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terrorism is futile
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: 1st rule of survival
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Misunderstood yet'd think I'd be used to it by now.
Shidoshi taught us, "The first rule of survival in a hostile environment, is adapt to that environment. Try to fight the jungle, and the jungle will kill you quick."
No thank you, I do not want a Koran and prayer rug. I prefer to see women in miniskirts, never birkas. You don't like it here, you can't let me enjoy it here, then go where you do like it---birds of a feather and all that.
Bub, stop trying to put a pretty pink tu-tu on a Klingon, you will not survive the attempt.
So when are you being fitted for your birka, Bugger?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: 1st rule of survival

ninjabear wrote: Shidoshi taught us, "The first rule of survival in a hostile environment, is adapt to that environment. Try to fight the jungle, and the jungle will kill you quick."

Is the second rule of survival "all environments are hostile"?

When people come to a new country, a free country, to live their
lives the way they want, if the country claims to welcome them,
as many countries do, why should these people think of it as a
hostile envorinment and follow your shidoshi's first rule of

ninjabear wrote: No thank you, I do not want a Koran and prayer rug. I prefer to see women in miniskirts, never birkas. You don't like it here, you can't let me enjoy it here, then go where you do like it---birds of a feather and all that.

So you don't want to live in a free society -- you want to live in a society
where everyone does (and wears) what YOU want them to? Why
does letting other people make their own choices have to interfere
with your enjoyment of your life? Women have free will, you know.
When not forced to wear burkas they don't always opt for the
miniskirts either.

ninjabear wrote: Bub, stop trying to put a pretty pink tu-tu on a Klingon, you will not survive the attempt.

Bub, Sunshine's right about that. Pink is not their color. I'd go
with a bright red -- blood red, or some other really strong color,
nothing pink or pastel.

ninjabear wrote: So when are you being fitted for your birka, Bugger?

I think you completely missed my point, Sunshine.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Hey I'm not trying to put a pink tu-tu on anybody pink tights are so much better

I watched Farenheit 9/11 the other night again I just love the naration at the end .........

Michael Moore narrates -

I've always been amazed
that the very people...

... forced to live in the worst
parts of town...

... go to the worst schools
and who have it the hardest...

... are always the first to step up
to defend that very system.

They serve so that
we don't have to.

They offer to give up their lives
so that we can be free.

It is remarkable, their gift to us.

And all they ask for in return... that we never send them

into harm's way...

... unless it's absolutely necessary.

Will they ever trust us again?

Then a mixture of quotes about Iraq and its supposed threat by the American administration including Bush, Rumsfield, Rice, Powell,etc
He had used weapons.

We know where they are.

Around Tikrit, Baghdad
and east, west, south and north.

There is a tie between Iraq
and what happened on 9l11.

The struggle can only end...

...with their complete
and permanent destruction.

We wage a war to save
civilization itself.

We did not seek it.

But we will fight it,
and we will prevail.

Michael Moore continues

George Orwell once wrote...

... that, "It's not a matter of whether
the war is not real or if it is.

Victory is not possible.

The war is not meant to be won.
It is meant to be continuous.

A hierarchical society
is only possible...

... on the basis of poverty
and ignorance.

This new version is the past...

... and no different past
can ever have existed.

In principle, the war effort
is always planned...

... to keep society
on the brink of starvation.

The war is waged by the ruling group
against its own subjects.

And its object is not the victory
over either Eurasia or East Asia...

... but to keep the very
structure of society intact. "

And finally a dumb Bush stumbles over a famous quote

There's an old saying
in Tennessee.

I know it's in Texas,
probably in Tennessee.

Fool me once...

...shame on...

Shame on you.

You fool me,
we can't get fooled again.

Michael Moore's final words
For once, we agreed.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
Revelation 6:8
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: turn a phrase
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The American President, a man with unfettered access to nuclear (pronounced new-cleer) weapons, confused an old cliche with a song lyric; oh yeah, we were all so proud---but I digress.
Immigrants in their new land should adapt to the new culture. I'm not telling anyone how to live, just leave us in peace to live the way we want; but no one's completely free.
Societal pressures push us this way or that; for example I'd never wear a speedo (I've been blind, wouldn't inflict that on anyone). You can fit in, or do your own thing, but don't expect everyone to follow your example.
I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of IDIC; for the non-Trekkers that stands for Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations.
What I cannot abide, is being forced into someone else's mold.
Resistance, is not futile.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: turn a phrase

ninjabear wrote: What I cannot abide, is being forced into someone else's mold.

