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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Point One. I love how Zoe/Jayne is too out there to even be mentioned

Point Two. Book was hardly a cameo guy if you've seen the series. They set him up for this big huge MegaTwist background story, and then killed him so who knows if we'll ever find out. (Unles they do a prequel or something, but that doesn't seem his style)

Theory One. JOSS CAN'T LET ANY COUPLE BE HAPPY! I don't know if he was brutally dumped by a girlfriend, or if he just hates us, but in the Wheadonverse, he just can't let any couple EVER work things out. Ever (Sorry, had a rabid FanGirl moment ^_^;;

Theory Two. He wanted to prove that the main characters could be killed. I thought maybe Book was just a fluke, but then Wash died. After I got over the initial shock of it all, there was the Reever Battle. Honestly, after Zoe was sliced, Simon and Kaylee were shot, and Mal was paralyzed, I thought Joss was just going to kill off everybody in order to end the series.
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April 7, 2006
Posts: 26

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Man, I lovelovelove this show, and the movie just blew my socks off. I was following the show online (friends' reviews etc) whilst it was first airing, and I remember when Tim Minear and Joss told us that it was definitely cancelled - I was gutted, and I hadn't even SEEN the show at that point!

Anyway - re the deaths in the Big Damn Movie, I think that it was inevitable that someone would bite the bullet - one of the good things about Joss'n'co is that in their 'verses people do grow and change and get hurt and die. All the derring do and risk-taking that goes on in Serenity, somebody ought to suffer more than a few artistic cuts on the forehead and a smudge on the cheek - and the show started with loss and failure and death in the battle of Serenity Valley. It's not a safe 'verse - and I think this sense of precariousness really makes one treasure the characters all the more.

I was SPOILER pretty much braced for someone to die, and (horrible decision!) was sort of hoping that it would be Book - not that I don't love his character, but he at least is a good few decades older than the others, and has been there, done that and blown the kneecaps out of the T-shirt seller. But, oh, man, I SO didn't see Wash's death coming. Which is what made it very effective, imho - the fact that it was totally gratuitous, rather than fitting and necessitated by the momentum of the narrative. In reality, death IS horribly random in its arrival.

As to Book - you know, I really think that this whole movie tells us about his backstory. I think that Chewital Ejiofor's character, The Operative, is basically who Book used to be. What little glimpses we have of Book's unlikely skills base and the way that the Alliance reacted to his ID in 'Safe' - I think that he used to do the same job, and that he had his own moment of clarity and stepped away from it, just as The Operative does at the end of the movie.

I can't see Zoe falling in love with anyone else anytime soon, Mal least of all. (And how much did I love that 'War Stories' addressed the whole possibility of Zoe/Mal so beautifully.) Which isn't to say that I *couldn't* be sold on it, but Zoe is so very professional and focussed, and she has suffered such a painful loss...well, I don't think she'd be opening up again in a hurry.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

khaostheory wrote: Point One. I love how Zoe/Jayne is too out there to even be mentioned

I think that it goes without saying that Jayne will most likely be a bachelor the rest of his days. I don't think that there is anyone out there who can compliment him.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I thought that the wb was going to pick the series up. Oh well. Impressive how joss plan came together. I enjoyed being entertained by the series and movie that had a cast of characters with no particular actor that stoled the spot light.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I predict we will find out more about Book's background. I'm thinking in a story involving Book flashbacks...and yes, I do think he was an Operative in his pre-Sheppard life.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

It does seem to point in that direction because Book seems to know alot about the Alliance for just a Sheppard. Maybe he was an Operative or in some other important position, and finally reached his threshold for killing, gotten shell-shock, and decided to "kill" himself and live the rest of his life trying to undo the evil that he had done. But he must have gotten too restless at the monistary and wanted to see the 'verse as it really was and not as an Alliance puppet.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Book-Outof Gas

Book has an operative or some other mysterious background that has a significant poistion in the military one could figure this out when ever Book had some type of advice for Mal. Maybe Book was like River being train to be a an ultimate assain. Maybe Book had a inplant of some sort which aloud the Blue Sun people and military folks to track the Firefly crew. If Firefly does make it back on TV as a series hopfuly a episode on Book can be done to reveal his pass. I personaly like to see the bare foot wonder have a few more lines like she had in the last episode when Early the bounty hunter or body hunter was in. The hole series has great but I have to say Out of Gas was the best.
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April 12, 2006
Posts: 9

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I will go with what Joss Whedon has always said. Don't give the audience what they want give them what they need. The deaths of Book & Wash
affect the audience with greater emotional loss due to thier personalities. It make them tragic heros and tragic heros are always the best. You have the possibity for more complex and intresting character archs. When you have such popular good natured characters who are not as flawed as the rest, the connections with the other characters are more cemented because they symbolise the conscience and moral compass of the show. If a character like Jayne died yes we would regret it because hey, he is funny and bad and you have an ammusing love/hate relationship with him as a viewer,but he wouldn't make that big of a splash in the pond of the story because we are just not as emotionally attached as we are to good natured characters like Wash & Book. They make a huge splash, the ripples effecting every other character deeply leaving them never the same. It is the simple diffrence between a good story and a great story.

I love the characters of Wash & Book, but they had to die. No other characters would have effected the story arch or the audience in the right way.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Does anyone know if there is a Firefly convention any type of activity of the Firefly cast? Thanks
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

There's one coming up in England in September. I plan on being there.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

It wasnt a convention based just on Firefly/Serenity, but it did have a "Wheadonverse" room. MegaCon is an everything Con though, so that's why it was there.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I too was shocked that they kiled them off. I actually started reading the book before the movie came out. I am glad that I didnt finish the book before the movie came out. I probally wouldnt have gone to see the movie. Well I most likely would have because I loved Firefly so much. I went to see it with my friend and when Wash was killed I think i screamed, I dont really remember.

I dont think that Zoe will have another relationship. She really loved Wash, I loved the episode where they kept going back into time telling a story. Mal asked Zoes what she thought of Wash, i was laughing so hard at what she said. Then she falls in love wiht him
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

There is Flanvention in Dec in LA, and there are some of the actors will be in Vegas in July. Most of the cast are very good about attending the bigger cons, everyone but Alan was at Comic Con in San Diego last year.

For those of you who want to see the movie on the big screen again. Go to and see if there will be viewing near you. So far 37 city worldwide will showing Serenity June 22 thru 24th, the proceeds will benefit Equality Now (Joss Whedon's fav charity). I am organizing the Seattle showing on June 24th.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: trophies?
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Serenity won a Hugo.
Yeah, and Mili-Vanilli won a Grammy---awards are meaningless.
I'll say this and be off; I admire your dedication to this lost cause. Nice to know I'm not the only one attacking windmills.
I've seen Firefly, and was not impressed. I may rent Serenity just because of your die-hard defense of it (or just to gather ammo, you never know) but either way, I believe I have to know what I'm talking about.
That said, the worst episode of Firefly will always be better than the best episode of the "re-imagined" Battlestar Galactica; pray to whatever god you worship that never happens to your favorite show.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: trophies?

ninjabear wrote: I may rent Serenity just because of your die-hard defense of it (or just to gather ammo, you never know) but either way, I believe I have to know what I'm talking about.

Sunshine, if you're willing to watch it, I'll BUY you a copy of Serenity
so you won't be out anything if you don't like it.

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