun to go toe to toe with hims some more though. Ilove troll bashing
But if we re word his question more politely it is an interesting question
Why is sci fi an important of your life? so important that it factors into your relationships.

Will someone shut that man up
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: UFO sighting
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Well, that was fast.
The, uh, person, who started this thread came and went so quickly...more's the pity.
Sent me a smooch; tried to look up the profile, was told there is no such user, but now I see there's more evidence of this UFO.

I wonder because given some of the vitriol in these forums, what did this person see or do that could compel such a hasty departure?

When I'm feeling up to it I'll argue anyone on anything so if you're still reading I invite you to rejoin us, but behave yourself and we will be happy to show you why you are wrong...or Stephen Hawking will roll over you in his wheelchair, right after several of NASA's finest engineers and astronauts pimp-slap you into the dirt for calling them losers.

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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: can't rise to the challenge
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I really wish I'd seen this one start, before it abruptly finished.

Best guess is a teenage boy who is obviously frustrated by his intellectual and physical shortcomings, and felt the need to vent his anger at those who he believes make him feel inferior.
Sad, really...

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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You pretty much get where FBD was coming from Bear. He came on started this thread calling us all losers and in derocatory terms question our interest in Sci Fi. It has been so long since i went Troll hunting i couldn't resist. I think he had like 1 or 2 other posts with the same tone

Will someone shut that man up
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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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You pretty much get where FBD was coming from Bear. He came on started this thread calling us all losers and in derocatory terms question our interest in Sci Fi. It has been so long since i went Troll hunting i couldn't resist. I think he had like 1 or 2 other posts with the same tone

Will someone shut that man up
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: fetch the others back to play
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Yeah, but I'm wondering if I didn't lead FBD back here my own self.
I went to the official message boards for the NBC show The Biggest Loser and in no uncertain terms, but perhaps a bit too vehememtly (as I'm want to do) told them I don't believe the morbidly obese were put here for the amusement of a TV audience, and boy did I catch hell!

I was assailed with vulgar images, derogatory insults and snide taunts---you'd think I'd run into an NAACP meeting and shouted "the N-Word" when all I did was express one angry opinion in an intelligent, articulate manner, as I do here.
The topic thread was locked, then wiped from existence by the forum moderators, but I did invite several of my uh, "critics" to come here and fight me on my home turf.

I wonder if one of them tried here what they're used to pulling there and got him/herself shot down...hmmm...

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