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Battlestar Galactica: Razor

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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

PostPosted:     Post subject: Battlestar Galactica: Razor
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The special two hour episode "Razor", which will serve as a backdrop for the events of season four of Battlestar Galactica, tells the story of Lee Adama's first mission as the commander of the Battlestar Pegasus- and the harrowing tale of that ship's desperate fight for survival in the immediate aftermath of the Cylon's genocidal siege of the Twelve Colonies.

Lee Adama's new XO, Major Kendra Shaw, is plagued by memories of her service and sacrifice under Admiral Helena Cain, who was able to save her ship during the Cylon attack-but only by making Shaw and her fellow officers rationalize suicidal battle tactics and brutal war crimes against their own people.

In the crucible of war, Shaw must let her hesitation and doubts burn away, until all that remains of her is the honed edge of a living human weapon- what Colonial veterans call "a razor." But an edge so fine cuts more than one direction. It can carve an enemy to pieces... or it can carve away a person's soul.

Premieres Saturday November 24, 9 p.m.est on the Sci-Fi channel.

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March 14, 2006
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You can see all the Battlestar Galactica: Razor web episode flashback shorts during an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise tonight at 9 p.m.est on the Sci-Fi Channel.

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Posted:     Post subject: wacthed BSG Razor last week.

Hi all to the fourm, I watched BSG Razor last week. it was good. not quite what I expected, the story line jumped around a bit becase it was a pre-quel after all. Kendra Shaw was an intresting suprise. very strong willed and realy idoized Admial Cane. Razor is in it on way a bit like Apolisepe Now, becase Cane was actig something like the Colnel Mirtz, acting without any moral resraint. she was so comsumed with revenge that she losted all sense of ratinality.

anyhow the actress playing Kendra Shaw was HOT!

Did anyone like this moive at all?

The one thing that was great during the showing was trilers for the next season of BSG. It looks like strarbuck lives. not sure about getting to earth yet. not sure about who is realy a cylon yet either.

well one last parting word. Baltar dided for our sins hahahah.

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March 14, 2006
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I pretty much enjoyed the episode, the acting was great as usual and the jumping back and forth between flashbacks didn't confuse me. My only complaint is that the old Cylons (from the original series) were CGI, but I guess they didn't have enough money to put guys in suits. It's too bad that Major Shaw didn't survive, her character would have been a great addition for season 4. The extended version DVD will be released this Tuesday, I don't think they're going to add much but I'm renting it anyway.

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Posted:     Post subject: I forgor about the CGI old Cylons.

I forgot aobut the CGI old Cylons. When I saw that I was haveing flashback to 1978 . I think they useded CGI becase of the expence of having put men in suits. plus you can so much more in CGI.

but that one secen was cool they acculy said by your commad. wow!

an homage to the orgainal.

OH bye the way does any rember or know that Johnan Harris, the orgional Dr. Smith did a voive over in the 1978 BSG. He played a Cylon nnamed Liciffer. the cyloyn had a glowing head of lights and wore red robes.

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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: I forgor about the CGI old Cylons.
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ed2065 wrote:
OH bye the way does any rember or know that Johnan Harris, the orgional Dr. Smith did a voive over in the 1978 BSG. He played a Cylon nnamed Liciffer. the cyloyn had a glowing head of lights and wore red robes.

I pretty much recognized his voice when I saw the original series when I was a kid, so it didn't surprise me when I read it was Harris.

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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I love Razor, but it has definitely opened a whole nother can of worms that I am jonesing to see straightened out. I hope they can get BSG back on soon!!!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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