Joined: August 1, 2006
Posts: 40
Posted: Post subject: AFK mode |
I noticed on some blogs out there, that you can switch your status to "AFK" so other bloggers won't assume you are available the whole time. The reason I think this would be a great idea is because I leave my passions site on all day to check it occasionally and people think I am really there. I would love to set an AFK message so people know I am on, but not immediately available. Then when I am ready to talk again I will switch it off.
Vixi - avid daydreamer since 1971 |
Joined: January 5, 2005
Posts: 970
Posted: Post subject: |
We're not exactly sure what you are asking for.
We looked at chat, IM's and the general online status, and each one is a little different.
You probably shouldn't login to chat if you aren't going to actually chat, so that's probably not what you are talking about.
If someone sends an IM to you, and you are not there to receive it, the message they see is something like 'the member is not available'. If you are talking about being online, but just not available for IM's, then the system already handles that for you, by default.
If you are talking about just the general online status, it doesn't hurt to be 'online' for extended periods if you checking your email area frequently. We'll look at whether we think we ought to add an 'I'm logged in, but away from the computer for now' type of display.
In the meantime, we would recommend that you consider clicking on the 'Update descriptions' section, and just adding in a line at the top of the description explaining that you're around, but just not right in front of the computer all the time.
Hope that helps a little,