That's easy enough to combat, Sunshine. Just carry around some
antimycotics with you. You can get them in bulk from most
life science research companies for a decent price. I would recommend
the ones from Invitrogen/Gibco. They work on a broad spectrum
of mold, so should be useful no matter whose mold you are forced

(antimycotics are anti-mold drugs, for those of you who are
unfamiliar with them)

(sorry, couldn't resist the word play)

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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Tonight on Cops...
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Oh, so two young Muslims behave in a suspect manner, then they are outraged to be considered suspects?
I like to walk late at night. One night I was questioned by a passing State Police patrol unit, because I'd stopped to look around at a used car lot. I'd done nothing wrong, and went on my way after answering a few questions but I was glad the two troopers stopped to inquire, because that's what we pay them to do. See something odd, check it out.
From the TV series COPS:
Kansas City, MO, 2:30AM, two officers stop a man wheeling a hot water heater down the street. An officer follows the trail of water back to the business where it was stolen from, moments earlier; said officer later remarks, "Never know what you'll see at 2:30 in the morning."

I don't care if young Muslim men are inconvenienced; it wasn't 19 Buddists on those planes, Bub. Those who bombed the London Underground were not Hindu.
If Muslims don't want everyone looking at them funny, then help us hunt down the rats.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Yeah Bear..... God bless America too
The land of the free ........well if your Caucasian that is and don't say this is something that just effects the muslim community either .......through the years law enforcement and Government in the States has always picked out a minority type and automatically assumed they were suspect just by the way they looked the young black people! Only now in todays fear culture its very easy to see an Arab... any Arab and see a terrorist ...surely you must see there is something wrong with that way of thinking Bear? You say two young muslims behave in a suspect manner ....... How? By looking at their watches and speaking their national language? ....Don't you see we are doing the terrorists work for them ....we are letting fear begin to rule our lives which is exactly what Osama Bin Laden would want...incidently this is also what the Bush's administration wants too ...... it allows them more power over people's rights and freedoms. Its very easy Bear to sit in the sidelines when it doesn't effect you or your kin directly and say oh well they're Arab they're all guilty or their muslim they don't have rights but Bear what you don't understand is that it does effect you effects and damages us all! Let me put it this way to you the moment all the terrorist are Arabs and so all Arabs don't share the same rights as other Americans ...well what if there was another terrorist attack only this time one of them was a white American from a rural area in Pennsylvania and then see how you would like the traveling process....see what I'm getting at Bear no one is safe once you take one person's rights away no matter who they are because your opening the floodgates that can't be closed

“The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state. They both deny that right is superior to authority.†- Lord Acton

Oh and like I mentioned earlier if this is the two muslims that were in England wasn't even the security or police that stopped them in fact they passed through all security ....these guys were clean ...what happened was they were looking alot at their watches (they were probably impatient or late) and they were speaking in a different language and the fellow passengers around them felt they were suspicious (NOT SECURITY) and they refused to board unless the two guys were removed. And you can argue that Arabs should help more or whatever excuse you can think of to make these things settle better with you but that is not the two muslims fault on that plane and what was done to them there was wrong plain and simple!!

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
Revelation 6:8
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: Klan man?
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" consider the petition for leadership from a boy, who has fought no battles, shed no blood for the Empire, and earned no honor for himself."
Captain Picard

Bub, don't presume you know anything about me, or what skirmishes I've fought in the eternal struggle between good and evil.
Second, are you measuring me for a white sheet and dunce cap?
I hope not, because I'm totally into the rainbow---so long as everyone's good to go.
No, it wasn't wrong of the other passengers to maintain situational awareness; after all the terrorists got past security at Logan Airport and in London, Madrid---and yes Bugger, all environments are hostile.

I was going to cite the Amish, here in Pennsylvania, as a perfect example of how to practice your religion without inflicting it on others; but they have recently been brutalized by an insane terrorist with an agenda.
If the people around nutboy had paid attention to the warning signals he had to have presented, that tragedy may not have happened.
What warning signs, you ask? Try reading the Gift of Fear (Gavin deBecker owes me; I plug his book more than my own.)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Hold on a minute Sunshine I wasn't calling you a racist or clan member at all what I'm stressing is that its easy to victimise and prejudice against a minority who are different and at the moment fear is been used big time to encourage this now you could argue thats fair in a 9/11 world but you can't argue that its Democratic can't argue its the action of a free country. I believe people become blind to wrongs when its not them or their family nor people around like them that are effected by them....and that comment you did say earlier could be very werll interpretted as racist ninjabear wrote: I don't care if young Muslim men are inconvenienced; it wasn't 19 Buddists on those planes, Bub. Those who bombed the London Underground were not Hindu.
If Muslims don't want everyone looking at them funny, then help us hunt down the rats The majority of muslims don't have anything to do with terrorism so that comment is no different then someone saying "I don't care about Pennsylvanian men ..if they don't want to be inconvenienced or looked at funny they shouldn't go around killing little girls in Hamish schools" Of course it is wrong to say this as the majority of Pennsylvanian guys are nice blokes like yourself who would never dream of doing such an awful thing...

