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Old cartoons and shows you remember- Future Movie???
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: I've remembered more

Hey guys,

Yeah Lucifer666, Ulysses 31 did affect me that much, it intriged me enough to look some stuff up & the more I looked up the more it facinated me.
I'm 29 now & I've been researching it since I was 5. Wow 25 yrs is a long time. Soon I will get formal qualifications, I have to finish having my children first. Does anyone else here have kids?

As for more cartoons, does anyone remember Willow the Wisp, the Herculoids, Lucky Luke (my hubby liked that one as his name is Luke) & SuperTed?

And for all us Aussies out there, who remembers Agro???
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July 1, 2006
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Herculoids yes excelent. bart of the great Hanna Barbara shows. that reminds me Blue Falcon and Dinomutt, SuperChicken
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Hey Where'd everyone go?????

Hey what happened to everyone?
No chats anymore.

Anyway for any of those who like me check in every day, here are some more childhood memories.

Grape Ape, Space Race, Hong Kong Phooey, Chan Clan, Care Bears, My Little Pony, Bionic 6, Fantastic 4.
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July 1, 2006
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Well this seems a good place to post this story. The Future Fans
Yesterday I treated my two 13 year old nephews to a day at Six Flags. Not having a TV in my car we had to do somthing they don't do much... we talked. They told me the best Attacks for their pokemon. they explained they powers of different Sheng-Gonn-Woo and how to defeat Mala Mala Jong. We even talked about modes of intergalactic travels
so I asked them what Were there Favorite "old " cartoons. they said Gargoyles and Captain Planet.
Should i encorage their love of fantasy and sci-fi?
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August 1, 2006
Posts: 40

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I was a 70's child & 80's teen so here are the shows I remember from the 70's-80's:

Sigmund and the Sea Monsters

The Monkees (they were re-runs for me in the 70's)

Gilligan's Island

The Jeffersons

Good Times

Welcome Back Kotter

What's Happening

New Zoo Revue

Letter People

Electric Company

3-2-1 Contact

Dukes of Hazaard

Diffrent Strokes

Silver Spoons

Growing Pains

Facts of Life

Who's the Boss

Family Ties


Amazing Stories

You Can't Do That on Television

Hey Dude

Salute Your Shorts

Mr Wizard's World


Weird Science


The Labyrinth

The Dark Crystal

Neverending Story

Star Wars

Back to the Future (loved the 2nd one a lot)
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Sorry Tanya I was kind of busy
Grape Ape was great
I don't remember Space Race
I have already said Hong Kong Phooey ...he was one of my favourites I used to love when he would change into the crime fighter by jumping into the locker drawers and the cat would have to get him out lol I also loved when he would bang on his tamborine and his car would change
Chan Gang I don't know
Care Bears I hated lol well come on it was a girlie show
My little pony ....yeah the same as above lol
Bionic 6 sounds very familiar
Fantastic Four ...there has been a few of these cartoons now there's the quite old ones which were made the same time as the old Captain America, Thor, Spiderman, Aquaman ...they were very badly done cartoons more like moving pieces on a comic book. Though I'd say your referring to the cartoon in the eighties that had Herbie the robot instead of Johnny/The Human Torch (there was some legal ranglings over Johnny's character)

Speaking of that Fantastic Four cartoon does anyone remember the Hulk one that was around at about the same time and Spiderman and his Amazing Friends which had Spidey team up with Iceman and Firestar .....ah they just don't make them like they used to!!
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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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Yeah, I often wondered why Aunt May never once knew there was a bunch of secret panels in her house. I mean, wouldn't she have at least heard it being installed? Or accidently tripped the switch while cleaning the room? I wonder how she would have felt knowing these bratty teens cut holes in her walls and floor just to have a secret science lab.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Turn around
Look at what you see....
In her face
The mirror of your dreams....
Make believe I'm everywhere
Given in the light
Written on the pages
Is the answer to a never ending story...
Reach the stars
Fly a fantasy....
Dream a dream
And what you see will be....
Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon a rainbow
Is the answer to a never ending story...

Show no fear
For she may fade away...
In your hand
The birth of a new day...
Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon a rainbow
Is the answer to a never ending story
Never ending story...
Never ending story...
Never ending story...

