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My Energy Plan

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My Energy Plan

Right now you can buy solar panel roofing units for 200,000 dollars that will produce five times as much energy as the average house consumes. This does not include a battery for storing energy you don't use. As of right now the electric company has to buy all of the extra energy you don't use. At that rate it takes about 10 years to get your money back, just counting the money you get from the electric company. That does not include the amount you save from not having an electric bill.

With today's technology vehicles can be made using the hard foam used for motorcycle helmets, in place of most of what is metallic in your vehicle. This makes the vehicle twice as strong, and four times lighter. And this would eliminate production costs by 50%.

As of right now equipping your vehicle with a hybrid engine that can run off of electricity or gas increases the cost of your vehicle by 5,000 dollars.

As of right now when your television is turned off it is using 40% of the amount of electricity it uses when it's turned on, to sit in stand by mode, so that when you turn on your television you get a picture about 30 seconds quicker.

Here is what I believe we should do to get off to a good start.
The dates on this are assuming the plan was passed in 2010.
We buy 1 million solar panel roofing units annually and place them on homes at random, for the next 8 years. However the money that the person would get back from the electric company for the next 10 years goes to the government for the next 10 years, to make this self financing, so the government gets back every penny it spends on it.

An X-prize government contract will be awarded in 2018 of 1 million annually for 8 years, to whoever can offer it to us the cheapest. And homeowners lucky enough to get this will have the same deal, with not getting to keep money from these for 10 years.

A second X-prize government contract of an 8 million unit purchase will be awarded in 2026 to whoever can give us the best deal concerning, price, maintenance, longivity, etc. The American public will have a vote at that time to determine what is the best deal. And homeowners lucky enough to get this will have the same deal, with not getting to keep money from these for 10 years.

All televisions produced to be sold in America after the year 2015, can not use any electricity when they are turned off.

All vehicles produced to be sold in America after the year 2020 must meet the standards mentioned above, but they must come with hybrid engines.
All vehicles produced to be sold in America after the year 2030 must no longer have hybrid engines. They must run purely off of electricity. This will elminate the 5,000 dollar cost of the hybrid engine.

All electric companies which produce their energy from the use of coal, can not emit any green house gasses after the year 2020. Because of the expected increase in demand for electricity as a result of the imposed energy standards on vehicles, coal investors will have a giant incentive to be ready to sell their energy when the time comes.

I believe this would be very helpful to America becoming energy indepandant over the next several decades. This would put solar panel roofing on mass production, thus lowering the cost for civillains to buy it. It would temporarily cost 1.5 annually what the Iraq war costs, but remember the government would get every penny back that it spends on it. By 2032 it would already be on 24 million homes.
Americans would be much more energy efficent. By the year 2050 every vechicle on the road would be 4 times more energy efficent and running off of electricity, and your car payments would be 50% cheaper, and since they are cheaper and more resistant to car accidents, your car insurance would be cheaper. And of course your energy costs would be cheaper as well.

When the year 2026 comes some additional measures might be necessary to continue the purchasing of solar panel roofing, but I doubt it. I think the high demand for electricity would keep them in business all on their own. Who knows maybe 50 years from now Americans will have solar panels on their roofs, and the side of their houses as well. Some more expensive solar panels have been made that resemble ordinary roof shingles, so maybe somebody will be able to make it resemble house siding.

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