You also call that guy who killed those Hamish children a terrorist ....He wasn't!!...... he had no political agenda or goal ....he was seriously disturbed by the sound of it ...but it does stem up another issue for me that I will post about next week as I want to put a poll with it and the poll function here won't be fixed till next week so I have to wait......... The Gun Issue in America!!
You mention aswell that people around should have seen warning signs ....I think your been very unfair on people there Bear....I think it is very easy in hindsight to look back with superiority that people should have known what was going to happen but its not always as clean cut!!!

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
Revelation 6:8
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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: actionable intel
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I don't act out of predjudice, fear, general public hysteria or misguided patriotism. I only act on verified intelligence---actionable intel.
Everything has to be verified by at least three independent sources to be deemed actionable---so no, I would not have gone after "Saddam's weapons of mass destruction."
Personally I feel if the current American President had done a tour in Vietnam, as his opponent in the last election had, he would not have been eager to create his own version of the Vietnam War.

Nothing happens in a vacuum, Bub. Someone saw something hinky, heard something, or knows a guy who does lunch with a girl who works with a guy who overheard something; yet none of them did anything.
That's how bad things happen---read that book I recommended, you'll see what I mean.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

ninjabear wrote: I don't act out of predjudice, fear, general public hysteria or misguided patriotism. I only act on verified intelligence---actionable intel. Perhaps not ...but you think its exceptable for others to..... like the passengers on that plane with the two muslims ....I'd understand your take on that if the passengers thought something was suspicious and went to security and they then escorted these people off after finding something but that isn't what happened the passengers went up to security and told them their concerns and then when Security could find nothing wrong some passengers decided themselves to hold up the flight demanding the two muslims removal .......... that wasn't verified intelligence acted upon it was plain prejudice, fear and general public hysteria!!

ninjabear wrote: Nothing happens in a vacuum, Bub. Someone saw something hinky, heard something, or knows a guy who does lunch with a girl who works with a guy who overheard something; yet none of them did anything. That's how bad things happen---read that book I recommended, you'll see what I mean. Maybe your right Buddy however you could also be very wrong too maybe there was signs he was going to kill himself??....maybe there was signs that he was going to abuse?? Maybe someone did hear something??.. But maybe he said nothing to nobody? Maybe he kept it all in?? Maybe he came across a real nice guy even to his wife?......Maybe people just felt he was acting strangely after his baby's death?? There is just so many maybe's and no way of knowing he was going to do something so tragic

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
Revelation 6:8

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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: situational awareness
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I don't know, I wasn't there but from what you've told me, I'd have asked the flight attendant to take another look at them; better safe and apologizing (and they deserve an apology) than wishing really fast you'd said something when you had the chance because the plane's diving toward a building full of noncombatants.
(On 9/11, the only legitimate military target struck was the Pentagon, but it was attacked with a plane full of innocent people.)

It's real easy to sit back and do nothing but criticize the people who are doing all the heavy lifting, isn't it?
You don't like it? Then get off your dead ass, roll up your sleeves and put your back into it---or at least read that book.
There are nearly always warning signs, and they nearly always go unnoticed. The people who should have seen the storm coming are always surprised when it hits; that's why they always say they had no idea.

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April 26, 2006
Posts: 546

PostPosted:     Post subject: NTSA siezures on ebay
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I was trolling ebay, looking to add to my stash of Camillus mil-spec pocket knives---a stainless steel version of the boy scout knife---and came across one advertised as a NTSA siezure.
I nearly had a siezure of my own---DAMN YOU, TSA!
That's what's wrong with "the war on terror".
I've carried a pocket knife since I was a Cub Scout. It is an extremely useful TOOL but I leave mine at home these days, because I don't want it to become a casualty in "the war on terror".
Every responsible adult should have this exact type of pocket knife---I don't know, is there such a thing as a Girl Scout knife?
Just the same, it has been denied me because the human herd is afraid of terrorists.
I can see it now; "Today a local man was arrested as he attempted to take a pocket knife and a roll of duct tape through airport security..."

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