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7 1/2 year drought coming to an end?

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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

PostPosted:     Post subject: 7 1/2 year drought coming to an end?
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Ok... Get this. It's been 7 1/2 years since I've been with anyone romanticly. I got divorced in 1999, dated a girl for six months afterward, and since then, nothing. Tonight, I go out on my first date in over 7 years. Now how's that for stamina! hahaha.

Thing is, you'd think I should be nervous or something, but I'm not. Maybe it's due to my age. I'm 47 and I pretty much think that being nervous is kid stuff. I'm pretty much of the opin that I'm not really caring anymore if it works out on the first date or not. I'm just going to let things roll and see if it takes. If it clicks, great. If not... no biggie. Been alone for this much time, it won't kill me to keep on being alone.

So... there's a true post for this site when it comes to romance, dating, and relationships.
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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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Ok, I'm back. The lady was really nice. We eat dinner and talked about all kinds of things. She's a fellow fan of Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, and a few other things. The two hours we spent talking seemed to go pretty well. It was nice talking to a grown up that isn't always talking about sports or work. It was refreshing. I may ask her out again, if she's interested that is.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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Glad you had a good time and good luck on future dates.
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

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Congratulations, I say call her for another date. I'm curious though, it sounds from your post Scryer41 that you got the feeling she wasn't interested? Did you get that feeling?
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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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rayman wrote: Congratulations, I say call her for another date. I'm curious though, it sounds from your post Scryer41 that you got the feeling she wasn't interested? Did you get that feeling?

Actually, she contacted me. We've been chatting over the last month or so and she then asked if I'd like to meet her. I said "if she's interested" because I have no idea what goes on in a woman's mind. When it comes to how a woman thinks, I'm clueless. She said I was a nice guy and that she had a nice time. But you never know. That could mean.... "You're a nice guy... but not for me." She gave me her phone number. So I guess that's a good thing.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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scryer41 wrote: rayman wrote: Congratulations, I say call her for another date. I'm curious though, it sounds from your post Scryer41 that you got the feeling she wasn't interested? Did you get that feeling?

Actually, she contacted me. We've been chatting over the last month or so and she then asked if I'd like to meet her. I said "if she's interested" because I have no idea what goes on in a woman's mind. When it comes to how a woman thinks, I'm clueless. She said I was a nice guy and that she had a nice time. But you never know. That could mean.... "You're a nice guy... but not for me." She gave me her phone number. So I guess that's a good thing.

Always a good thing getting those phone numbers. Call her and see what happens.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lvied without passion is a life not lived."
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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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I called her to tell her that I had a nice time. But I got her messenger. So, I left a message. I haven't heard back from her yet. If she doesn't call back, I'll try once again. If no return call is received, I guess I'll just go on looking.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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scryer41 wrote: I called her to tell her that I had a nice time. But I got her messenger. So, I left a message. I haven't heard back from her yet. If she doesn't call back, I'll try once again. If no return call is received, I guess I'll just go on looking.

I will keep my fingers crossed. But, if she doesn't, at least you had a good time and broke the ice on the dating thing.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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Yeah. But it's so difficult trying to get a date anymore. Oh well, if she's not interested, then I'll just go on being alone.

Beware the beast Man for he is the Devils pawn.
Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or ----, or greed.
Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brothers land.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert out of his home and yours.
Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair.
For he is the harbinger of death.\"
The Sacred Scrolls: 29th Scroll, 6th Verse
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Wow. 7 1/2 years? In a few days I'll be at 13, and almost a year since my last date. If I could afford a gun I'd shoot myself just to relieve the boredom...

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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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You'll be at 13? Years? I'm a bit corn-fused. It's been a year since your last date?

Well, anyway, she did call back. She said she'd like to go to a function I have invited her to. Food, music, and a laser light show. Can't beat that with a stick!

Beware the beast Man for he is the Devil's pawn.
Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or ----, or greed.
Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert out of his home and yours.
Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair.
For he is the harbinger of death.

The Sacred Scrolls: 29th Scroll, 6th Verse
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former member default image - bird flying away

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13 years since my last relationship. One date with someone I never saw again does not a relationship make.

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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scryer41 wrote: You'll be at 13? Years? I'm a bit corn-fused. It's been a year since your last date?

Well, anyway, she did call back. She said she'd like to go to a function I have invited her to. Food, music, and a laser light show. Can't beat that with a stick!

Rock on!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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Here's the update: After two weeks of trying to get to this gal over the phone and via email, with no replies, I sent one final email to her. Basicly I said I was sorry she didn't seem interested anymore and I hoped that she found someone she could be more involved with.


"Across the Sea Of Time and along the Shores of Life, the Traveler rides on. For he knows his journey ends in lovers meeting."

Beware the beast Man for he is the Devil's pawn.
Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or ----, or greed.
Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert out of his home and yours.
Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair.
For he is the harbinger of death.

The Sacred Scrolls: 29th Scroll, 6th Verse

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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Ah well, Scryer. at least you haven't given up completely.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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