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Is it even worth it?
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April 8, 2006
Posts: 99

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A word is a word.. its the meaning behind it that gives it its power.. so even though you are apparently censoring your really not. The meaning is still the same. If I put on a cat suit am I not still a human?
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April 26, 2006
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sorry---I was just daydreaming about Steph in a cat-suit.
Okay you can be Catwoman, I'll be The Dark Knight---he never got the girl, either.
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April 8, 2006
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Stop picturing me in a catsuit!
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invisiblesteph wrote: Stop picturing me in a catsuit!

If it makes you feel better, he's probably also picturing what you'd
be doing to him with Catwoman's whip as well, so he's already
being punished....
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July 13, 2007
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I have wondered if it was even worth it, myself. I was in a relationship just recently that lasted only a few days shy of 15 months... my longest relationship. She broke up with me the day after my birthday. She said her feelings for me changed a few months ago, but was afraid to say anything because she wanted to still be friends and was afraid I wouldn't want that. I told her that she obviously didn't know me as well as she thought she did, because I said no matter what, we'll be friends. I loved her so much... we had plans to live together in my house. She doesn't know this, but at DragonCon this year, I was ready to propose to her. I really thought she was going to be the one I'd marry... I guess that was just a dream.

Either that, or simple stupidity. They say love is blind... they forget to mention it also seems to lower your intelligence, as well. I feel stupid, because my gut told me something was wrong months ago when she was getting more distant with me. I was having major computer issues at time... the kind where it completely crashes and I had to get a brand new one and transfer files and pics from the old to the new one without the ability to burn it on a cd or network the computers... and I thought I was just pushing my problems with the computer to my gut about the relationship.

If I learned anything from this, it is always follow my instinct. My family, the women in particular, have an extraordinarily keen sense of intuition. I seem to have inherited that, as well... my problem is I don't listen to it. So now, I am in a kind of limbo now... wanting to move on, but not really knowing how.

Okay... my rant stops here. Sorry for the boredom.

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March 14, 2006
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farscape1 wrote: I have wondered if it was even worth it, myself. I was in a relationship just recently that lasted only a few days shy of 15 months... my longest relationship. She broke up with me the day after my birthday. She said her feelings for me changed a few months ago, but was afraid to say anything because she wanted to still be friends and was afraid I wouldn't want that. I told her that she obviously didn't know me as well as she thought she did, because I said no matter what, we'll be friends. I loved her so much... we had plans to live together in my house. She doesn't know this, but at DragonCon this year, I was ready to propose to her. I really thought she was going to be the one I'd marry... I guess that was just a dream.

Either that, or simple stupidity. They say love is blind... they forget to mention it also seems to lower your intelligence, as well. I feel stupid, because my gut told me something was wrong months ago when she was getting more distant with me. I was having major computer issues at time... the kind where it completely crashes and I had to get a brand new one and transfer files and pics from the old to the new one without the ability to burn it on a cd or network the computers... and I thought I was just pushing my problems with the computer to my gut about the relationship.

Sorry about your recent breakup, just goes to show that men should follow their gut feelings when it comes to relationships. But most of the time the man's ego gets in the way and ignores the signs that her "interest" isn't as high as before.

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Posted:     Post subject:

Wow, I haven't been on in ages. You crazy kids.

I have dated drug dealers, manic-depressives, stoners, cheaters, pathological liars, and all around a-holes.
I have been hit and strangled. Told I was too fat, too ugly, too stupid. That I was weird for being a theatre major, and cheap because I have tattoos.

But I still have hope. I am done throwing pity parties for myself (unlike some people on the board, but hey, everyone does it at some point)
I think it's because I've finally reached a point where I'm happy with myself, and my goals in life. I'm comfortable with the way I look---which is a far cry from the girl who used to cover up mirrors a few years ago.
At my age, where everyone is scrambling for a little stability in the mass-confusion of being twentysomething, a lot of value is being put on having a deep, stable relationship. You're strange if you're single.

But I'm rejoicing in it, I'm going to school and even though I've been hurt a great deal more than then other girls my age, I try not to get myself down...emphasis on try. I have my bad days like everyone does.

And farscape1, you are totally right. Love makes you completely stupid. It blindsides you. It scares the crap out of me because it makes me feel out of control, like falling into a terrible abyss. But who know, maybe one day I'll be ready to take that plunge.

Like others have said, be yourself. Have a little faith in the unique and wonderful person you are.

Hell, I'm probably going to wind up being the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons...meow..

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April 4, 2006
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Personally, I have given up making any effort. The last time I took a chance, I was completely crapped on and treated with a complete lack of respect and honesty. That doesn't mean I won't take a chance again, but I am sure not gonna be looking for more of the same. Any woman who wants me is gonna have to chase me and capture me. I am tired of being the one to take the risk and losing because of it. In the meantime, I just hang out here occasionally for the conversation.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

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This pretty much mirrors all the emails "Doc Love" receives from guys about past relationships, you might want to check out his radio show and read his articles on (removed)


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June 11, 2011
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Is it even worth it?
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valarules wrote: Sometimes I wonder people even bother with the whole relationship thing when they know it's not going to last. There are times when I wonder why we even bother dating, sometimes it's just not worth it. Sometimes everything seems perfect then it all comes crashing down around you and in the end at least one person is left in the cold hurting.

I have been there and trust me, I've always been in the 'odd one out' section of life, all my friends are more talented and driven then I have ever been, almost all of them are in good relationships while I just got out of hell and am still patting out the fires. Just remember when a door slams in your face you can find a bigger better door to knock on. Which is why I'm tryig a dating site for the first time.

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