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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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caseystiletto wrote: I am pretty much perfect.
My dad is a lot older than you, kid.

Meh...ces la vie.


Well, you know, there are some things to be said for older men.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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Posted:     Post subject:

fringey wrote: caseystiletto wrote: I am pretty much perfect.
My dad is a lot older than you, kid.

Meh...ces la vie.


Well, you know, there are some things to be said for older men.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.

fringey has a point

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Posted:     Post subject:

This is true. Most so-called "men" my age are pretty much douchebags.

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Posted:     Post subject:

caseystiletto wrote: This is true. Most so-called "men" my age are pretty much douchebags.

Men don't usually grow up till there mid to late 20's althow I've seen some that are in there 40's and act like there 16.

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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caseystiletto wrote: This is true. Most so-called "men" my age are pretty much douchebags.

Well, with experience and heartbreak, men learn to appreciate a good thing more.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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andrewlightstar wrote: caseystiletto wrote: This is true. Most so-called "men" my age are pretty much douchebags.

Men don't usually grow up till there mid to late 20's althow I've seen some that are in there 40's and act like there 16.

Then there are people like me who are responsible adults but still have a young feel for life. Even with the grey starting to show, people still often feel I am younger than I am because I have such a young attitude. Me, I think I am pretty cynical, but I also don't go into old curmudgeon mode and gripe about "kids these days".

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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Posted:     Post subject:

I try not to turn into Bitter Cynical Bee-otch Casey...cause I have tendencies to do that...and it ain't so cute..
I do're only as young as you feel..

Senor used the word "curmudgeon"..that makes me grin. Ah I love a good vocabulary word..

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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caseystiletto wrote: I try not to turn into Bitter Cynical Bee-otch Casey...cause I have tendencies to do that...and it ain't so cute..
I do're only as young as you feel..

Senor used the word "curmudgeon"..that makes me grin. Ah I love a good vocabulary word..

After running an adult video store on Bourbon Street for three years, cynicism comes far too easily. I work hard to keep a PMA.

"Curmudgeon" is a perfect word. It even sounds like what it is descriptive of.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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Hahaha..I bet you have some good stories..

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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caseystiletto wrote: Hahaha..I bet you have some good stories..

Some things I saw, even I don't want to talk about!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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Posted:     Post subject:

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm here because I'm looking for Trekkie friends, but more importantly I'd like to meet a nice girl (Preferably American) to begin a new life with, but so far I haven't met one IRL girl who likes Sci-Fi.

Now, if this was a science fiction movie, this is the part where the brilliant boy genius that everybody has been ignoring up to this point, pipes up and tells the balding Captain that by cross linking the Warp Core, the Impulse engine and a reverse framistat, then dividing the warp field lattice by the square root of last Tuesday, he can get them all home.
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