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April 12, 2006
Posts: 9

PostPosted:     Post subject: Beta?
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The Federation is in Alpha Quadrant. Ds9 explored the Gamma Quadrant. Voyager has taken on the Delta Quadrant. What of the Beta Quadrant?? Has there ever been any mention of it. I seem to recall some mention of some science vessal sent there in passing conversation on Voyager. Does anyone known? Is it worth exploring? Or is it just that Starfleet hasn't gotton around to it yet? What strange new lifeforms or new civilazations could exist where no man has gone before?
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The whole Beta quadrant hadn't been explored, but the portion closest to the Alpha Quadrant contains the Klingons and the Romulans, probably the Tholians and the Gorn too. Earth it self is closer to the edge of where Beta begins then it is to what would be the "center" of the Alpha Quadrant.
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The Next Star Trek Series Should Start In The Year 2460 About 75 Years After Voyager Gets Home. The slipstream drive has now been perfected and now replaces the warp drive alltogether. Transphasic and Quantum torpedos are the standard weapons on every starship not to mention shields that are twice as powerful then backed up by that abladive armor. Although Janeway took what seemed a fairly EASY trip back through time even though it was one way I don't think time travel should be a perfected technology like it is in the 29th century just yet. Although I think transporters themselves should now evolve to basically operate like a slipstream. The Enterprise has always been at the forefront of each time period {not series mind you} so based on them going through about 3 or 4 enterprises each century I would say we would have a brand new Enterprsie G just being built. The Romulans and cardassians will now be members of the federation by now. Captain Sisko {just ten years removed from the prophets and still looking young} and Vice Admiral Janeway retired and old will be at the ribbon cutting ceremony dedicating the first official Slipstream drive starship. The alpha quandrant all except the outer edge has been mapped and it is now time to explore the entire milky way galaxy. Beyond that it may still be unreachable for now due to slipstream being hard to map outside of any galaxy for some technical reason. After sisko was released the wormhole to the Gamma quadrant was closed. So missions will be to explore the rest of the beta gamma and delta quadrants and revisit some old areas. Like say the delta quadrant Borg have all either been unassimilated or destroyed by species 8472 and the beta quadrant borg are now being freed by a joint effort from Federation and other alliances in an effort to once and for all end the Borg threat to the Milky Way galaxy. The entire milky way galaxy can now be travelled from one end to another 100,000 light years in one months time exactly so the entire galaxy is the federations playground. Most missions will be to the large parts of unexplored beta and gamma quadrants. The new ship should have perhaps a Romulan LT JG assistant chief engineer who maybe was the first romulan to graduate from starfleet academy he has served three years on a starbase closed to earth as an Ensign and has a perfect duty record thus getting the enterpise G post. Maybe we could see a Cardassian enlisted crewmen as well as a few Ferengi. Admiral Nog will also be at the ribbon cutting ceremony having served as first officer of the Enterprise F for many years. The slipstream drive can have maybe four factors of speed. But the enterprise can only achieve slipstream factor 3 with factor 4 being the holy grail similar to what warp ten used to be

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