Ahhhhhh I loved Neverending Story as a kid (Hey I still do ) the other movies you mention are great too vixi I know alot of the series you mention too which I enjoyed also however some I don't know ....they mustn't have crossed the pond over to our screens

And Cooky you should encourage them with Sci-Fi and Fantasy ....nothing better to broaden young minds to make them think about more than just their normal lives! ,,,,,however Pokemon?....hopefully they develop taste

Yeah I forgot that it was Stark that give Spidey and his chums the computer stuff
Oh and thanks Jamie and Scryer I will never be able to look at Spidey and his amazing friends the same away again that a --------- has been put into my head Though I'd say when Iceman and Firestar get together things get very moist and wet.....yeah real steamy hee hee
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I love The Lost Boys too Jamie ....its a great flick I love the soundtrack aswell
Krull and Monster Squad .....I haven't seen either of them in years.
Other ones I remember are ........
Ferris Bueller's day off
The Breakfast Club
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March 28, 2008
Posts: 361

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Here's some I'd like to see rebooted or adapted from books for t.v. or put on the big screen.

1. Fantastic journey (Which had Roddy McDowall. Even though LOST comes pretty close. )
2. Thunddar The Barbarian (Live Action please!)
3. War Of The Worlds (The series back in the 80's)
4. V. (But just the first movie. The sequal and the series pretty much sucked.)
5. Logan's Run (I think the series could do well if rebooted with today's crop of writers.)
6. Land of the Dead (Could be a good jump off movie for a series about survival in world full of zombies. But I guess to much blood and gore would keep it from being made.)
7. Planet Of The Apes (The series was good. It's too bad that interest dropped off. I think a reboot could work if it were done well enough.)
8. Land Of The Giants
9. American Gothic (This one never got the chance it deserved. I wish that sci-fi would pick up the rights and have new episodes made.)
10. Gene Roddenberry's Earth II (Sorry... it's my passion for end of the world stories that keeps me coming around to these sort of shows.)
11. The Questor Tapes (Another Roddenberry pilot that didn't go. Made for a nice film though.)
12. The Andromeda Strain (I think it's time for a remake.)
13. Colossus (It was done back in the 70's I think. But I don't think it was done well. It should be remade and then followed up by making the sequals based on the books.)
14. The Micronauts. (Not the Marvel comic book series, but the ones by Gordon Williams. I think they would be great stories for films.)

Beware the beast Man for he is the Devil's pawn.
Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or ----, or greed.
Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert out of his home and yours.
Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair.
For he is the harbinger of death.

The Sacred Scrolls: 29th Scroll, 6th Verse
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Okay, I thought Gene Roddenberry had a hand in "Planet Earth" and
"Genesis 2" from the 70s that Jamie mentions, as well as "Earth: Final
Conflict," but I wasn't aware of his involvement in "Earth 2." I think
there was another thing with a simlar name, "Earth II" in the 70s, but I
don't recall Gene Roddenberry's involvement with that either.

So far as I know, "Earth 2" (from the 90s) starred Clancy Brown, Deborah Farentino, Rebecca Gayheart, Antonio Sabato Jr., etc. and was
about a group of "colonists" (in quotes, because they weren't supposed
to be breaking off from their world to colonize a planet) who were
exploring a planet they hoped to live on. They were being pursued
both by the government they left, and also faced unfriendlies on the
planet as well.

Like many promising series, it ended before its time, leaving
viewers with lots of unanswered questions. I always wondered
if we were going to find out that this planet was actually the
original Earth.

Does anyone who has the DVD know if there were any revelations
made about what was going to happen?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Mmm... Interesting....

Mmmm Logan's Run, I remember that movie. It was really good.
That would be interesting to see remade now.
I also remember a movie made around the same time called Soylent Green.
It was about a city that was in poverty & they had food that was made into these different coloured squares, the new one to come out was called Soylent Green, no one knew what was in it until the main character found out that it was made from the remains of the dead. EEWWW if you ask me!
But I think that one would be interesting remade as well.

Anyone else got any suggestions?

BTW what happened to Jamie77????

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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Soylent green is People! ITS PEOPLE
The hero was Chalton Heston Does anybody remember Omega Man

Will someone shut that man up

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Hi everyone! I love I am legend the book that Omega man is based on.They are going to make a new version with Will Smith. I just love apocalypse stories. what about day of the triffids? i bought the dvd of the BBC tv version. It is far superior to the sixties film version.

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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origionaly they had another actor in mind for the Omega Man remake, but he opted for a state job instead.(Arnold)

Will someone shut that man up
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