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sanitized for your protection
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: sanitized for your protection
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I was looking for a tape to record Star Trek while I watched Farscape, and found something that had dropped off my radar.

A co-production of AMC and ABC News called "Bleep: Censoring Hollywood" documents the basis of the lawsuit between DGA and such companies as CleanFlicks, which re-edit Hollywood features for "family viewing" without studio, or even the movie director's approval.

What makes me think about this now is I'd just rented Rollerball---the 1975 version (I call it the good one).
This is a film I did not see when it came out in theaters, because my parents would not let me see an R-rated feature.
Rollerball has since become my favorite sports film but back in 75, no dice.
That's called parental discretion, and we need it now more than ever.

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April 4, 2006
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No, it is never alright to screw with someone else's creative vision because it doesn't meet your standards. That is why i don't watch movies on network TV and why Cleanflicks lost the lawsuit.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 26, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: cleanflicks, the sequel?
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Okay so the Directors Guild of America won their action?
When I log off, I do a little happy dance but have the sanitizers filed any sort of appeal?
I had stopped thinking about it because it makes me so gosh darn angry!
The thought that some poopy-head can come along and fool with and foul up someone else's creative efforts makes me nuckin futz!

In the report the mellon-farmer from CleanFlicks was so darn arrogant---he doesn't have a creative bone in his body, yet he thinks he's performing a public service!
I say if you don't like what Hollyweird puts out---er, offers, then make your own gosh darn movies and see where that gets you!

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April 4, 2006
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Yep. In fact, go to Clenafliks website and see their "going out of business" sale! (removed)

I can't believe some of the titles listed in there.

Here's the press release from the GDA about the ruling:


a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
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Producers will cut a show to ribbons if there is enough money in it. give it a week and the production houses will have their own "sanitized" movies.
TV programs and movies not only have ratings they now tell you why the program is rated that way. If you don't like what a show is doing THEN DON'T WATCH IT

Will someone shut that man up
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April 26, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: option three
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My point exactly, Cooky37.
There are three choices,
1. Take it.
2. Leave it.
3. Make your own.
I didn't care for the Star Trek novels available from Pocket Books, so I wrote one of my own---but then I'm a very creative guy.

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April 26, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: holy frell!
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Thanks for the links, Fringey.
I just went to CleanFlicks. My first reaction was, "What a bunch of crybabies," then I saw some of the movies they had butchered in the throes of rapturous self-righteousness and I felt the bile coming up.

I don't want to know how they neutered such masterpieces as Shindler's List or The
If you don't like it don't watch it but don't...just don't.

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: holy frell!
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ninjabear wrote: Thanks for the links, Fringey.
I just went to CleanFlicks. My first reaction was, "What a bunch of crybabies," then I saw some of the movies they had butchered in the throes of rapturous self-righteousness and I felt the bile coming up.

I don't want to know how they neutered such masterpieces as Shindler's List or The
If you don't like it don't watch it but don't...just don't.

Those were the two that jumped out at me, too. Sheesh. Of course, these are the same people that make complaints to the FCC and want TV totally sanitized too. They even wanted profanity fined in a documentary about 9/11 recently that aired on one of the networks. Evidently, they didn't want to hear swearing from firemen and cops who lost friends to the attack. I was, and am, thoroughly disgusted with people who think that everyone should be able to watch only what THEY say we can.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: self-cleaning
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In "BLEEP: Censoring Hollywood" the DGA rep noted they shoot extra material, knowing they will have to make a cut of their film for TV and airline use and that is as it should be.
I watch movies on TV when I didn't particularly care for the film, or if I never want to see the theatrical version. I've also rented movies I saw on TBS because I felt the unedited version might be more appealing and more often than not, I'm right.

A few weeks ago TBS offered Kill Bill parts one and two. I skipped it, because I couldn't imagine what would be left in the sanitized version of a Tarantino film---the opening and end credits?
That would be like a sandwich cookie with no cream filling.

