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Does Anyone Else Think The Cylons Might Be Right????

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Does Anyone Else Think The Cylons Might Be Right????
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Watching this last week's ep, I just kept thinking how the fleet didn't need the Cylons to destroy it. The humans are doing a good enough job of destroying themselves. Damn fine writing! I can't wait till Sunday night to see the remaining five Cylons and I HOPING Starbuck is NOT one of them.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
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anyone who can create Sharon, Diana and Caprica can't be all wrong.
Personally, I don't think when you running for your life is the right time to to have a debate on the inequality of the social hiarchy.

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
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Ah, but when things are at their worst is when those inequalities are most glaring. It may not be the most propitious time to address them, but there may not be any other choice to keep humanity together in one piece.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
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true Fringey, if they hadn't created a self aware mechanised work/defence force they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.
Baltar may not be a baddy but he is a hypocrite. Rosalyn never decarated Collonial 1 she just did her job. But under Prez Baltar it looked like a brothal. Baltar used his office to live comfortabley but we see Rosalyn cleaning up the file room.
the key to bettering a community is education, what better leader than a teacher. given time the cylons will turn on themselves. remember the arguments theyve had since new capprica even among the same models.
BTW have i said how much i liked that they devided the power Adama had in the first series. from a millitary, political, and religous leader to just a millitary leader.

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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cooky37 wrote: true Fringey, if they hadn't created a self aware mechanised work/defence force they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.
Baltar may not be a baddy but he is a hypocrite. Rosalyn never decarated Collonial 1 she just did her job. But under Prez Baltar it looked like a brothal. Baltar used his office to live comfortabley but we see Rosalyn cleaning up the file room.
the key to bettering a community is education, what better leader than a teacher. given time the cylons will turn on themselves. remember the arguments theyve had since new capprica even among the same models.
BTW have i said how much i liked that they devided the power Adama had in the first series. from a millitary, political, and religous leader to just a millitary leader.

Will someone shut that man up

There is so much that is so brilliant about the writing of this show. I am cosntantly amazed. Can't wait to see last night's ep this morning when I get home from work.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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