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Is it even worth it?
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April 8, 2006
Posts: 99

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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I think ninja needs to let go of his inner emo a bit.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: the Bard's take

Everyone can cycle through the range of emotions that follows
heartbreak or the other events in one's life that make you
"curse your fate" at times.

But I think Shakespeare had a good take on whether or
not "it's worth it" in Sonnet 29:

When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Wow... OK... Yeah, I said you need to find your own "happy" and I do beleive that people can be naturally happy. I am not described as "bubbly" but "perkey" and it does not have anything to do with the amount of coffee I drink

I wasn't always "perkey" either. I had to work at liking myself, knowing who I am, and finding the wonder in everyday things. Hence, I found my "happy", the things in life that make me feel good about LIFE, and it's not dependant upon anything but my outlook.

Yes, it gets effected by circumstance, but in the end, I am "happy" and "perkey" and that feeling is mine.

No, I'm not on any psychotropic medications. I am a fairly balanced and very intelligent individual.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

People tell me that I need to change. I disagree. I very possibly may never change (in ways they say I need to) and never experience love (I've never really been in a relationship and I'm 30, which to some maybe that is young, but just as an example last night, I was at a concert among 1000 teenagers..I hardly felt young).

You're born, you live, then you die. No matter what you do in the middle..none of that along the ride if love never crosses my path, I don't see how it seems vital to my existence. But society of course tells us otherwise.

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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: My name is!
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mnprogrock: Can't get a date, huh?
Don't feel bad; as relationships go I've always had to take what I could get; but I would like to get some more.
I'm agreeing with Fringey; a life without passion is a damned waste of time.
Invisiblesteph believes I need to let go of my inner emo---emotions?
Little girl, what I'd do if I didn't keep my passions on a short leash is the only thing left that truly terrifies me.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Enough is enough

Allright everyone,

Look we are here to try and find something or someone. That someone may or may not be an in person physical romance, it may be all intellectual due to distance and alot of factors. Broken hearts come and broken hearts go, I have already been burned on this site by a man who said he believed in me and then ignored me after I totally exposed and bared my soul to him. I still very much like this person but he has hurt me and I shall get over it. NinjaBear has accepted me for who I am and I pray will not do the same to me as someone has done.

I will let it all hang out in this forum because I am tired of trying to be demure and hide certain things from others. I am a proud woman and I am bi-sexual with a regular girlfriend. I am hoping to find friends, lovers and soulmates, that's right I used the plural because I believe in poly relationships. If you cannot handle who I am then ignore me, however, if you want to experience the best life has to offer don't be afraid to email me here and begin our journey. If it ends up that we like each other I will be glad to exchange my personal email with you and we can do what adults do best and play big girl games.

I am Kira of Borg and resistance is futile.


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

ninjabear wrote: Personally I'm glad I don't live in some telletubby world, and I pity people who do. I don't need decaf any more than I needed the Prozac so don't go there...but where did Mr. Knight and the Dean get those cool slippers?

"so don't go there..." Does that mean the Hathaway quote to "up
the voltage" should not be uttered?

The cute fuzzy bunny slippers, sadly, are only available in the bubble,
and we all know you'll never venture there. They are in the aisle
between the "I (heart) toxic waste" t-shirts and the antenna headbands.
We could send you the bunny slippers, but then others might mistake
you for a bubble-dweller too, and then where would you be?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

mnprogrock wrote: You're born, you live, then you die. No matter what you do in the middle..none of that along the ride if love never crosses my path, I don't see how it seems vital to my existence. But society of course tells us otherwise.


Society tells us to do and be lots of things. What society embraces or
rejects often has little to do with what is right for an individual, or even
good taste (need I refer to various fashion fads...?). If all of us were
following what "society" said, would we be science fiction fans posting
on a site like this?

Whether or not you love won't change that you die. Love is another
experience along the way that can enrich you in the
time you have. In some ways the finite, mortal nature of life is what
gives us such capacity to love. "All you have to do to see life whole
is to see it as mortal. I'll die, you'll die; how could we love each other
otherwise? The sun's going to burn out, what else keeps it shining?"
(Ursula Le Guin, "The Dispossessed")

But finding love or passion in your life doesn't have to mean society's
blueprint of a relationship. Love of friends, passion for your work,
compassion for humanity, it can come together in many ways
to make your existence a happy and fulfilled one.