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April 4, 2006
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I recently read a book about the history of Hammer films. They often shot several versions of certain scenes. Some would be used in a U.K. release and other used in overseas versions. I have heard of TV creators who will come up with something they KNOW won't get past the censors just so they can put something more borderline in. They know the censors will be so worried about the worse thing that they will cut some slack on the lesser, even though it might normally not get past them.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: sax & violins
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Then there's the one about the concert featuring Candy Dulfer and Sarah Chang, cancelled because someone felt there was already too much sax and violins on TV.

Yeah, the censors generally balk at s----l content and foul language---but you can have all the violence you want.

Someone wanna tell me why it's okay to show people hurting each other, but loving each other is bad?

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: sax & violins
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ninjabear wrote: Then there's the one about the concert featuring Candy Dulfer and Sarah Chang, cancelled because someone felt there was already too much sax and violins on TV.

Yeah, the censors generally balk at s----l content and foul language---but you can have all the violence you want.

Someone wanna tell me why it's okay to show people hurting each other, but loving each other is bad?

I've nver figured that one out myself. The worst censoring I have ever seen when it came to language was when they showed Grease on network TV for the first time. The Greased Lightning number was just chopped to hell with blank spots for the profanity in it. The worst part of that was that there was a radio edit version of the song with less offensive words that they could have dubbed into the scene and it would have been so smooth. As it was, it was horribly painful to watch.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Die Hard 3, fans 0
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Nah, the most outrageous edit---the final straw for me---was
Die Hard with a Vengeance on TBS.
Tied up in the hold of the ship, Samuel A. Jackson shouts at the thieving terrorist, "But I didn't even know the mellon farmer!"

Mellon Farmer.

I was piddled-off, I can tell you that for nothing.

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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: U.K...oh, ok
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Directors also shoot different scenes for different versions to be shown in different countries.
I recently learned in the U.K. version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Michangelo's chucks were replaced with a grappling hook, because nunchau are illegal in Britain.
My first reaction was jeez, that's not only stupid, it's unnecessary to deprive A FRICKIN TURTLE of his preferred weapon.
I'm sure pulse rifles are illegal in the U.K. too, so what did the Colonial Marines use in the movie Aliens? Harsh language---oh wait, no one wants to let them have that either!

My second thought was a long list of acceptable substitutions for the dreaded "nunchucks". After all a grappling hook is not a weapon of choice, it is a tool---showing the stupidity of whoever made that bonehead call.
Kama? Bad.
Tonfa, perhaps?
Mankrigusara, anyone? (hope I spelled that one right)
How about escrima---just a pair of sticks, is that okay?

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: U.K...oh, ok
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ninjabear wrote: Directors also shoot different scenes for different versions to be shown in different countries.
I recently learned in the U.K. version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Michangelo's chucks were replaced with a grappling hook, because nunchau are illegal in Britain.
My first reaction was jeez, that's not only stupid, it's unnecessary to deprive A FRICKIN TURTLE of his preferred weapon.
I'm sure pulse rifles are illegal in the U.K. too, so what did the Colonial Marines use in the movie Aliens? Harsh language---oh wait, no one wants to let them have that either!

My second thought was a long list of acceptable substitutions for the dreaded "nunchucks". After all a grappling hook is not a weapon of choice, it is a tool---showing the stupidity of whoever made that bonehead call.
Kama? Bad.
Tonfa, perhaps?
Mankrigusara, anyone? (hope I spelled that one right)
How about escrima---just a pair of sticks, is that okay?

No offense mean to anyone here from the U.K., but the board in Britain that gives films their ratings is weird. They will actually go back and re-rate movies if current sentiment thinks it should be re-rated. Strange stuff. Going back to what i was talking about with Hammer films, there was some stuff that Ithought was just downright bizarre in some of the edits they told Hammer they had to make.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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