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Favorite Holiday Music
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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: Somthing in the Chimney
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(sung in the voice of a little girl)

The Chimney Song

There's something stuck up in the chimney
And I don't know what it is,
But it's been there all night long.
Well, I waited up for Santa all Christmas night
But he never came and it don't seem right.
And there's something in the chimney
And it doesn't make a sound,
But I wish you Merry Christmas.

There's something stuck up in the chimney
And I don't know what it is,
But it's been there all week long.
Well, the dog keeps barking up the chimney flue
And we don't know what we're going to do.
Cause there's something in the chimney
And it doesn't move around,
And it's been a week since Christmas.

There's something stuck up in the chimney
And I don't know what it is,
But it's been there all month long.
Well, it's jammed up tight above the fireplace
Now the house smells funny, such a big disgrace.
That there's something in the chimney
And it doesn't talk at all,
And it's been there since last Christmas.

There's something stuck up in the chimney
And I don't know what it is,
But it's been there all year long.
I'll been waiting up for Santa like I did last year
But my brother says, "He's already here."
And he's stuck up in the chimney
And he doesn't say a word
And he'll be there every Christmas.
And we'll have him every Christmas.

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Somthing in the Chimney
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cooky37 wrote: (sung in the voice of a little girl)

The Chimney Song

There's something stuck up in the chimney
And I don't know what it is,
But it's been there all night long.
Well, I waited up for Santa all Christmas night
But he never came and it don't seem right.
And there's something in the chimney
And it doesn't make a sound,
But I wish you Merry Christmas.

There's something stuck up in the chimney
And I don't know what it is,
But it's been there all week long.
Well, the dog keeps barking up the chimney flue
And we don't know what we're going to do.
Cause there's something in the chimney
And it doesn't move around,
And it's been a week since Christmas.

There's something stuck up in the chimney
And I don't know what it is,
But it's been there all month long.
Well, it's jammed up tight above the fireplace
Now the house smells funny, such a big disgrace.
That there's something in the chimney
And it doesn't talk at all,
And it's been there since last Christmas.

There's something stuck up in the chimney
And I don't know what it is,
But it's been there all year long.
I'll been waiting up for Santa like I did last year
But my brother says, "He's already here."
And he's stuck up in the chimney
And he doesn't say a word
And he'll be there every Christmas.
And we'll have him every Christmas.

Will someone shut that man up

I love it! Does it remind anyone else of Gremlins? Gremlins should be on everybody's Christmas movie list!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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Gizmo KAKA

Will someone shut that man up
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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: Snoopy's Christmas
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O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum, [Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree]
du kannst mir sehr gefallen! [Of all the trees most lovely]

The news had come out in the First World War
The Red Baron was flying once more
The Allied command ignored all of its men
And called on Snoopy to do it again.

Twas the night before Christmas, 40 below
When Snoopy went up in search of his foe
He spied the Red Baron, fiercely they fought
With ice on his wings Snoopy knew he was caught.

Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ring out from the land
Asking peace of all the world
And good will to man

The Baron had Snoopy dead in his sights
He reached for the trigger to pull it up tight
Why he didn't shoot, well, we'll never know
Or was it the bells from the village below.

Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ringing through the land
Bringing peace to all the world
And good will to man

The Baron made Snoopy fly to the Rhine
And forced him to land behind the enemy lines
Snoopy was certain that this was the end
When the Baron cried out, "Merry Christmas, my friend"

The Baron then offered a holiday toast
And Snoopy, our hero, saluted his host
And then with a roar they were both on their way
Each knowing they'd meet on some other day.

Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ringing through the land
Bringing peace to all the world
And good will to man

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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The Snoppy song would fit so well on my wierd Xmas song list. Gotta find that! Someday i want to put together a comp of sci fi/fantasy/cartoon related Xmas music. It would be cool.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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Cooky, what happened to our Grumpy Advent Calendar????

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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sorry, preoccipied

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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cooky37 wrote: sorry, preoccipied

Will someone shut that man up

S'okay. :-)

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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