Joined: March 28, 2008
Posts: 361
Posted: Post subject: Remembering 9-11 Victims |
This is an open letter to all who lost someone on that horrible day of 9-11-2001.
Don't feel as if you're alone or forgotten. Some of you are still feeling the pain and sorrow of that day's events. Some of you haven’t even had aid come your way yet. But take comfort in knowing that others in the world still remember the pain that day brought to us as much as you.
I didn't lose anyone in those attacks, but I keenly felt the shock of it all and to this very day feel sick to my stomach at how it could have happened and how we, as a nation, have responded to it over the past five years.
Some of you may not like the idea of Hollywood making money from the pain you've had to endure. I agree with you. There shouldn't be such films made yet. It's just to soon. To many people still are dealing with these feelings. But Hollywood is a greedy industry and thrives on taking sensational events and quickly trying to make a buck out of it.
What is worse are commercials that sell coins for Collectors that are suppose to honor those who died. This isn't the way to honor our lost families! This is greed at the expense of other people's sorrow.
Sadly, this is the way the world is.
But not everyone feels as if your situation is something to make money off of. Not everyone feels so callous about your loss. I mourn for you and your families just as I mourn for those who've lost so much in the wake of Katrina. I always will.
As Americans... No! As members of the Human Race... we should be showing more compassion for you and those of your families. As a member of this race, I feel for you and I pray for you all. Please don't think you've been reduced to some cheap commercial antics or Hollywood's sensationalizing of the sensational. Your pain and suffering, your sorrow, are ours too. God said, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." My heart and hopes are with you all.
Beware the beast Man for he is the Devil's pawn.
Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or ----, or greed.
Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert out of his home and yours.
Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair.
For he is the harbinger of death.
The Sacred Scrolls: 29th Scroll, 6th Verse |