And, as I've said before, there's also chocolate.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: mmmm, chocolate
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I just tried to send an email; took me over seven tries, because the frelling spam filter kept kicking in; a minor example of why the "shiny happy people" get on my already frayed nerves.
Every time I get something good, someone comes along and knocks it into the dirt. One step forward, whacked over the head and dragged two steps back; that's my whole (bleep)ing life in a nutshell; smirking at me while I'm hurtin' will only get your (bleep) kicked around the room.

iswallowedabug: responding to your email question, I prefer to refer you to the angry stand-up philosopher Denis Leary.
Tell me what part of the preceding statement should trigger the Trekpassions SPAM filter and I'll calm down---screw it. I've got White Chocolate Raspberry ice cream in my freezer; and that I can always count on to make me feel better.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Ninja Can I drag you back 2 steps


The words you write are so sweet and I feel more and more that I understand you. Let the world hit you in the head and knock you down, so what. I will be the one to drag you two steps back and nurse your pain away, that is if you will have me.

The man who hurt me so bad on here has emailed me and now we are friends again, so here is a big kiss for Dave. The world is beginning to be a bright place. I have so many wonderful people that I have met here, some of you more special than others but I will submit this to you.

Get knocked down, so what. Rest, get up and move forward. If we give up then "they" win, whoever it is they are, but if life was fair, it would be no fun.

Love you all,

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Is is even worth it.


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: forget the white chocoloate, go for the dark stuff

ninjabear wrote: I just tried to send an email; took me over seven tries, because the frelling spam filter kept kicking in; a minor example of why the "shiny happy people" get on my already frayed nerves.
Every time I get something good, someone comes along and knocks it into the dirt. One step forward, whacked over the head and dragged two steps back; that's my whole (bleep)ing life in a nutshell; smirking at me while I'm hurtin' will only get your (bleep) kicked around the room.

I'm amused that you "bleep" some words but not "frelling," or that
you don't use frelling instead of "bleeping" elsewhere.

At times, everyone feels like the title character in one of those carnival
"Whack-a-mole" games where you keep getting hit on the head
and then someone else walks away with the prize. You're not alone.
People may not be smirking; empathy takes many forms.

Don't knock dirt. There's a lot of good stuff in dirt. Just ask all
the good people working on the Soil Genome Project and other
metagenomes. Just because something gets knocked in the dirt
doesn't mean it's not good anymore -- it may just have picked up
bonus features. That's why I always pre-soak my things in
dirt -- to be proactive.

I don't really understand what the "Shiny Happy People" have to
do with the spam filters, but then, I don't always read the memos
that the Shiny Happy HQ sends out about current tactics.

I adore Denis Leary. Sadly, this would probably anger him even more.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Frell the censors
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I use 'bleep' because I had a post censored; it is how I rebel. Frell is a great word I picked up from Farscape, which I use to convey my meaning whilst tiptoeing past the same censors;anyone care to suggest other substitutes?

iswallowedabug you are quite obviously the love child of Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Spock.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

My point about the "frelling" and the "bleeping" was that "frelling" is
just as assuredly profanity as what you were bleeping out. Therefore,
if you don't want to censor yourself, you could just you profanity
the censors don't object to (such as using frelling more).

I had to google Carrie Bradshaw. But I still don't get it.

In terms of other substitutes, there's a plethora to choose from.
Some from Farscape (like dren, tralk, Hezmana, etc.), from BSG, there's
frack and felgercarb (the overuse of the former and the lack of the
latter in the new version is yet another example of how they miss
the mark), going back to the days of Mork there's "shazbot" and the list
goes on and on and on. One of my personal favorites, although I don't know if its origin would get censored in the first place, is "bitca" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That's just to name a few.

And now we have wandered so off topic and I forgot to leave
a trail of breadcrumbs.
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: not so far off
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You're not so far off the topic as you think.
I avail myself of sci-fi substitutes, because I am determined to convey my meaning as best I can and stick it to those who forget this is supposed to be an adult website---or are we not all grownups here?
It's worth the effort to get your point across, or you can simply give up---I keep trying until I win or die because the higher the stakes, the harder the fight, only makes the prize more satisfying.
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